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Strong Magnetic Field (SMaF) in Nuclear Astrophysics Myung-Ki Cheoun Astro Nuclear Physics Group Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea

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Presentation on theme: "Strong Magnetic Field (SMaF) in Nuclear Astrophysics Myung-Ki Cheoun Astro Nuclear Physics Group Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strong Magnetic Field (SMaF) in Nuclear Astrophysics Myung-Ki Cheoun Astro Nuclear Physics Group Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, NIST Istanbul, Mar. 16 ~ Mar. 20, 2015 By L. Calçada/ESO

2 Collaborators Eunja Ha, Y. S. Kwon, Ki-Seok Choi, T. Miyatsu, M. Kusakabe, Jaewon Shin, Gil-Seok Yang, C-Y. Ryu (Soongsil University) …. Hungchong Kim (Kookmin Univ.), K. S. Kim (Korea Aerospace Univ.) W. So (Kangwon Univ.), C. Hyun (Daegu Univ.)… K. Tsushima (IIP, Brazil), K. Saito (TSU) G. Mathews (Notre Dame), Baha Ballantekin (Wisconsin), Alex Brown (MSU) T. Kajino (NAOJ), Ko Nakamura (Waseda) T. Maruyama (Nihon Univ.), T. Hayakawa (JAEA), S. Chiba (TIT)… C. Deliduman. P. Yamac (Turkey) A. Faessler, F. Simkovic (Tuebingen Univ.)…

3 Contents 0. Introduction 1. Strong Magnetic Field (SMaF) in Dense Matter 1-1. Equation of States in Neutron Stars 1-2. Pulsar Kick of Neutron Stars 1-3. Spin Deceleration of Neutron Stars 2. Particle Production by SMaF in Astrophysics 2-1. Semi Classical Approach 2-2. Quantum Field Approach 3. Meson Production by SMaF 4. Summary and Conclusions MKC, PRC 82, 025804, (2010); PRC 83, 018802 (2011); JCAP 10, 21 (2013)… PRD 86 (2012) 123003 ; PRD83 (2011) 081303(R); PRC89 (2014) 035801; PRD 90 (2014) 0637302…

4 IntroductionNeutron Star and SMaF Courtesy by T. Maruyama …, EM and GR waves SGR,AXR

5 Pulsar Kick and Spin Deceleration of Neutron Stars in Supernovae Explosion

6 IntroductionPulsar Kick and Spin deceleration

7 Contents 0. Introduction 1. Strong Magnetic Field (SMaF) in Dense Matter 1-1. Magnetic Field in Neutron Stars 1-2. Pulsar Kick of Neutron Stars 1-3. Spin Deceleration of Neutron Stars 2. Particle Production by SMaF in Astrophysics 2-1. Semi Classical Approach 2-2. Quantum Field Approach 3. Meson Production by SMaF 4. Summary and Conclusions MKC, PRC 82, 025804, (2010); PRC 83, 018802 (2011); JCAP 10, 21 (2013)… PRD 86 (2012) 123003 ; PRD83 (2011) 081303(R); PRC89 (2014) 035801; PRD 90 (2014) 0637302…

8 FormalismLagrangian with SmaF

9 FormalismDirac Equation under SmaF

10 ResultsMagnetic Field Effects in NS MKC, PRC 82, 025804, (2010); PRC 83, 018802 (2011); JCAP 10, 21 (2013)…

11 In np and nph phase with stronger magnetic field For stronger m. field, we obtain more stiffer EOS and more massive Masses !! May compensate modified gravity (alpha >0). Eq. of State Results by MTOV and Strong Magnetic fields MKC, JCAP (2013) -a a

12 FormalismLagrangian with SmaF + Neutrinos


14 FormalismX-section of Lepton-Baryon Scattering

15 FormalismX-section of Lepton-Baryon Scattering

16 ResultsScattering and absorption X-sections

17 ResultsScattering and absorption X-sections Magnetic Field increases neutrin os emitted in the direction parallel to the magnetic field and decreases that in its opposite direction !!! PRD 86 (2012) 123003 ; PRD83 (2011) 081303(R); PRC89 (2014) 035801; PRD 90 (2014) 0637302…

18 Pulsar KicksBoltzmann Equation

19 Pulsar KicksMean Free Paths of neutrinos in NS

20 Pulsar KicksAngular Dependence of emitted neutrinos

21 Pulsar Kicks Kick Velocity of Neutron Star

22 Spin DecelerationToroidal Magnetic Field

23 Spin DecelerationToroidal Magnetic Field

24 24 SMaF ⇒ Affect neutrino scattering and absorption in dense matter, PRD86,123003 (‘12), PRC89, 035801 ‘(14) TM et al., PRD83, 081303(R) (‘11), PRD86,123003 (‘12), PRC89, 035801 ‘(14) Asymmetry of Neutrino Absorption Asymmetry of Neutrino Absorption 4.2 % at ρ=ρ 2.2 % at ρ=3ρ 4.2 % at ρ B =ρ 0, 2.2 % at ρ B =3ρ 0 when T = 20 MeV and B = 10 17 G Poloidal Magnetic Field Configuration → Kick Velocity Poloidal Magnetic Field Configuration → Kick Velocity v kick ≈ 500 - 600 [km/s] when B = 2×10G v kick ≈ 500 - 600 [km/s] when T = 20 MeV and B = 2×10 17 G Toroidal Magnetic Field Cation → Spin-Down Rate of PNS Toroidal Magnetic Field Cation → Spin-Down Rate of PNS Spin-Down Ratio P-dot/P ≈ 10 -6 ~ 10 - (1/s) for Asym. –Emit Spin-Down Ratio P-dot/P ≈ 10 -6 ~ 10 -7 (1/s) for Asym. –Emit ≈ 10 -8 (1/s) for MDR ≈ 10 -8 (1/s) for MDR Perturbation calculation -> Non-perturbation including Landau quantization is in progress

25 Contents 0. Introduction 1. Strong Magnetic Field (SMaF) in Dense Matter 1-1. Magnetic Field in Neutron Stars 1-2. Pulsar Kick of Neutron Stars 1-3. Spin Deceleration of Neutron Stars 2. Particle Production by SMaF in Astrophysics 2-1. Semi Classical Approach 2-2. Quantum Field Approach 3. Meson Production by SMaF 4. Summary and Conclusions MKC, PRC 82, 025804, (2010); PRC 83, 018802 (2011); JCAP 10, 21 (2013)… PRD 86 (2012) 123003 ; PRD83 (2011) 081303(R); PRC89 (2014) 035801; PRD 90 (2014) 0637302…


27 §2. Formulation Magnetic Field : Dirac Eq. Wave Function Dirac Spinor Tensor type mean field of ANM

28 Nucleon Green Functional 28

29 ANM ⇒ TENSOR TYPE MEAN FIELD W/O AMN 最低エネルギー状態以外は縮退 4元スピン・ベクトルが決定 できない With AMN テンソル型平均場 縮退は存在しない スピン・ベクトルが決定され る

30 30 Decay Width of p to p +  0 πN interaction Pion Momentum

31 31 Decay Width of p to p +  0

32 §3 Results of π 0 Production W/O A M N Decay Width


34 Angular Distribution of Emitted Pion

35 Angular Distribution of Emitted Pion without AM

36 Without AMN With AMN -- 1 → +1 Large Transition momentum | Q | (In particular , Q z ) Small Transition Energy ー E π spin flip contribution is much larger !!! Competition of Spin flip and AMN interaction

37 TRANSITION STRENGTH IN LANDAU LEVELS With AMN Without AMN - 1 - > +1 : Energy difference between transition levels becomes small !!!

38 Transition Strength 2

39 p → p + π 0 does not satisfy the energy and momentum conservation in free space, so that it could not happen. In Q.P, we need larger transition energy and smaller 3 momentum transfer for this event. SMaF + ANM Tensor type Mean field s = +1 ( Repulsive ), s = - 1 ( Attractive ) s = - 1 → s = +1 Level difference becomes small ⇒ Transition energy becomes large ⇒ Similar to free space kinematics ⇒ Transition rate increases s = +1 → s = - 1 Level difference becomes large ⇒ Transition energy becomes small ⇒ Different to free space kinematics ⇒ Transition rate decreases

40 Emission of π 0 : QFT calculation ・・・ Transitions among Landau levels By the Spin-Flip in the transition, PS π can be emitted. In semi-classical approach, Pion can be emitted ? Anomalous Magnetic Moment (AMN) mainly contribute. Decay (Emission) rates are increased !!! If we take eB →0 limit, Decay (Emission) rate is very small !! ANM → Tensor Field which changes kinematics s = +1 (Attractive ) K.E. becomes small 、 p z : small s = - 1 (Repulsive ) K.E. becomes large p z : large Spin Flip +1 → - 1 Large transition energy - 1 → + 1 Small transition energy 40 Summary of Pion Emission Final π goes to equator region

41 FUTURE WORKS More Physical Quantities More Physical Quantities Decay of high energy proton in small B field  10 15 G Decay of high energy proton in small B field  10 15 G : Very large (Classical) n : Very large (Classical) Laguerre function → Asymptotic form Vector meson ρ, ω, and neutrino production Vector meson ρ, ω, and neutrino production Non-perturbative calculation with Landau quantization which include Temperature, density effects Non-perturbative calculation with Landau quantization which include Temperature, density effects

42 Summary and Conclusion for SMaF Physics 1.We calculated neutrino transport inside PNS, which shows an asymmetry with respect to the magnetic field direction in a magnetar, by exploiting RMF, neutrino scattering and Boltzman equation. 2.The asymmetry turns out to be a source of pulsar kicks of neutron stars. 3.For the spin deceleration of neutron star, we also considered toroidal magnetic field, in which we also found the asymmetry leading to the spin deceleration. 4.Additional source of neutrinos, URCA process is also shown to enlarge the asymmetry. 5.In the Universe, we need more deep understanding of strong magnetic field (SMaF) physics, for example, Landau quantization and polarization of particle propagation inside neutron stars. It may lead to new mechanism of cosmic particles.

43 Thanks for your Attention !! Teşekkur ederim

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