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Writing from a point of view. Horror at the Abbey Last Tuesday during horrendous storms, the Vikings set off to invade the small island of Lindisfarne.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing from a point of view. Horror at the Abbey Last Tuesday during horrendous storms, the Vikings set off to invade the small island of Lindisfarne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing from a point of view

2 Horror at the Abbey Last Tuesday during horrendous storms, the Vikings set off to invade the small island of Lindisfarne. The monks were at prayer when the marauders arrived. Some were illustrating books and gardening. The peaceful Monks stood no chance. The Vikings were fierce beserkers with weapons decorated with powerful runes. It is believed that they came to steal precious artefacts from the monks. Viking boat in flames as locals fight back

3 Bias v balanced Is this article balanced or bias? What techniques has the writer used in this article which shows it is written from a particular point of view?

4 Can you re write this article so that it is bias towards the Vikings? Last Tuesday during horrendous storms, the Vikings set off to invade the small island of Lindisfarne. The monks were at prayer when the marauders arrived. Some were illustrating books and gardening. The peaceful Monks stood no chance. The Vikings were fierce berserkers with weapons decorated with powerful runes. It is believed that they came to steal precious artefacts from the monks.

5 Writing Task Write a news story about that describes what happened at Lindisfarne from the POV of either the Vikings or the Monks. Remember to include how they felt using both reported speech and a direct quote.

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