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A Collaboration between: Los Angeles Unified School District University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaboration between: Los Angeles Unified School District University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaboration between: Los Angeles Unified School District University of California, San Diego San Diego State University University of California, Irvine San Diego Mathematics Project Preparing for Success in Algebra English Language Learners in Mathematics

2 Slide 2 Welcome California Mathematics and Science Partnership (CaMSP) Academic Year Follow Up Session #4 May 22 2010

3 Slide 3 Essential Question How can we engage students in exploring different solution paths when solving problems involving algebra and linear functions?

4 Slide 4 Standards 5th Grade Algebra and functions 1.2 – Use a letter to represent an unknown number; write and evaluate simple algebraic expressions in one variable by substitution 1.5 – Solve problems involving linear functions with integer values; write the equation; and graph the resulting ordered pairs of integers on a grid

5 Slide 5 Content Objective We will explore different ways to express linear functions. We will experience some instructional strategies that will help our students access these standards.

6 Slide 6 Train Patterns Let’s make a train together!

7 Slide 7 Make a Model Create the train with manipulatives (pattern blocks)

8 Slide 8 Draw a Diagram Draw a diagram of the train in the space provided.

9 Slide 9 Make a Table Make a table to record the number of cars (polygons) and perimeter (number of sides) – for at least 4 cars. Note and record the change numerically on the side of the table.

10 Slide 10 Use Words to Explain Lexical Phrases: Every time I add a ________ the perimeter grows by_______. I observed that the perimeter of the train increased by ______ for every __________. I observed that for each additional ________, the perimeter increased by _________.

11 Slide 11 Make a Graph Graph the ordered pairs from the table.

12 Slide 12 Write an Equation What information can we use from the table and the graph? How would we explain this to our students? Think-Pair-Share

13 Slide 13 Test the Equation Use the equation to check a “number of cars” already in your table. Do you get the same perimeter? What would be the perimeter with 10 cars… 100 cars?

14 Slide 14 Train Patterns with a Partner Use different polygons to create another train. Be creative!! Use a blank recording sheet to draw a diagram of your train (at least 3 “cars”). Find a partner who created a different train. Choose one of the trains and find the equation using at least two different strategies.

15 Slide 15 Four-Fold Poster Get into groups of four to solve the next problem. You will each need to choose a different strategy to solve it. Record each strategy on the poster and be prepared to compare and contrast each strategy used.

16 Slide 16 Staircase Problem A contractor has been hired to build a staircase as shown below. How many blocks would be needed to be purchased to build a staircase 10 blocks high? (A staircase 3 blocks high needs 6 blocks)

17 Slide 17 Lexical Phrases for Share Out The strategy ______ is similar to _____ because… One way _____ and _____ are different is… The strategy _____ is easier to use to find equations than _____ because… With your group, think of two more lexical phrases that could be used to discuss the strategies or the solution of this problem.

18 Slide 18 Reflection and Evaluation Please take a moment to reflect on how you might incorporate some of the activities and instructional strategies experienced during this pedagogy session into your own practice. Please fill out your evaluation for this session. Thank you!!!

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