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2017 150 Priests 2014 143 Priests 2013 131 Priests 2012 126 Priests Archdeacons, Incumbents, Curates, Pioneers Peterborough Diocesan Board of Finance Priests.

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Presentation on theme: "2017 150 Priests 2014 143 Priests 2013 131 Priests 2012 126 Priests Archdeacons, Incumbents, Curates, Pioneers Peterborough Diocesan Board of Finance Priests."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 150 Priests 2014 143 Priests 2013 131 Priests 2012 126 Priests Archdeacons, Incumbents, Curates, Pioneers Peterborough Diocesan Board of Finance Priests (paid)

2 Church Growth to be a specific policy objective. Planned increase in paid Clergy Numbers to 150 paid Clergy by 2017 Development of Lay Ministry and their training remains a policy objective. Bishop’s “Road-Shows” on Giving, starting January 2014 (11 Jan Oakham, 8 March Northampton, 15 March Brackley, 29 March Kettering). Parish Share formula (PSF) to be monitored for future refinements. Deanery Adjustments to the PSF to be phased out wherever possible. Growth in Numbers of Paid Clergy to be led by the use of DBF Reserves. Synod is reminded of Church Insurance changes - (promised implementation for January 2014) EIG / Officer Meetings with Deaneries and Parishes Autumn – 2013 Dates? PETERBOROUGH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE BUDGET (Proposed) FIVE YEAR PLAN

3 PETERBOROUGH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE BUDGET (Proposed) FIVE YEAR PLAN DBF ACTIONS PLANNED: Statistical Monitoring of Sunday Attendances ( Barometers of Performance). Vacancy time between Clergy Appointments Reduced to Less than 6 months. Numbers Projected to 150 by 2017, ( 120 2012 ). An Increase of 30! Investment from Diocese from End 2012 to end of 2017 = £7,134,138 Insurance Removed from Parish Share Calculation wef. I Jan 2014.

4 PETERBOROUGH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE BUDGET (Proposed) FIVE YEAR PLAN REQUESTS TO PARISHES: Investment From Parishes (5% PSF increase per annum, for 5 years) = £1,607,424 Increased Parish ASA to be pursued at parish level where possible and maximum use of HMRC Gift Aid benefit to be part of Parish Policies for Growth. EIG Opportunity for Church Insurance policies to be reviewed with EIG for each parish. viz: Increase of insurance excess (up to £1000 per claim) available for parishes in return for a significant reduction on premium payable. wef. 1 January 2014.

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