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Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)

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1 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Chapter 9 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Photosynthesis Chapter 7

2 Chapter 7 This is CHAPTER 9 in your text…….ignore the “chapter 7” title at the top of each powerpoint page.

3 What Is Photosynthesis?
Chapter 7 What Is Photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the ability to capture sunlight energy and convert it to chemical energy Most forms of life on Earth depend on the chemical energy produced by photosynthetic organisms

4 The Photosynthetic Equation
Chapter 7 6CO2 carbon dioxide + 6H2O water + light energy  sunlight C6H12O6 glucose (sugar) + 6O2 oxygen Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and some prokaryotes Photosynthetic organisms are autotrophs (“self- feeders”) Photosynthesis in plants occurs within chloroplasts

5 Gases, Sugar, and Water Cycle
Chapter 7 Production of carbon compounds like glucose (photosynthesis) is linked with energy extraction (in cellular respiration) Water, CO2, sugar, and O2 cycle between the two processes Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interconnected

6 Interconnections: Photosynthesis & Respiration
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Interconnections: Photosynthesis & Respiration Chapter 7 Photosynthesis, this chapter Takes in water and carbon dioxied, and in the presence of light energy at a chloroplast, will create sugar and oxygen Cellular respiration, next chapter, will reverse the process. Both processes create ATP…remember…the energy molecule from chapter 6?? Chapter 7

7 Adaptations for Photosynthesis
Chapter 7 Leaves Chloroplasts Let’s look at your diagrams

8 Structures of Photosynthesis
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Structures of Photosynthesis Chapter 7 Use for zoomed out locations of each structure…details follow next… Chapter 7

9 Leaves Chapter 7 Flattened leaf shape exposes large surface area to catch sunlight Upper and lower leaf surfaces of a leaf comprise the epidermis Waxy, waterproof cuticle on outer surfaces reduces water evaporation

10 Leaf Anatomy Chapter 7 Adjustable pores called stomata allow for entry of air with CO2 Inner mesophyll cell layers contain majority of chloroplasts- many per cell “photosynthesis tissue” Vascular bundles (veins) supply water and minerals to the leaf while carrying sugars away from the leaf

11 Internal Leaf Structure
Chapter 7 Internal leaf structure is crucial to photosynthesis since photosynthesis occurs primarily in the leaves of land plans

12 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Leaf Structure Chapter 7 Upper Epidermis Mesophyll Cells Stoma (plural = stomata) = adjustable pores of lower epidermis Mesophyll (middle – leaf - ) = contains the most chloroplasts Veins/vascular bundles carry water and minerals to mesophyll and sugars out to other plant parts Lower Epidermis Vein Stoma Chapter 7

13 Anatomy of a Chloroplast
Chapter 7 Mesophyll cells have chloroplasts each Chloroplasts are bounded by a double membrane composed of the inner and outer membranes

14 Anatomy of a Chloroplast
Chapter 7 The stroma is the semi-fluid medium within the inner membrane. Contains the enzymes needed for the reactions of photosynthesis. Location of light independent reactions of photosynthesis. Disk-shaped sacs called thylakoids found within the stroma in stacks called grana. Chlorophyll found in thylakoids. Involved in ATP synthesis or light dependent reactions of photosynthesis Find these on YOUR diagram

15 Chloroplast Structure
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Chloroplast Structure Chapter 7 Stroma = semifluid medium Thy = disk shaped membrane sacs Grana (singluar = granum) = stacks of thy Thylakoids Stroma (space) Granum Inner & Outer Membranes Chapter 7

16 Chapter 7


18 End of Photosynthesis Lecture #2 Quiz tomorrow!!!!!
Chapter 7 End of Photosynthesis Lecture #2 Quiz tomorrow!!!!!

19 Chapter 7 Photosynthesis Lecture #3 Introduction to the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis

20 Chapter 7 In the light dependent reactions, the radiant energy from sunlight is used to make ATP and to reduce the electron acceptor molecule NADP+, forming NADPH. The light energy captured by photosynthesis is temporarily stored within these two compounds.

21 Light dependent reaction equation
Chapter 7 Water + NADP+ + ADP + P yields Oxygen + NADPH + ATP How many of each??????

22 Chapter 7 Because life on our planet depends on light, it is important to understand the nature of light and how it permits photosynthesis to occur

23 Chapter 7 Light is a very small portion of a vast, continuous spectrum of radiation called the electromagnetic spectrum. Light travels in waves A wavelength is the distance from one wave peak to the next The different colors of light correspond to different regions of the visible spectrum and are identified by their wavelengths. Violet light has the shortest wavelength and red light has the longest

24 Colors of the visible spectrum
Chapter 7 ROY G BIV

25 The Energy in Visible Light
Chapter 7 The sun radiates electromagnetic energy Packets of energy called photons have different energy levels Short-wavelength photons are very energetic Longer-wavelength photons have lower energies Energy of photons is inversely proportional to the wavelength of light

26 Light, Chloroplast Pigments, & Photosynthesis
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Light, Chloroplast Pigments, & Photosynthesis Chapter 7 Gamma Rays X-Rays UV Infrared Micro- waves Radio Waves Visible Light Light that we can see ranges from 400 to 750 nm in wavelength…the distance from on peak of the wave to the next peak Shorter wavelengths = more energy…passing by faster Violet is most energetic…reverse rainbow order…red least energy 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength (nanometers, nm) Chapter 7

27 Photons interact with atoms Raises electrons to higher energy levels
Chapter 7 Photons interact with atoms Raises electrons to higher energy levels Excites or energizes the electrons When this occurs, one of two things can happen: Electron returns to original state and energy is lost as heat OR The excited electron leaves the atom and is accepted by the electron acceptor molecule. (this is what occurs in Photosynthesis)

28 Pigments are substances that absorb visible light
Chapter 7 Pigments are substances that absorb visible light Different pigments absorb different wavelengths of light

29 Light Captured by Pigments
Chapter 7 Action of light-capturing pigments Absorption of certain wavelengths (light is “trapped”) Reflection of certain wavelengths (light bounces back). Light we see Transmission of certain wavelengths (light passes through)

30 Light Captured by Pigments
Chapter 7 Absorbed light drives biological processes when it is converted to chemical energy Common pigments found in chloroplasts include: Chlorophyll a and b- absorbs light in the blue and red regions. Green NOT absorbed Accessory pigments such as carotenoids- yellow and orange

31 Light Captured by Pigments
Chapter 7 Light Captured by Pigments Chlorophyll a and b absorb violet, blue, and red light but reflect green light (hence they appear green) Carotenoids absorb blue and green light but reflect yellow, orange, or red (hence they appear yellow-orange) Pigment absorbs visible light

32 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Absorption Spectra Chapter 7 Visible Light 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 20 40 60 80 100 % Light Absorption Collectively Chlorophyll What color light do plants use? Blue/violet…absorption is highest here…they keep and use that light What color do we “see” plants? Green (sometimes yellow, orange, red)…plants reject and reflect that light back to our eyes Carotenoids Phycocyanin 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength (nanometers) Chapter 7

33 Why do leaves “change color” in the fall??
Question Chapter 7 Why do leaves “change color” in the fall??

34 Answer Chapter 7  Leaves change color due to a lack of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is used in photosynthesis and gives leaves their green color. As the days shorten, trees stop producing chlorophyll, allowing other pigments to take over

35 Activity completed here
Chromatography Chapter 7 Activity completed here

36 Lecture #4 Light Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis
Chapter 7 Lecture #4 Light Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis

37 Overview of Photosynthesis
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Overview of Photosynthesis Chapter 7 Light-Dependent Reactions (in thylakoids) H2O O2 Water starts the process…H+ is taken in to make NADPH and the electrons get energized. Oxygen is released Dark reactions actually make the sugar in the final step. Depleted Carriers (ADP, NADP+) Energized Carriers (ATP, NADPH) Light-Independent Reactions (in stroma) Glucose CO2 Chapter 7

38 2 phases of photosynthesis
Chapter 7 Photosynthesis happens in two phases: 1. the light dependent reactions which convert light energy into chemical energy (produces ATP) 2. the light independent reactions- produce simple sugars from the ATP of the light dependent reactions

39 Light dependent reactions
Chapter 7 OVERVIEW: Occurs in thylakoid membranes of chloroplast Requires sunlight and water Includes photosystems II and I and the electron transport chain End products are ATP, NADPH, and oxygen

40 NADPH Chapter 7 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate Energy storage compound similar to ATP “electron acceptor” Donates electrons for use in the Calvin Cycle (light independent reactions, or “dark” reactions)

41 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
The Photosystems Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Chapter 7 There are 2 in the Light Reactions. Both energize electrons using sunlight. The green areas are chlorophyll molecules ETC are a series of enzymes that pass the electrons down Chapter 7

42 Light-Dependent Reactions
Chapter 7 Steps of the light reactions: PHOTOSYSTEM II Accessory pigments in Photosystems absorb light and pass the energy of the light to reaction centers containing chlorophyll Reaction centers receive energized electrons…

43 Light-Dependent Reactions
Chapter 7 Energized electrons then passed down a series of electron carrier molecules (Electron Transport Chain). The ETC is a series of proteins embedded in the thylakoid membrane. Page 226 Energy released from passed electrons used to synthesize ATP from ADP and phosphate

44 Chapter 7

45 Second photosystem is named PHOTOSYSTEM I
Chapter 7 After the electrons have traveled down the ETC, they are re-energized in a second photosystem and passed down a second ETC Second photosystem is named PHOTOSYSTEM I

46 PHOTOSYSTEM I Chapter 7 At the bottom of this second ETC, the electrons are still very energized The electrons are transferred to the stroma of the chloroplast by an electron carrier molecule called NADP+ NAPH+ combines with two electrons and one H+ to become NADPH NADPH stores the energy- does not use it. Energy will be used in the light independent reactions

47 Steps (summary) Chapter 7 Photosystem II Water and light in
Energized electrons (energy) passed to reaction centers containing chlorophyll Oxygen released Electron transport chain- proteins pass along electrons of H+ *#3 and #4 are known as PHOTOLYSIS when two molecules of water are split to form oxygen, H+, and electrons) Photosystem I Light absorbed nd ETC of H+ NADPH created in stroma ATP synthetase creates ATP “Photophosphorylation” NADPH and ATP fuel Calvin Cycle (otherwise known as light INDEPENDENT reaction)

48 Thylakoid Structure & Light-Dependent Reactions
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Chapter 7 Thylakoid Structure & Light-Dependent Reactions Arrow starts #1 water comes into photosystem II. Is split apart. Oxygen is released into the air. Light is collected by the chlorophyll #2 high energy excited electrons are ejected out of the reaction center #3 electrons are passed to the electron transport system #4 some of the electron’s energy is used to drive some ATP synthesis #5 light strikes photosystem I #6 the electron is energized again and ejected from the reaction center #7 Electrons passed along another electron transport system #8 the electrons are captured as molecules of NADPH are created from NADP+ and H+ Chapter 7

49 Chapter 7

50 Chapter 7 End lecture here

51 PHOTOLYSIS Chapter 7 Reaction taking place in the thylakoid membranes of a chloroplast during light dependent reactions where two molecules of water are split to form oxygen, hydrogen ions, and electrons

52 PHOTOLYSIS Chapter 7 Replaces the electrons lost at the beginning of photosystem II (first photosystem) Does this so chlorophyll can absorb additional light and continue producing ATP Figure 9.6 page 228

53 PHOTOLYSIS Chapter 7 Equation page 228. KNOW it

54 PHOTOLYSIS Products: ½ molecule of oxygen Two electrons
Chapter 7 Products: ½ molecule of oxygen Two electrons Two hydrogen ions

55 Oxygen is released into the air Electrons are returned to chlorophyll
Photolysis Chapter 7 Oxygen is released into the air Electrons are returned to chlorophyll Hydrogen ions are pumped into thylakoid where they accumulate high concentration

56 Oxygen as a By-product Chapter 7

57 Chemiosmosis (2011-skip) DEFINITION:
Chapter 7 DEFINITION: Because there is a difference in concentration of H+ on either side of the thylakoid membrane (creates a concentration gradient), ions diffuse out of the thylakoid and provide energy for the production of ATP. Page 228

58 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Chemiosmosis 1 Chapter 7 As the electrons pass through the electron transport system, some energy is used to pump H+ into the thy. These H+ are then used… Chapter 7

59 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Chapter 7 …to drive ATP synthesase for the creation of ATP Chemiosmosis 2 Chapter 7

60 Chemiosmosis animation
Chapter 7


62 Light Independent Reactions
Chapter 7 OVERVIEW occurs in stroma (liquid portion of chloroplast) Involves the Calvin Cycle and carbon fixation Sometimes referred to as “dark reaction” Reactants- ATP, NADPH, carbon dioxide End product- glucose

63 Light-Independent Reactions
Chapter 7 NADPH and ATP from light-dependent reactions used to power glucose synthesis Light not directly necessary for light-independent reactions if ATP & NADPH available Light-independent reactions called the Calvin-Benson Cycle or C3 Cycle

64 The C3 Cycle 6 CO2 used to synthesize 1 glucose (C6H12O6)
Chapter 7 6 CO2 used to synthesize 1 glucose (C6H12O6) Carbon dioxide is captured and linked to ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) ATP and NADPH from light dependent reactions used to power C3 reactions

65 Page 229 in your text Chapter 7 The calvin cycle takes the carbon in carbon dioxide, adds it to one molecule of RuBP and forms sugars through a series of reactions in the stroma of chloroplasts. The NADPH and ATP produced during the earlier light dependent reactions are important molecules for this series of reactions.

66 Question: Chapter 7 Why is the calvin cycle in plants directly and indirectly important to animals?

67 Preview video Chapter 7

68 C3 Cycle Has Five Parts pg 229
Chapter 7 1. Carbon fixation (carbon capture) Carbon atom from carbon dioxide bonds with a five carbon sugar called ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) to form an unstable 6 carbon sugar. (six RuBP plus 6 CO2) Think of RuBP as carbon dioxide acceptors

69 Formation of three carbon molecules
Chapter 7 Step #2 The six carbon sugar formed in step 1 immediately splits to form two three carbon molecules called PGA

70 Use of ATP and NADPH Chapter 7 Step #3 A series of NADPH and ATP from the light dependent reactions converts the three carbon molecules into PGAL (phosphoglyceraldehyde) which are 3 carbon sugars with higher energy levels

71 Sugar production Chapter 7 Step 4 One out of every six molecules of PGAL is transferred to the cytoplasm and used in the synthesis of sugars and other carbohydrates. After THREE rounds of the cycle, (each round fixing one molecule of CO2) six molecules of PGAL are produced.

72 RuBP is replenished Chapter 7 Step 5 Five molecules of PGAL, each with 3 carbon atoms, produce three molecules of the five carbon RuBP. This requires three more ATP. This replenishes the RuBP that was used up, and the cycle can continue. The 6th molecule of PGAL is available to the organism to make sugar.

73 Chapter 7 The PGAL that leaves the calvin cycle leaves the chloroplast and goes into the cytoplasm This PGAL can combine with another PGAL to form a 6 carbon sugar molecule C6H12O6

74 Chapter 7 In summary, the imputs required for the light independent reactions are 6 molecules of CO2, hydrogen from NADPH, and ATP. In the end, the six carbons from the CO2 can be accounted for by the harvest of a six carbon molecule. The remaining PGAL molecules are used to synthesize the RuBP molecules with which more CO2 molecules may combine.

75 Calvin cycle animation
Chapter 7

76 Calvin cycle song Chapter 7

77 Relationship Between Reactions
Chapter 7 The “photo” part of photosynthesis refers to the capture of light energy (light dependent reactions) The “synthesis” part of photosynthesis refers to glucose synthesis (light-independent reactions)

78 Relationship Between Reactions
Chapter 7 Light dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH which is used to drive light-independent reactions Depleted carriers (ADP and NADP+) return to light-dependent reactions for recharging

79 A Summary of Photosynthesis
Chapter 7 Light-dependent reactions occur in thylakoids Light- independent reactions (c3 cycle) occur in stroma

80 Chapter 7

81 Lecture #6 C3 and C4 plants and photorespiration
Chapter 7 Lecture #6 C3 and C4 plants and photorespiration

82 Water, CO2, and the C4 Pathway
Chapter 7 The ideal leaf: has large surface area to intercept sunlight are porous to allow for CO2 entry from air Problem: Substantial leaf porosity leads to substantial water evaporation, causing dehydration stress on the plant Plants evolved waterproof coating and adjustable pores (stomata) for CO2 entry

83 When Stomata Are Closed
Chapter 7 When stomata close, CO2 levels drop and O2 levels rise Carbon fixing enzyme combines O2 instead of CO2 with RuBP (called photorespiration) Photorespiration: O2 is used up as CO2 is generated No useful cellular energy made No glucose produced Photorespiration is unproductive and wasteful

84 When Stomata Are Closed
Chapter 7 Hot, dry weather causes stomata to stay closed Oxygen levels rise as carbon dioxide levels fall inside leaf Photorespiration very common under such conditions Plants may die from lack of glucose synthesis

85 C4 Plants Reduce Photorespiration
Chapter 7 “C4 plants” have chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells as well as mesophyll cells Bundle sheath cells surround vascular bundles deep within mesophyll C3 plants lack bundle sheath cell chloroplasts

86 C3 Plants & the Pathway C3 plants use the C3 pathway
Chapter 7 C3 plants use the C3 pathway In a C3 plant, most chloroplasts are in mesophyll cells.

87 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
C3 Plants & the Pathway Chapter 7 When it is hot and dry, stomata are closed to conserve water…wasteful photorespiration occurs (Oxygen combines with RuBP and no useful cellular energy can result…the C3 pathway cannot make glucose.) Much photorespiration occurs under hot, dry conditions Chapter 7

88 C4 plants use the C4 pathway
C4 Plants & the C4 Pathway Chapter 7 C4 plants use the C4 pathway In a C4 plant, both mesophyll & bundle-sheath cells contain chloroplasts.

89 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Mesophyll cell in a C4 plant Chapter 7 CO2 is captured with a highly specific enzyme. C4 Plants & the C4 Pathway PEP reacts with CO2, makes oxaloacetate. this is highly specific and not hindered by the excell O2 caused by closing of pores. Oxalo travels to bundle sheath cells, breaks down to release CO2, regular C3 can take place C4 plants use more energy to create glucose C4 thrive in deserts, and midsummer (much light, little water) Almost no photorespiration occurs under hot, dry conditions. Much glucose synthesis occurs. Bundle-sheath cell in a C4 plant Chapter 7

90 Photosynthesis song
Chapter 7

91 Bozeman Biology Photosynthesis
Chapter 7

92 Chapter 7 The end

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