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The Egyptians are in deNILE about the government of the past 30 years. Erin Altschuler Pd. 7.

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Presentation on theme: "The Egyptians are in deNILE about the government of the past 30 years. Erin Altschuler Pd. 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Egyptians are in deNILE about the government of the past 30 years. Erin Altschuler Pd. 7

2  Egypt is located in the Northeast region of Africa along the Nile River. The north boarder of Egypt is located along the Mediterranean Sea and its eastern edge boarders the Red Sea.

3  The leader that was over thrown was Hosni Mubarak  The leaders of the revolution were Wael Ghonim The Internet  The internet helped organized the riots. Hosni MubarakWael Ghonim

4 EEgypt’s population is 82,079,636 32% of the population is 0-14 years old 62% of the population is 15-64 years old 5% of the population is 65+ The male to female ratio is 1.03 m/f.

5  Both rulers refused to obey the laws.  Military has been put in charge of civilians and the civilians have no say.  Both groups of people participating in the revolution wanted to be free.  Both countries had two groups, those against the government and leader and those for the government and leader.

6  Mubarak lived in Egypt while King George III lived in England (outside America, colonialist).  Commoners revolted in Egypt while Wealthy men revolted in America.  Egyptian army was based in Egypt while the English army was not based in American.  Communication was use more widely in the Egyptian Revolution because it was more available in the 21 st century.

7 EEgypt has taken huge steps forward but with the military taking over they have taken a step back. If they get a constitution together and get the power out of the military's hands then they should be on the right track.

8  If the steps are not taken (constitution complete, and the power out of the military’s hand) then there is potential for another revolution.

9 click to watch video

10  CIA World Factbook. “Egypts Demographics Profile 2011.” Index Mundi. 06-12- 11. 10-21-11.  CBS News. “The Face of Egypt's Social Networking Revolution.” CBS News. 2-12- 11. 10-21-11. ml. ml  Kanalley, Craig. “Egypt Revolution 2011: A Complete Guide To The Unrest.” Huffington Post. 01-30-11. 10-21-11. 2011_n_816026.html. 2011_n_816026.html  Lindesy, Ursula. “Egypt Revolution: Inside a Cairo Street Protest.” The Daily Beast. 01-28-11. 10-21-11. a-cairo-street-protest.html. a-cairo-street-protest.html  The New York Times. “Egypt News — Revolution and Aftermath.” The New York Times. 10-17-11. 10-21-11. t/index.html?scp=1&sq=egypt%20revolution%20aftermath&st=cse. t/index.html?scp=1&sq=egypt%20revolution%20aftermath&st=cse  Video,  Pictures,

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