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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> September 2004 doc.: IEEE a Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANS) Submission Title: [Implementation of High Speed FFT processor for MB-OFDM System] Date Submitted: [September 2004] Revised: [] Source: [Sang-sung Choi, Sang-in Cho] Company [Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute] Address [161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea] Voice : [ ], FAX : [ ], Re: [Technical contribution] Abstract: [This presentation presents the implementation method of IFFT/FFT processor for MB-OFDM UWB system] Purpose: [Technical contribution to implement IFFT/FFT processor proposed for MB-OFDM UWB system] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual or organization. The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor reserves the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 Implementation of High Speed FFT processor for MB-OFDM System
September 2004 Implementation of High Speed FFT processor for MB-OFDM System Sang-Sung Choi Sang-In Cho ETRI

3 September 2004 Introduction MB-OFDM UWB proposal requires high speed IFFT/FFT processors with 128-point computation. Digital signals processed in IFFT processor change into analog signals by DAC, and then pass through the sharp LPF to satisfy the transmitting PSD mask. - Transmitter using 128-point IFFT processor (DAC speed : 528MHz) - LPF shape & Frequency spectrum of OFDM signal after DAC ETRI

4 September 2004 Introduction The TX LPF is very important to determine the transmit PSD mask of MB-OFDM UWB system, but the TX LPF design is not easy to satisfy the Transmit PSD mask of MB-OFDM. Two methods are considered to design the TX LPF satisfying the transmit PSD mask. 1) fix 528MHz sampling rate of DAC , and design high order TX LPF 2) increase sampling rate of DAC, and reduce the order of TX LPF Use 2 times over-sample rate at DAC to design the TX LPF. - Reduce the order of TX LPF - It has advantage of the performance compared to method 1).  Presented by DOC IEEE /275r0 There are trade-offs between two methods for considering power consumption and gate size etc.  ETRI is developing a prototype UWB system using 256-point IFFT processor (DAC speed : 1056MHz) ETRI

5 Proposed IFFT Processor Approach
September 2004 Proposed IFFT Processor Approach For easy low pass filtering of 528MHz baseband signal after DAC, we have to make space between OFDM signals that are repeated in frequency spectrum, which is accomplished by 128-point zero-padding. - Transmitter using 256-point IFFT processor (DAC speed : 1056MHz) - LPF shape & Frequency spectrum of OFDM signal after DAC ETRI

6 IFFT/FFT Processor Specification
September 2004 IFFT/FFT Processor Specification Input data of FFT processor are QPSK modulated 128-point complex data Input data of IFFT processor become 256-point that consisted of QPSK modulated 128-point complex data and 128-point zeros. - Input data of original IFFT processor (128-point QPSK data) - Input data of proposed IFFT processor (128-point QPSK data point zeros) ETRI

7 Proposed transceiver for MB-OFDM UWB PHY proposal
September 2004 Proposed transceiver for MB-OFDM UWB PHY proposal Input : 4 samples/clock Output : 8 samples/clock Output : 4 samples/clock ETRI

8 Characteristics of Multipliers
September 2004 Characteristics of Multipliers Multiplier is one of the most dominant elements in FFT/IFFT implementation Standard 2’s Complement Multiplier (W-bit) x (W-bit) = (2W-1)-bit Many DSP applications need only W-bit products Fixed-Width Multiplier Quantization to W-bit by eliminating (W-1) Least Significant Bits Can reduce area by approximately 50% but Truncation Error is introduced Proper Error Compensation Bias needed Canonic Signed Digit Multiplier Constant coefficient 33% fewer nonzero digits than 2’s complement numbers Modified Booth Multiplier Variable coefficient The number of partial products has been reduced to W/2 These multipliers can achieve about 40% reduction in area and power consumption ETRI

9 The radix-24 structure of FFT processor
September 2004 The radix-24 structure of FFT processor DFT : Radix-2 structure Radix-24 structure CSD multiplier CSD multiplier Modified Booth multiplier ETRI

10 The structure of 256-point IFFT processor
September 2004 The structure of 256-point IFFT processor 32-point Radix-24 FFT structure 8-level parallelism DIF (Decimation In Frequency), SDF (Single Delay Feedback) Fixed CSD & Modified Booth multipliers used ETRI

11 The structure of 256-point IFFT processor
September 2004 The structure of 256-point IFFT processor Butterfly unit : 48 -j multiplier : 22 CSD multiplier : 16 Modified Booth Multiplier : 8 ETRI

12 The structure of 256-point IFFT processor
September 2004 The structure of 256-point IFFT processor CSD multiplier Modified Booth multiplier CSD multiplier ETRI

13 The structure of 128-point FFT processor
September 2004 The structure of 128-point FFT processor 32-point Radix-24 FFT structure 4-level parallelism DIF (Decimation In Frequency), SDF (Single Delay Feedback) Fixed CSD & Modified Booth multipliers used ETRI

14 The structure of 128-point FFT processor
September 2004 The structure of 128-point FFT processor CSD multiplier Modified Booth multiplier CSD multiplier Butterfly unit : 24 -j multiplier : 11 CSD multiplier : 8 Modified Booth Multiplier : 4 ETRI

15 Simulation result of 256-point IFFT processor
September 2004 Simulation result of 256-point IFFT processor Constellation Input Bit resolution : 3 Output bit resolution : 20 Multiplier coefficient bit : 10 SQNR : 52dB Input Bit resolution : 3 Output bit resolution : 11 Multiplier coefficient bit : 8 SQNR : 30dB ETRI

16 Simulation result of 128-point FFT processor
September 2004 Simulation result of 128-point FFT processor Constellation Input Bit resolution : 10 Output bit resolution : 20 Multiplier coefficient bit : 10 SQNR : 52dB Input Bit resolution : 10 Output bit resolution : 12 Multiplier coefficient bit : 8 SQNR : 30dB ETRI

17 Summary of simulations
September 2004 Summary of simulations IFFT processor Points Parallel level SQNR (dB) Gate Count 256 8 52 about 100k 30 about 80k FFT processor Points Parallel level SQNR (dB) Gate Count 128 4 52 about 50k 30 about 40k ETRI

18 Conclusion 256-point IFFT processing for easy Low Pass Filtering
September 2004 Conclusion 256-point IFFT processing for easy Low Pass Filtering Parallel structure for high speed signal processing IFFT/FFT processor 32-point radix-24 DIF SDF structure Small area, low power, high speed operation Canonic Signed Digit Multiplier – constant coefficients Modified Booth Multiplier – variable coefficients IFFT processor FFT processor Point 256-point 128-point Parallelism 8 4 Number of input data (sample/clock) Throughput (sample/clock) Latency (except S/P, reverse unit) 32 Number of gates (30dB SQNR) About 80K About 40K ETRI

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