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Back to Normalcy.

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1 Back to Normalcy

2 Harding's Presidency 1920 Election
Republicans Warren G. Harding & Calvin Coolidge defeat Democrats James Cox & Franklin D. Roosevelt Harding calls for “a return to normalcy”

3 Harding's Presidency Best known for a series of scandals that marred his time in office. He pardoned the imprisoned Socialist party leader, Eugene Debs. Persuaded the steel industry to end the 12-hour day and replace it with an 8-hour day.

4 The Washington Conference
Conference on Limitation of Armaments 8 nation conference in Washington D.C. that led to the: Four-Powers Treaty The Five-Powers Treaty The Nine-Powers Treaty

5 Four-Powers Treaty Agreement signed by the U.S., Great Britain, France, and Japan. It sought to eliminate the development of rival blocs in East Asia, as well as to preserve the territorial sovereignty of the signatories' holdings in the Pacific.

6 The Five-Powers Treaty
U.S., Great Britain, Japan, France, and Italy: Agree to freeze their navies at 1921 levels. Agree to cease battleship production for 10 years Reduce fleet of capital ships to a fixed ratio (5:5:3:1.75:1.75) Expected to produce a balance of power in the Pacific

7 The Nine-Powers Treaty
France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Belgium, China, the Netherlands, Portugal and the U.S. agree to preserve equal commercial rights in China The United States was concerned by Japanese designs on China after the Russo-Japanese War ( ) Turned the Open Door Policy into a treaty

8 Labor The years following the end of World War I were a period of deep social tensions, aggravated by high wartime inflation. Food prices more than doubled between 1915 and 1920; clothing costs more than tripled. The Steel Strike of 1919 became the focal point for profound social anxieties, especially fears of Bolshevism. Red Scare

9 Labor During the 1920s, many of labor's gains during World War I and the Progressive era were rolled back. Membership in labor unions fell from 5 million to 3 million. The U.S. Supreme Court outlawed: picketing overturned national child labor laws abolished minimum wage laws for women

10 Emergency Quota Act The main reason for passing the Act was that the flood of immigrants in recent years had negative wage effects on native-born Americans. limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 3%

11 National Origins Act In 1924, Congress reduced the number of immigrants allowed into the United States each year to 2% of each nationality group counted in the 1890 census. It also barred Asians entirely.

12 The burning cross is a symbol used by the Klan to create terror
The burning cross is a symbol used by the Klan to create terror. Cross burning is said to have been introduced by William J. Simmons, the founder of the second Klan in 1915.


14 A quote from Woodrow Wilson used in the film

15 The Menace of Modern Immigration: an address outlining fully the policies of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan by H. W. Evans, 1924.

16 The huge Confederate memorial at Stone Mountain, site of the founding of the second Klan; work was begun in 1923 with funding mainly from the Klan, and was completed in 1970.

17 Sheet music to "We Are All Loyal Klansmen," 1923

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