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The Personal Narrative Our Milestones of Light and Dark: Two Perspectives David Sedaris and Susan Sontag.

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2 The Personal Narrative Our Milestones of Light and Dark: Two Perspectives David Sedaris and Susan Sontag

3 Five Main Elements Plot Point of View Character Setting Theme The Shortes t Short Story…

4 The Shortest Horror Story The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.

5 PLOT  STORY Story = a chronological sequence of events Plot need not be chronological and can rearrange elements of story so that the end is narrated before the beginning. Plot can contain: Irony Suspense Flashback Plot will contain: Exposition Complication Climax Resolution

6 E.M. Forster illustrated the difference between PLOT and STORY thusly: STORY: The King died, and then the Queen died. (the question that propels the story forward is what happened next?) PLOT: The King died, and then the Queen died of grief. (the question addressed by the plot is why/how is the second event caused by the first?) STORY = SEQUENCE PLOT = CAUSAL

7 Who is David Sedaris?

8 David Sedaris is the difference between… Imagine the meanest, most merciless teacher ever. OR Imagine a teacher as cruel as the harsh winters of Alaska, as vicious and merciless as a hungry grizzly bear in a one-room cabin with nothing to eat but you and a loaf of bread.

9 Me Talk Pretty One Day – Chapter 15  Look for use of ETHOS, LOGOS, and PATHOS Answer the questions on the handout for tomorrow.

10 Who is Susan Sontag? 1933- 2004

11 The Way We Live Now Susan Sontag's "The Way We Live Now" first appeared in the New Yorker in 1986. Narrated almost exclusively through dialogue - an unnamed man's struggle with AIDS through the reactions of his large circle of friends. Sontag began writing the story on night she learned a close friend had been diagnosed with AIDS. Upset and unable to sleep, she took a bath; there the story took shape. "It was given to me, ready to be born. I got out of the bathtub and started to write very quickly standing up. I wrote the story in two days, drawing on experiences of my own cancer and a friend's stroke."

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