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AUSTRALIA Australia is a big country in the southern part of the world.Its capital is Canberra. Sydney and Melbourne are the biggest cities in Australia.There.

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Presentation on theme: "AUSTRALIA Australia is a big country in the southern part of the world.Its capital is Canberra. Sydney and Melbourne are the biggest cities in Australia.There."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUSTRALIA Australia is a big country in the southern part of the world.Its capital is Canberra. Sydney and Melbourne are the biggest cities in Australia.There is a population of 22 607 571 people living on a surface area of 2 968 071 mi² (7 686 848 km²).The birth rate is 12.7‰ and the mortality rate is 6.1‰.

2 ECONOMY The GNP is1069 billion Americain dollars. Australia is the14th biggest economy in the world. Australia has a good HDI. It has the second highest HDI in the world.

3 RUGBY vs In Australia rugby is very popular but 13-aside rugby is more popular than rugby with 15 players. Australia won the world cup 9 times in 13-aside and twice in 15 aside rugby.

4 CLIMATE In the north there is a tropical climate. In the south the climate is Mediterranean. In the centre there is a desert climate. In Australia there are a lot of floods and fires.

5 RELIGION In Australia, the majority of the population is christian : about 64%. There are other religions too but they are a minority. So there are a big culural diversity.

6 AYERS ROCK Ayers Rock is a natural emblem of Australia. It is 348 meters high ! It is situated 440 kilometers south-west of « Alice Springs ».

7 MONUMENT Sidney Opera house has a shellfish form and it’s a very famous monument in Australia. Its construction began in 1959 and was completed in 1973. It cost 107 million dollars to build. Opera Sidney House

8 DIDGERIDOO The didgeridoo is the only indigenous wind instrument. It’s (didgeridoo) a pieces of hood enough right, he is cut in a tree. Normally, the didgeridoo is 1 to 1.5 meters long.

9 FAUNA AND FLORA 1- Fauna In Australia, there are 100 species of birds and 60 kangaroo species! There is a large diversity… The kangaroo is an emblem of Australia. There are lots of koala too. The majoritary are in southern Australia.

10 2- Flora Passiflora caerulea FAUNA AND FLORA FAUNA AND FLORA Here again, there is a very bid diversity with its forests or its sandy deserts. There are lots of different forms of tree and plant life (orchids, trees,…) Quiero regalarte

11 SOURCES ustralie.htm ustralie.htm tjuta.aspx tjuta.aspx

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