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Community Commons An interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for leaders from community to national levels, working to create healthy, equitable,

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2 Community Commons An interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for leaders from community to national levels, working to create healthy, equitable, and sustainable communities. Designed to connect, enhance the performance, and track the long-term impact of place-based, multi-sector initiatives working toward improved population health, equitable prosperity, the vitality of place, and meaningful engagement in our democracy.

3 Key Features An interactive Initiatives Map of the Movement searchable site profiles and stories of hundreds of place-based, evidence-informed community initiatives around the nation. A Commons Map Room, where users can make GIS maps and generate reports by accessing over 7,000 GIS data layers at multiple levels of geography including state, county, zip code, tract, block group, block, and point-levels. An initial array of ‘Starter Maps’, tools, widgets, data apps, case stories, Features, news and other contextualized resources Access to who and what’s working across the array of place-based initiatives Engaging dialogue with colleagues around the nation exploring similar interests and challenges

4 What’s on Community Commons? Weekly Features Daily News Social Media Presence Tools and Resources

5 Data Newest : Predominant Race/Ethnicity by Block Group Modified Retail Food Environment Indicator (mRFEI) Score by Census Tract (CDC) County Health Ranking 2012 Starter Maps What’s on Community Commons?

6 Initiative Profiles

7 Predominant Race and Ethnicity by Block Group from Census 2010 % Population Below Poverty by Census Tract

8 Predominant Race and Ethnicity by Block Group from Census 2010 Predominant Race/Ethnicity by Census Block Group and School Locations

9 Access to Healthy Food Modified Retail Food Environment Index Scores, 2011, by Census Tract


11 Contact Information Email: Office Hours Archived Webinars and Tutorials

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