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Chapter 15 Solar Power 태양의 힘. Energy Sources Nonrenewable Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Geothermal Renewable Wood/Biomass Hydro Solar Wind Fusion Tidal Ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 Solar Power 태양의 힘. Energy Sources Nonrenewable Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Geothermal Renewable Wood/Biomass Hydro Solar Wind Fusion Tidal Ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Solar Power 태양의 힘


3 Energy Sources Nonrenewable Oil Coal Gas Nuclear Geothermal Renewable Wood/Biomass Hydro Solar Wind Fusion Tidal Ocean Thermal

4 Solar Energy Energy from the Sun –electromagnetic radiation (EMW) –waves with electric and magnetic fields –photon = wave-particle duality 파동의 특성 – 파장, wavelength – 진동수, frequency – 진폭, amplitude



7 Electromagnetic Radiation All EMW travels at the same speed –speed of light, c = 3.00 x 10 8 m/s Relationship between wavelength and frequency – = frequency and = wavelength

8 Electromagnetic Radiation From the wavelength, the Energy of light can be determined –h = Planck’s constant 6.626 x 10 -34 Js – = wavelength – 높은 진동수의 빛 = 높은 에너지 – 짧은 파장의 빛 = 높은 에너지


10 Energy Level Diagram Excited States Ground State Energy Emitted Light


12 Solar Energy Energy to Earth –1x10 22 J per day –Only a portion reaches the earth’s surface 태양 에너지의 흡수 – 대기권 상층부의 기체 분자 – 지구 표면 – 식물과 동물


14 Photosynthesis Solar Energy converted into stored energy –in plant and in ocean by phytoplankton 광합성의 두 단계 – 명반응 light stage – 암반응 dark stage 광합성은 산화 - 환원 반응이다.

15 Redox Reaction Redox reaction = 산화 + 환원 반응 – 전자의 이동 반응 – 전자는 보존되므로 동시에 발생 산화 Oxidation –loss of electrons by an atom or group of atoms – 산화수의 증가 환원 Reduction –gain of electrons by an atom or group of atoms – 산화수의 감소

16 Oxidation Number 산화수 – 전자의 자취를 추적하는 도구 – 분자내 원자들의 가상적인 전하량 산화수의 계산 – 중성분자에서 원자들의 산화수의 합은 0 – 이온인 경우 원자들의 산화수의 합은 전하량 – 알칼리 금속 +1, 알칼리 토금속 +2 – 플루오르는 항상 -1, 수소는 +1, 산소는 -2

17 Photosynthesis


19 Light Stage –photons are converted to electrons – 산소의 산화 Dark Stage –carbon dioxide is converted to carbohydrates – 수소의 환원

20 Deposition of Cu

21 Electric Energy Generation 에너지적으로 안정 / 불안정한 경우 – 구리 이온 용액 + 아연 조각 ( 불안정 ) – 아연 이온 용액 + 구리 조각 ( 안정 ) – 전자는 아연 금속에서 구리 이온으로 이동 – 아연은 산화, 구리 이온은 환원 – 여분의 에너지를 전자이동 에너지로 ! 기전력, emf, electromotive force

22 Electrochemical Cell

23 Electric Vehicle 전기 자동차 – 축전지 battery – 연료 전지 fuel cell

24 Fuel Cell What is the fuel cell? –an electrochemical device –the energy of a chemical reaction is converted directly into electricity. –does not run down or require recharging; –it operates as long as the fuel and an oxidizer are supplied continuously from outside the cell.

25 Fuel Cell

26 Energy Exchange Solar Energy into Stored Energy –photosynthesis - food –solar cell - electrical current (electrons) Solar Cell –convert photons to electron –oxidation and reduction –electrons provide the current for motors –electrons can be stored (batteries)

27 Photovoltaics Solar cell are called photovoltaic cells –made of silicon –silicon is a semi-conductor Light (photons) that hit the surface can be absorbed and electron get knock loose –electrons can move to generate current

28 Photovoltaics Photovoltaic cell are doped or mixed with other elements –make electrons conduct better –absorb different light frequencies –improve conversion efficiency energy band –valence band –conduction band –band gap

29 Photovoltaic Cells

30 References ml

31 Homework 464 쪽 연습문제 –3 번, 6 번. – 마감 1/14 ( 월 ) 기말시험 1/17 목요일 – 범위 7 장 부터 –1/16 수요일은 study day

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