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Pink dolphins In desperate danger of extinction. Life cycle Life span: 20~30 years.

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Presentation on theme: "Pink dolphins In desperate danger of extinction. Life cycle Life span: 20~30 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pink dolphins In desperate danger of extinction

2 Life cycle Life span: 20~30 years.

3 Dolphins are dead because of the amount of pollution in the sea.

4 Habitat They live in Hong Kong, which is polluted, due to the trash and waste oil in the sea.

5 Appearance They have a humped back, so they can swim underwater, with long noses and small flippers.

6 has the numbers decreased since 1990? The number of dolphins has decreased by at least half of the population,

7 What is Hong Kong doing now? Centers: to encourage people to save the dolphins.

8 bibliography 06/04/0421_060421_dolphins.html ayer/news/culture-places-news/tasmania- dolphins-apvin.html

9 The end. Thank you for watching.

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