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Music Licensing. American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers First music licensing or “publishing” organization First music licensing or “publishing”

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1 Music Licensing

2 American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers First music licensing or “publishing” organization First music licensing or “publishing” organization Collected royalties from sheet music sales Collected royalties from sheet music sales Would not license/publish hillbilly music Would not license/publish hillbilly music

3 Broadcast Music, Inc. Began in about 1940 to license hillbilly and other popular music Began in about 1940 to license hillbilly and other popular music For many years was the exclusive publisher of popular music For many years was the exclusive publisher of popular music

4 SESAC Society of European Stage Authors and Composers Society of European Stage Authors and Composers Originally licensed European “serious” music Originally licensed European “serious” music

5 How does it work? Reporting radio stations Reporting jukebox companies Public performance venues Fees from restaurants, businesses, etc. Blanket licensing versus “needle drop”

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