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M OMENTUM AND I MPULSE -II Jot down any questions that you may have at this point. Turn them in with the class work. Questions will be addressed during.

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Presentation on theme: "M OMENTUM AND I MPULSE -II Jot down any questions that you may have at this point. Turn them in with the class work. Questions will be addressed during."— Presentation transcript:

1 M OMENTUM AND I MPULSE -II Jot down any questions that you may have at this point. Turn them in with the class work. Questions will be addressed during the next class period.

2 B OUNCING Bouncing is an event in which an object collides with another object or surface, is deformed in a way that stores energy, and as it returns to it’s original shape (is undeformed) releases energy that allows it to leave with a negative velocity. Here is conservation of momentum: And with an explanation: M M

3 stored Object is deformed Energy is released when Force stops bounce

4 Change in velocity From + to - Δv is greater than just stopping v f – v o = Δv -v f – v o = -Δv Impact force can be nearly 2x greater than a non-bounce. Drawing here

5 Change in momentum Δp = mΔv Since Δv is higher Δp is higher I = FΔt I = Δp Impulse is greater Impact force is greater

6 U NIT S CHEDULE Day 1 (11-15): Discuss 6C power point presentation and problems, View discovery channel videos on momentum, impulse, and collisions Day 2 (11-19): There will be a sub in class. Students will take notes from power points and work practice problems in notebook. Students will complete 2 assignments (Marvelous Momentum and Minor Momentum) to hand in. Day 3 (11-21): Quiz- Momentum and Impulse. Students will perform a lab (Momentum, Energy, and Collisions). A formal lab report is due 12/2. The lab report should be typed, double-spaced, printed and turned in.

7 ( CONT.) Day 4 (11-25): Students will perform an egg toss lab. Complete lab hand out and turn it in. Students will be given the remainder of class to work on their formal lab report due 12/2. Day 5 (12-2): Formal lab report due. Test Review. Lab Simulation Day 6 (12-4): Test: Momentum and Impulse (Multiple Choice and Free Response)

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