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The Renaissance 1350-1600 EQ: What was life like in the 14th-17 th centuries?Renaissance Renaissance means “re-birth” Considered to be the true beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance 1350-1600 EQ: What was life like in the 14th-17 th centuries?Renaissance Renaissance means “re-birth” Considered to be the true beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance 1350-1600 EQ: What was life like in the 14th-17 th centuries?Renaissance Renaissance means “re-birth” Considered to be the true beginning of modern history Began in Italy A cultural movement What is a “Renaissance Man?”

2 Art Linear Perspective Realism Human Anatomy Secular Works Artists: Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci

3 Literature Johann Gutenberg- what did he invent? Not everything was in Latin anymore Patrons Playwrights: Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare Marlowe Shakespeare Gutenberg

4 Exploration Discovery of new lands Explorers: Christopher Columbus and Sir Francis Drake Columbus Drake

5 Science Galileo greatly improved the design of the telescope and also pioneered major discoveries in astronomy, technology, and physics Copernicus was an astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, physician, artist, translator, diplomat, economist...a true Renaissance man! Copernicus Galileo

6 Music Ars Nova (“new technique”) Development of vocal polyphony Sheet music Composers: Dufay, des Prez, Palestrina, Dowland, and Byrd des Prez Dufay Palestrina

7 Recap What were the dates of the Renaissance? Name an important person or concept from the Renaissance and explain what that person did or why the concept was important. Coming up this week: Tuesday- The Two C's- Counterpoint and Canon Wednesday- Guillaume Dufay Thursday- The Madrigal Friday- Listening

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