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Social Studies Vocabulary January 13 – January 17.

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1 Social Studies Vocabulary January 13 – January 17

2 Absolute monarchy Government in which a king or queen has total control

3 Abundance Plenty or more than enough of something

4 Alliance A bond or agreement between groups or nations

5 Anti-trust Law Law intended to promote competition in marketplace by outlawing monopolies

6 Appease To give peace

7 Artifact Object made by humans in the past

8 Barred Forbidden

9 Big Business Large corporation with social and political influence

10 Capital Goods Products that are sold

11 Cause & Effect When something happens as a result of something else

12 Social Studies Vocabulary January 20 – January 24

13 Censorship To exclude

14 Centralization When activities become concentrated within a particular location and/or group.

15 Checks & Balances System in which a government’s power is spread among the different branches of government

16 Clergy Religious leader

17 Command Economy Economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions

18 Commerce Large scale buying/selling of goods and services

19 Common Good The best interest for the majority

20 Conservative Those slow to accept change and who are in favor of traditional values

21 Competition When two or more individuals or groups compete for a common goal (usually for business, resources, etc.)

22 Compromise When both individuals or groups agree to give up something

23 Social Studies Vocabulary January 27 – January 31

24 Conflict An argument or difference of opinion

25 Conflict Resolution To solve a disagreement

26 Constituent Someone with power to elect or appoint a law-making body

27 Consumerism Promotion of the consumers’ (the person purchasing a good or service) interest

28 Consumption To use

29 Cooperative Organization owned and operated for the benefit of those using its services

30 Corporation Large business that sells stocks or shares in its business

31 Compromise When both individuals or groups agree to give up something

32 Cultural Diversity Different groups of people with varying customs and beliefs

33 Czar Russian king or queen

34 Social Studies Vocabulary February 3 – February 7

35 Data Information

36 Deforestation Clearing away of the forest

37 Demand When consumers want/desire a good or service

38 Democracy Government elected by the people or citizens

39 Dependent To rely on someone or something

40 Desegregation To integrate or put together

41 Dictatorship One person has complete control over the government

42 Discrimination Prejudice action or treatment

43 Discount To deduct or reduce the price

44 Dispersion To spread out or scatter

45 Social Studies Vocabulary February 10 – February 14

46 Dissent To disagree or have a difference of opinion

47 Distribution To send out

48 Domestic Relating to the home or home country

49 Duties Obligations or things you are required to do

50 Economic Prosperity To have economic success

51 Economic Sanctions Economic restrictions, limits, or punishments placed on a group or nation

52 Efficiency To finish what you start in an effective way

53 Emancipation To set free

54 Entrepreneur Someone who starts their own business in a capitalist economy

55 Equity Unbiased or equal

56 Social Studies Vocabulary February 17 – February 21

57 Ethnic Group A group that shares common culture and beliefs

58 Exclusive Limited to use/control by one person or group

59 Exile To banish or expel from the county

60 Expand To increase or enlarge

61 Federalism Relationship between state and national governments

62 Free Enterprise Economic system with little government control (such as: Capitalism, laissez-faire, market economy)

63 Free Trade Exchanging goods between people or countries without taxing

64 Genocide Extinction or purposefully killing a group based on their culture alone

65 Globalization Trade and cultures are linked throughout the world

66 Gerrymandering The drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage of a party or group

67 Social Studies Vocabulary February 24 - 28

68 Homeland Security Department created after September 11, 2001 to counter terrorism

69 Humanism Focus on worldly themes and individual achievement during Renaissance

70 Humanitarian Person who wants to improve society by helping others

71 Imperialism Policy of building an empire; when a powerful nation controls weaker nation(s)

72 Impeach To bring formal charges against an officeholder

73 Incumbent The current officeholder

74 Interdependence Depending on one another

75 Investment Saving money or resources to make a profit or income

76 Isolationism Policy used in WWI in which the US tried to remain neutral of conflict

77 Judicial Review Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutionality of a law

78 Social Studies Vocabulary March 3 – March 7

79 Jurisdiction The power to make legal decisions

80 Kakistocracy Government led by the least qualified and most unsuitable people

81 Kleptocracy Government in which its leaders use the government’s money for their own personal use

82 Labor Movement Creation of unions and protest for better pay and working conditions

83 Lobbying Activities by which group pressures are brought to bear on legislators

84 Legal Tender Any kind of money that a creditor must, by law, accept as payment for debts

85 Libel False statements written that harm someone or their reputation

86 Liberties Freedoms

87 Limited Government When government has restricted power (checks & balances)

88 Majority Rule When more than one-half of a group agrees

89 Social Studies Vocabulary March 10 – March 14

90 Mandates Requirements

91 Market economy- Economic system in which the government has little or no control and the market determines the price

92 Martyr One who gives their life for a principal or cause

93 Mass Media Means of communication that reach large audiences

94 Metropolitan A city and the area that surrounds it

95 Militarism When the military controls the government

96 Minority The smaller in number of two groups

97 Monopoly A firm that is the only source of a product or service

98 Mixed Economy Combination of market and command economy

99 Multiparty A system in which several major and minor parties exist, compete for, and win, public offices

100 Social Studies Vocabulary March 17 – March 21

101 Monarchy Government controlled by a king or queen

102 Nationalism Pride or devotion in one’s country

103 Natural Disaster Event in the environment that causes great damage or the loss of life

104 Natural Resources- Resources that are not man made

105 Naturalization The legal process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another

106 Opportunity Cost What you give up to gain something else

107 Opposition To be against

108 Partnership When two people own equal shares in a business

109 Pardon To release from punishment or legal consequences

110 Persecute To harass or pick on

111 Social Studies Vocabulary April 7 – April 11

112 Perspective How something is viewed

113 Political Corruption When a political leader breaks the law or commits unethical actions

114 Perjury The act of lying under oath

115 Prejudice Preconceived judgment or opinion

116 Propaganda – A technique of persuasion aimed at influencing individual or group behaviors

117 Privacy The right to be apart of separated from someone or something

118 Production To make something

119 Prosper To succeed

120 Pull Factor Abundance of jobs/opportunities bring people to a given area

121 Push Factor Lack of jobs/opportunities force people to leave a given area

122 Social Studies Vocabulary April 14 – April 18

123 Public Debt All of the money borrowed by the government not yet repaid, including the interest accrued on that money

124 Quota Limited or fixed amount

125 Ration Limits placed on certain goods or items

126 Reform To change

127 Republic Democratic government or democracy

128 Resources What you need to make something

129 Responsibilities What you are expected to do

130 Revenue Total amount of income received

131 Rule of Law System in which government leaders must act according to laws

132 Repeal To recall

133 Social Studies Vocabulary April 21 – April 25

134 Scarcity Not enough of something and the central problem in economics

135 Search & Seizure- When a government agency with probable cause looks for & takes evidence or potential evidence used in a crime

136 Security To feel safe or free of danger

137 Separation of Powers Distribution of power among the 3 branches of government

138 Slander False statements that are orally spoken that harms someone or their reputation

139 Social Institutions Places that society needs to function (Ex. Schools, hospitals, govt. offices, police stations, etc…)

140 Stereotype Preconceived idea about what someone or something is like

141 Stock Market Place in which shares of corporations are bought & sold

142 Socialism Philosophy based on the idea that the benefits of economic activity should be fairly distributed

143 Subsidies Grants or assistance of money or resources

144 Social Studies Vocabulary April 28 – May 2

145 Suburban Residential area just outside a city

146 Suffrage The right to vote

147 Superpower Nation that is very powerful economically, politically, & militarily; has worldwide influence

148 Supply & Demand Price is determined by quantity, strongest relationship of a market economy

149 Tariffs Tax for an exchange of goods

150 Totalitarian When one person has complete control over a group or nation

151 Traditional economy Economic system based largely on agriculture, still prevalent in less developed nations (Africa, South America, etc…)

152 Treason Betrayal of one’s country

153 Treaty A formal agreement between two or more sovereign nations

154 Urbanization Moving from rural areas to the city

155 Social Studies Vocabulary May 5 – May 9

156 Veto The right to refuse approval

157 Vigilante One who takes the law into their own hands

158 Terrorism The use of violence to intimidate a government or society

159 Windfall Profit Unexpected income or profit

160 Xenophilia Attraction or admiration to that which is foreign

161 Xenophobia Fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers

162 Yankee A native or inhabitant of a northern US state

163 Yield To give up one’s place

164 Zionism Jewish movement in response to Anti-Semitism concerning the support & development of Israel

165 Zoning Board Group of officials who divide an area into zones with different restrictions

166 Social Studies Vocabulary REVIEW**

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