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TV Times A Partnership for Profitability

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1 TV Times A Partnership for Profitability
The Utica Observer-Dispatch and FYI Television

2 Current Situation TV Times as a six page broad sheet in the Saturday OD Low reader value Minimal content; primarily a weeks worth of programming grids Low advertiser value Only one regular advertiser lured by a “deal” Expense heavy; Revenue light Losing approximately $30,000 annually

3 The Challenge The demand for printed program listings is fading, yet remains critically important to a loyal minority. Market pressures are pushing us to find new and sticky revenue solutions that don’t tax staff time. Printing the product in a live press-run is occupying valuable press capacity over the weekend.

4 Partnering with FYI Television
FYI Television is part of Athlon Media Group (Relish, Spry, Athlon Sports, Parade) As a company specializing in the TV listings vertical, FYI TV has the focus and resources to build a product that provides well beyond the minimum listings resource that we’ve been maintaining. The FYI TV Times Magazine is a subscription premium that offers value Comprehensive daytime, evening and early late night listings of over 100 channels Extensive listings of movies, sports, home & garden, cooking and trending programming Two full pages of fun diversions, puzzles and quizzes Comprehensive channel conversions for broadcast, cable and satellite FYI offers a flexible partnership that can be designed to manage both risk and reward.

5 Our Solution Purchase the product directly from FYI TV and manage the price point and customer service issues internally ( alternative is FYI will pay the OD .35 cents per week for each subscription sold, but will manage all customer service and price issues through a third-party phone room) Make it a premium product for all subscribers rather than a separate opt-in subscription for a few( all revenue scenarios are base on 25% of subscribers opting out) Approach of local TV partner with an advertising trade proposal; they secure programming advertising in the magazine in exchange for television time for the OD. Initial trade arrangement is $30K over 8 months.

6 The Numbers Weekly printing savings from old ROP model….…..$590
Weekly subscriber revenue less 25% opt-out….....$7389 Weekly expense from FYI TV……………………………...$5320 Weekly Net profit gain………………………………………$2659 Annualized impact……………………………………….$138,268* *There is a one time sampling expense of $6500 that is not shown because it is only incurred in year one

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