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Economics of Inequality (Master PPD & APE, Paris School of Economics) Thomas Piketty Academic year 2014-2015 Lecture 3: The dynamics of capital/income.

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1 Economics of Inequality (Master PPD & APE, Paris School of Economics) Thomas Piketty Academic year 2014-2015 Lecture 3: The dynamics of capital/income ratios: β=s/g (Tuesday October 7 th 2014) (check on line for updated versions)on line

2 Summing up: what have we learned? National wealth-income ratios β n =W n /Y followed a large U-shaped curve in Europe: 600-700% in 18c-19c until 1910, down to 200-300% around 1950, back to 500-600% in 2010 U-shaped curve much less marked in the US Most of the long run changes in β n are due to changes in the private wealth-income ratios β=W/Y But changes in public wealth-income ratios β g =W g /Y (>0 or <0) also played an important role (e.g. amplified the β decline between 1910 and 1950) Changes in net foreign assets NFA (>0 or <0) also played an important role (e.g. account for a large part of the β decline between 1910 and 1950)



5 Let’s move to theory: how can we explain capital-income ratios β=W/Y ? We first need a theory of why people own wealth: if economic agents only care about current consumption, then they should not own any wealth, i.e. β=0. So we need a dynamic model (at least two periods) where agents care about the future. OLG model: agents maximize U(c t,c t+1 ), where c t = young-age consumption (working age) & c t+1 = old-age consumption Depending on utility function U(.,.) (rate of time preference, etc.), demographic parameters, etc., one obtains different saving rates and long run β (see « Modigliani triangle » formula in lecture 6) Pb with the pure life-cycle model: individuals are supposed to die with zero wealth; in the real world, inherited wealth is also important Models with utility for bequest: U(c t,w t+1 ), where c t = lifetime consumption (young + old) & w t+1 = bequest (wealth) left to next generation Depending on the strength of the bequest motive in utility function U(c,w), one can obtain any saving rate and long run β

6 Harrod-Domar-Solow formula: β=s/g Exemple: if agents maximize U(c t,Δw t =w t+1 -w t ), then with U(c,Δ)=c 1-s Δ s, we get a fixed saving rate s t =s, and β t → β = s/g (i.e. Max U(c t,Δw t ) under c t +Δw t ≤y t → Δw t = s y t ) More generally, this is what we get in any one-good capital accumulation model, whatever the saving motives and utility fonctions behind the saving rate s t : I.e. assume that: W t+1 = W t + s t Y t → dividing both sides by Y t+1, we get: β t+1 = β t (1+g wt )/(1+g t ) With 1+g wt = 1+s t /β t = saving-induced wealth growth rate 1+g t = Y t+1 /Y t = total income growth rate (productivity+population) If saving rate s t → s and growth rate g t → g, then: β t → β = s/g Exemple: if s=10%, g=2%, β t → β = 500% This is a pure accounting identity: β = 500% is the only wealth-income ratio such that a saving rate of 10% of income corresponds to a growth rate of 2% of the capital stock Intuition: the more you save, the more you accumulate, especially in a slow- growth economy (on these models, see Piketty-Zucman 2013 section 3)Piketty-Zucman 2013 section 3

7 Another special case: the dynastic model Pure dynastic model = model with infinite horizon and fixed rate of time preference = individuals behave as if they were infinitely lived Discrete time version: U t = ∑ t≥0 U(c t )/(1+θ) t (θ = rate of time preference) Budget constraint: ∑ t≥0 c t /(1+r) t ≤ ∑ t≥0 y t /(1+r) t r t = rate of return = = f’(k t ) = borrowing interest rate (perfect capital markets) Closed economy, representative agent: ind. wealth w t = per capita capital stock k t First-order condition: U’(c t+1 )/U’(c t )=(1+θ)/(1+r) Assume U(c)= c 1- γ /(1- γ ), i.e. U’(c)= c - γ, (U(c)=log(c) if γ=1) FO condition: c t+1 =c t [(1+r)/(1+θ)] 1/ γ Intuition: if r > θ, then agents want to postpone consumption to the future (conversely if r < θ), and all the more so if γ close to 0, i.e. U(c) close to linear γ = curvature of U(c) (risk aversion coefficient), 1/ γ = intertemporal elasticity of substitution Steady-state growth path: y t = y 0 (1+g) t, k t = k 0 (1+g) t, c t = c 0 (1+g) t → 1+r = (1+θ) x (1+g) γ (with continuous time: r = θ + γ g ) → if g=0, then r=θ (>g) : rate of return is entirely determined by preferences

8 With Cobb-Douglas production function y=f(k)=k α, then r=f’(k)=αk α-1, so that capital income rk=αy, i.e. capital-income ratio β=k/y= α/r I.e. if r = θ + γ g, then β=α/(θ + γ g) Exemple: if g=0, θ=5% and α=25%, then β= α/θ =500% I.e. if lower θ (more patient), higher β In effect, in the dynastic model, agents save a fraction g/r of their capital income rk, so that their wealth rises at rate g, like the rest of the economy (i.e. with g=1% and r=5%, they save 1/5=20% of their capital income, and eat the rest → saving rate s = α g/r capital-income ratio β = s/g= α/r =g=0 = special case of Harrod-Domar-Solow formula

9 Inequality in the dynastic model For simplicity, assume a two-point distribution of wealth. Dynasties can be of one of two types: either they own a large capital stock k t A, or they own a low capital stock k t B (with k t A > k t B ). The proportion of high-wealth dynasties is equal to λ (and the proportion of low- wealth dynasties is equal to 1-λ), so that the average capital stock in the economy k t is given by: k t = λk t A + (1-λ)k t B Result: any distribution such that the average wealth k* satisfies f’(k*)=r= θ + γ g can be a steady-state I.e. any wealth inequality is self-sustaining, both within countries and between countries, including with negative wealth k t B <0 for the poor (possibly extreme negative wealth = slavery) With shocks and mobility, steady-state wealth inequality is a rising function of the differential r-g (see lecture 6)

10 To summarize: Harrod-Domar-Solow formula β = s/g is a pure accounting formula and is valid with any saving motive and utility function Wealth increase in the utility function: Max U(c t,Δw t =w t+1 -w t ) → if U(c,Δ)=c 1-s Δ s, then fixed saving rate s t =s, β t → β = s/g (i.e. Max U(c t,Δw t ) under c t +Δw t ≤y t → Δw t = s y t ) Total wealth or bequest in the utility function: Max U(c t,w t+1 ) → if U(c,w)=c 1-s w s, then w t+1 =s(w t + y t ), β t → β = s/(g+1-s) = s’/g (with s’=s(1+β)-β = corresponding saving rate out of income) Pure OLG lifecycle model: saving rate s determined by demographic structure (more time in retirement → higher s), then β t → β = s/g Dynastic utility: Max Σ U(c t )/(1+θ) t, with U(c)=c 1-1/ γ /(1-1/ γ ) → unique long rate rate of return r t → r = θ + γ g > g → long run saving rate s t → s = αg/r, β t → β = α/r = s/g (on these models, see Piketty-Zucman 2013 section 3)Piketty-Zucman 2013 section 3

11 The rise of wealth-income ratios in rich countries 1970-2010: volume or price effects ? Over 1970-2010 period, the analysis can be extented to top 8 developed economies: US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Canada, Australia Around 1970, β≈200-350% in all rich countries Around 2010, β≈400-700% in all rich countries Asset price bubbles (real estate and/or stock market) are important in the short-run and medium-run But the long-run evolution over 1970-2010 is more than a bubble: it happens in every rich country, and it is also consistent with the basic theoretical model β=s/g


13 The rise of β would be even larger is we were to divide private wealth W by disposable household income Y h rather than by national income Y Y h used to be ≈90% of Y until early 20c (=very low taxes and govt spendings); it is now ≈70-80% of Y (=rise of in-kind transfers in education and healh) β h =W/Y h is now as large as 800-900% in some countries (Italy, Japan, France…) But in order to make either cross-country or time- series comparisons, it is better to use national income Y as a denominator (=more comprehensive and comparable income concept)


15 1970-2010: rise of private wealth-income ratio β, decline in public wealth-inccome ratio β g But the rise in β was much bigger than the decline in β g, so that national wealth-income ratio β n =β+β g rose substantially Exemple: Italy. β rose from 240% to 680%, β g declined from 20% to -70%, so that β n rose from 260% to 610%. I.e. at most 1/4 of total increase in β can be attributed to a transfer from public to private wealth (privatisation and public debt).


17 In most countries, NFA ≈ 0, so rise in national wealth-income ratio ≈ rise in domestic capital-output ratio; in Japan and Germany, a non-trivial part of the rise in β n was invested abroad (≈ 1/4)


19 Main explanation for rise in wealth-income ratio in the very long run: growth slowdown and β = s/g (Harrod-Domar-Solow steady-state formula) One-good capital accumulation model: W t+1 = W t + s t Y t → dividing both sides by Y t+1, we get: β t+1 = β t (1+g wt )/(1+g t ) With 1+g wt = 1+s t /β t = saving-induced wealth growth rate 1+g t = Y t+1 /Y t = total income growth rate (productivity+population) If saving rate s t → s and growth rate g t → g, then: β t → β = s/g E.g. if s=10% & g=2%, then β = 500%: this is the only wealth-income ratio such that with s=10%, wealth rises at 2% per year, i.e. at the same pace as income If s=10% and growth declines from g=3% to g=1,5%, then the steady-state wealth-income ratio goes from about 300% to 600% → the large variations in growth rates and saving rates (g and s are determined by different factors and generally do not move together) explain the large variations in β over time and across countries





24 Two-good capital accumulation model: one capital good, one consumption good Define 1+q t = real rate of capital gain (or capital loss) = excess of asset price inflation over consumer price inflation Then β t+1 = β t (1+g wt )(1+q t )/(1+g t ) With 1+g wt = 1+s t /β t = saving-induced wealth growth rate 1+q t = capital-gains-induced wealth growth rate (=residual term) → Main finding: relative price effects (capital gains and losses) are key in the short and medium run and at local level, but volume effects (saving and investment) are probably more important in the long run and at the national or continental level See the detailed decomposition results for wealth accumulation into volume and relative price effects in Piketty-Zucman, Capital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in Rich Countries 1700-2010, 2013, slides, data appendixCapital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in Rich Countries 1700-2010 slidesdata appendix (see also Gyourko et al, « Superstar cities », AEJ 2013) (see also…)Superstar cities




28 Can land and housing prices also matter in the very long run? Very difficult to identify pure land prices: hard to measure all past investment and improvment to the land, the local infrastructures, etc. There are good reasons to believe that price effects dominate in the short and medium run, but less so in the long run However one can also find mechanims explaining why land and housing prices might also matter in the very long run See e.g Gyourko et al, « Superstar cities », AEJ 2013Superstar cities See also Schularick et al 2014, « No price like home: global land prices 1870-2012 » : the speed of technical progress in transportation technology has been relatively faster in 1850-1960 than in 1960-2010 (relative to other sectors such as biotech, computer, etc.) (e.g. airplane speed unchanged in recent decades); this can potentially explain the rise of relative land prices in large capital cities in recent decadesNo price like home: global land prices 1870-2012 More generally, in models with n goods, different speed of technical change can explain any long-run change in relative prices: anything can happen

29 Gross vs net foreign assets: financial globalization in action Net foreign asset positions are smaller today than what they were in 1900-1910 But they are rising fast in Germany, Japan and oil countries And gross foreign assets and liabilities are a lot larger than they have ever been, especially in small countries: about 30-40% of total financial assets and liabilities in European countries (even more in smaller countries) This potentially creates substantial financial fragility (especially if link between private risk and sovereign risk) This destabilizing force is probably even more important than the rise of top income shares (=important in the US, but not so much in Europe; see lecture 5 & PS, « Top incomes and the Great Recession », IMF Review 2013 )IMF Review 2013











40 Market vs book value of corporations So far we used a market-value definition of national wealth W n : corporations valued at stock market prices Book value of corporations = assets – debt Tobin’s Q ratio = (market value)/(book value) (>1 or <1) Residual corporate wealth W c = book value – market value Book-value national wealth W b = W n + W c In principe, Q ≈ 1 (otherwise, investment should adjust), so that W c ≈ 0 and W b ≈ W n But Q can be systematically >1 if immaterial investment not well accounted in book assets But Q can be systemativally <1 if shareholders have imperfect control of the firm (stakeholder model): this can explain why Q lower in Germany than in US-UK, and the general rise of Q since 1970s-80s From an efficiency viewpoint, unclear which model is best


42 Summing up Wealth-income ratios β and β n have no reason to be stable over time and across countries If global growth slowdown in the future (g≈1,5%) and saving rates remain high (s≈10-12%), then the global β might rise towards 700% (or more… or less…) Major issue: can depreciation of natural capital be stronger than the rise of private capital? See Barbier 2014a, 2014b Barbier 2014a2014b What are the consequences for the share α of capital income in national income? See next lecture


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