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Chapter 8 Photosynthesis

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1 Chapter 8 Photosynthesis

2 8-1 Energy and Life 8-1 Energy and Life

3 8-1 Energy and Life Autotrophs Make their own food

4 8-1 Energy and Life Heterotrophs Cannot make their own food

5 Chemical Energy and ATP
8-1 Energy and Life Chemical Energy and ATP The principal chemical compounds that cells use to store and release energy is called ATP adenosine triphosphate

6 Storing Energy ATP stores energy in the third phosphate
8-1 Energy and Life Storing Energy ATP stores energy in the third phosphate ATP is like a fully charged battery

7 Releasing Energy Q: How is the energy in ATP released?
8-1 Energy and Life Releasing Energy Q: How is the energy in ATP released? A: Break bond between the second and 3rd phosphates 2 ADP

8 8-1 Energy and Life

9 Using Biomechanical Energy
8-1 Energy and Life Using Biomechanical Energy Active Transport Movement of organelles through cell Sythesis of proteins and nucleic acids Produce light Blink of firefly caused by an enzyme powered by ATP

10 8-1 Energy and Life ATP Availability Most cells only have enough ATP for a few seconds of activity Why? Not good at storing energy over the long term Glucose stores 90X the chemical energy of ATP Cells generate ATP from ADP as needed by using the energy in foods like glucose

11 8-2 Photosynthesis: an Overview

12 During Photosynthesis…
8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview During Photosynthesis… Organisms (plants) absorb light energy from the sun and store it in organic compounds. Energy is crucial to all life, without it work could not be done.

8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview AN OVERVIEW OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS Photosynthesis is the process by which autotrophic organisms use light energy to make sugar and oxygen gas from carbon dioxide and water

14 An example of basic photosynthesis…
8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview An example of basic photosynthesis…

15 The Photosynthesis Equation
8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview The Photosynthesis Equation light CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2 (Carbon Dioxide) (Water) (Sun) (Glucose) (Oxygen)

16 Because light is a form of energy…
8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview Because light is a form of energy… Anything that absorbs light also absorbs the energy from that light When chlorophyll absorbs light, much of the energy is transferred to electrons in the chlorophyll molecule, raising the energy level of these electrons These high-energy electrons make photosynthesis work

17 8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview

18 Chloroplasts 8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview
The site of Light Dependent Reactions These organelles are surrounded by a double membrane and contain an inner membrane separate into disk like sacs called thylakoids Thylakoid are arranged into granum, or neat stacks Each thylakoid contains the green pigment chlorophyll The light absorbing pigments are organized into photosystems, which transfer energy during the light reactions

19 8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview

20 Pigments in chloroplasts
8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview Pigments in chloroplasts Chloroplasts absorb all other color pigments, leaving green to be reflected resulting in a plant’s color. Chlorophyll a and b are two are the 2 most common types of chlorophyll Chlorophyll b absorbs colors or light energy NOT absorbed by chlorophyll a Light Reflected light Absorbed Transmitted Chloroplast

21 8-2 Photosynthesis an Overview
Absorption of Light by Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b Absorption of Light by Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b Chlorophyll b Chlorophyll a V B G Y O R

22 8-3 The Reactions of Photosynthesis

23 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis

24 Thylakoids Sac-like photosynthetic membranes arranged in stacks
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Thylakoids Sac-like photosynthetic membranes arranged in stacks

25 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
Grana Stacks of thylakoids

26 Stroma The region outside the thylakoid
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Stroma The region outside the thylakoid

27 Scientists describe the reactions of photosynthesis in two parts
Light – dependent reactions (in the thylakoid membranes) Light – independent reactions (takes place in stroma)

28 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis

29 Photosynthesis Consists of 2 Stages
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Consists of 2 Stages Non-light dependent (dark) reactions Takes place in the Stroma Includes the Calvin cycle Does not literally occur in the dark, but requires no light to occur Carbon dioxide is split, Carbon to make sugars  ATP + NADPH2 + CO2  + C6H12O6 Light dependent reactions Take place in the Thylakoid Membrane Depends on sunlight for activation energy Responsible for the absorbing of light in Photosynthesis Water is split, giving off oxygen H2O  + O2 + ATP + NADPH2

30 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis

31 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
Carrier Molecule Compound that can accept a pair of high energy electrons and transfer them along with most of their energy to another molecule Ex.) NADP+

32 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis

33 Q: What does this do? A: this traps sunlight in chemical form
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Q: What does this do? NADP + H NADPH A: this traps sunlight in chemical form

34 Light Dependent Reactions
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Light Dependent Reactions Uses energy from light to produce Oxygen gas ATP NADPH

35 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
Watch The Light Reaction Video

36 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis

37 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
Watch The Light Reaction Video

38 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
The Calvin Cycle The ATP and NADPH formed by the light-dependent reactions contain an abundance of chemical energy, but they are not stable enough to store that energy for more than a few minutes. The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH from light – dependent reactions to produce high energy sugars

39 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
The Calvin Cycle These reactions don’t require light, therefore these reactions are called Light – independent reactions

40 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
Watch The Calvin Cycle Video

41 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis
Watch The Calvin Cycle Video

42 Factors Affecting Photosynthesis
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Factors Affecting Photosynthesis Not enough water Temperature Light intensity

43 Review: Photosynthesis uses light energy to make food molecules
8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis Review: Photosynthesis uses light energy to make food molecules Chloroplast Light Stack of thylakoids ADP + P NADP Stroma reactions Calvin cycle Sugar used for  Cellular respiration  Cellulose  Starch  Other organic compounds

44 8-3 Reactions of Photosynthesis

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