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Project Group No. 3 – Service Group

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1 Project Group No. 3 – Service Group
HAPUA Project Group No. 3 – Service Group SUB-GROUP NO. 3 HAPUA SPARES MANAGEMENT Proposal for Bilateral Arrangement Team Member: Aznoran Mohd Noor Rohaizad Samudin 26 February 2009

2 CONTENTS HAPUA Generation Projects - Spare Management Sub- Working Committee Objectives of Spares Management Project Scope of Works Updates on HAPUA Spare Management Sub-Working Group’s activities Decision Made During 9th. HWG1 Mtg. Malaysia’s Proposal

MALAYSIA Mr. Ahmad Rashdi Jaafar Project Group 3 - Service Group 3 THAILAND Mr. Pithsanu Thongveerakul Project Group 2 - Plant Performance Benchmarking & Database 2 INDONESIA Mr. Bambang Susianto Project Group 1 - Generation O&M 1 COUNTRY LEADER PROJECT GROUP NO Sharing of repair facilities and service provider Power Plant Engineering and Design Spares management SUB-WORKING GROUPS UNDER PROJECT GROUP NO3 3. Spares Management

4 Objectives of Spares Management Project
To reduce plant outages due to unavailability of spares by sharing To reduce inventory level among member countries having similar plants e.g. sharing of large and expensive items such as transformers or rotors To reduce the price of spares by having a better negotiating position with OEMs To reduce the price of spares by having options whether to buy from OEMs or from alternative sources or to fabricate the parts through reverse engineering in recognised workshops

5 Scope of Works - Spares Management Sub-Working Group
To identify common strategic spares that can be shared among ASEAN Countries. To come up with the mechanism of sharing of spares. To set up spares pooling community and networking among members. To share the knowledge and experience in the use of alternative parts. To share information on the suppliers and manufacturers of alternative parts. To share the knowledge and information in materials management initiatives.

6 Spares Management Sub-Working Group - 1st. Coordination Meeting
Date : Aug 2006 Host :EGAT, Thailand Venue : Montien Hotel, Pattaya Attendance: Thailand (EGAT) – 9 persons Vietnam (EVN) – 5 persons Malaysia (TNB) – 3 persons Philippines (NPC) – 2 persons

7 TNB’s representatives
The Delegates TNB’s representatives

8 Activities During Coordination Meeting
- Sharing of information and experience on: Gas Turbine Technology - initially focusing on Frame 9Es and MS 701F Model, location and year commissioned of each GT. History of operation and conditions Experience in the use of alternative parts and Spares pooling Materials Management Strategies and initiatives – optimizing stock value & cost savings initiatives

9 Meeting Outcomes/Status
Action Plans/Resolutions: EGAT to come up with a standard format and compile all data on GT for all GT models-DONE. EGAT and TNB to submit the list of all gas turbine models-DONE. To proceed with the setting up of Data Warehouse & Information Network-IN PROGRESS The sub-working committee to identify Frame 9E strategic spares that can be shared among ASEAN Countries-DONE. To firm up with the mechanism of sharing the spares-IN PROGRESS

10 Proposed Information Network

11 Information Network for Frame 9E GT

12 Proposed Information Network for M701F

13 The way forward To schedule the 2nd. sub-working committee meeting.
To follow up on the action plans / resolutions from the 1st. Meeting. To discuss and resolve issues / blockers (if any) that may hinder success.

14 Decision Made During 9th. Meeting of HWG1
Date : 12th November 2008 Venue : EGAT, Nonthaburi Attendees : From 3 countries only i.e. Indonesia Power (Mr. Darwis M. Daud) EGAT (Mr. Pithsanu Thongveerakul) TNB (Mr. Mohd Nazri Shahruddin) Decision made : to continue with spares management / spares pooling project


16 Spares Management Group Mtg. No. 1 (15th June 2007 in CBPS)
Resolutions To share / pool strategic spares for Model Frame 9E strategic spares between TNB & EGAT 14 units of GE Frame 9E in TNB 18 units of GE Frame 9E in EGAT To share / pool spares for Model Alstom GT 13E1strategic spares between TNB & Indonesia Power 4 Open Cycle units in CBPS, 6 Combined Cycle units in Tanjong Priok, Indonesia Possibility of trading of spares/parts between HAPUA members

17 Spares Management Group Mtg. No. 2
Internal meeting No. 2 on 10th July 2007 in TNB REMACO PJ Office Agenda Detail discussion on each methodology Finalizing milestone To come up with details of MOU To identify liaison person from EGAT and Indonesia Power Next course of action Meeting No. 3 – 18th Sept 2007 Agenda - discuss on Process Flow & MOU

18 Spares Management Group Mtg. No. 3
3rd meeting held on 18th Sept 2007 Finalized concepts on Spares Management Reviewed and verified DRAFT MOU from Legal Services Department Reviewed proposed action plan

19 Rationale for Bilateral Arrangements
TNB and EGAT Adequate units of Frame 9Es to justify sharing and pooling Pilot project before the model is extended to other HAPUA members Very active in HAPUA spares management initiatives Opportunity to reduce stock holding cost TNB- CBPS and Tanjung Priok - Indonesia Power Users of Alstom 13E1 in South East Asia Proposed Pilot project - Bilateral arrangements between two utilities are easier to manage

20 Proposed Mechanism Principles
Based on mutual benefits / win-win strategy Specific agreement for every transaction Covers strategic spares which Not available off shelf / at site Emergency/urgent need Require long lead time to deliver High capital items Methodology Loan/purchase of existing new (unused) spares between utilities Sharing / pooling of new (unused) spares

21 Proposed Concept – Loan/Purchase of Spares
Loan/purchase of new (unused) existing spares between utilities New (unused) spares are available at either party The loan/purchase must be based on mutual agreement without jeopardizing the operation of either utility The replacement parts must be purchased and returned within an agreed period All cost e.g. insurance, risk, logistics incurred shall be borne by the requestor

22 Proposed Concept –Purchase of Spares
Identify spares (new or refurbished) that can be sold / to be purchased Willing seller – willing buyer concept Mutually agreed Terms and conditions Price Payment terms Delivery Insurance & Logistics Warranty issue

BETWEEN TNB & EGAT / INDONESIA POWER REQUESTOR/ BORROWER 1.0 Preliminary inquiry on parts availability 2.0 Check / confirm availability LENDER Closed 3.0 Availability of parts and possibility of borrowing? No 4.0 Forward official request & arrange logistic + insurance 5.0 Assist and arrange for parts delivery Yes 8.0 Arrange for replacement parts delivery 7.0 Purchase of replacement parts 6.0 Delivery acceptance 9.0 Delivery acceptance of replacement parts

BETWEEN TNB & EGAT / INDONESIA POWER BUYER 1.0 Preliminary inquiry on parts availability Closed 4.0 Forward official request to purchase 6.0 Delivery acceptance 7.0 Arrange for payment No 3.0 Availability of parts and price confirmation SELLER Yes 2.0 Check / confirm availability 5.0 Aarrange for parts delivery & insurance 8.0 Acceptance of payment Closed

25 Proposed Concept – Pooling of Spares
Pooling / Sharing of new (unused) spares Identify and agree on expensive strategic spares that can be pooled to ensure reliability of plants Establish a shareable database Sharing / pooling issues to be detailed out Cost sharing Minimum stock level Storage location & preservation Logistics management Insurance and risk management Inventory replacement

26 Spares to be pooled have been purchased on cost sharing basis.
PROCESS FLOW CHART FOR POOLING / SHARING OF SPARES BETWEEN TNB & EGAT / INDONESIA POWER BORROWER / REQUESTOR/ 1.0 Preliminary inquiry on parts availability Closed 4.0 Forward official request & arrange logistic + insurance 6.0 Delivery acceptance 7.0 Purchase of replacement parts 8.0 Arrange for replacement parts delivery No 3.0 Availability of parts and possibility of borrowing? LENDER Yes 2.0 Check / confirm availability 5.0 Assist and arrange for parts delivery 9.0 Delivery acceptance of replacement parts Closed Assumptions: Spares to be pooled have been purchased on cost sharing basis. Utility which is responsible to keep the pooled spares have been identified and agreed. Lender = utility which keeps the pooled spares, Borrower = utility which requires to use the pooled spares.

27 Issues In Implementation
Sharing and understanding the objectives, benefits and concern of this project by utilities in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia Commitment from all parties Legal issues Inventory database Further deliberation required to cover all other possible scenarios for implementation

28 Action Plan & Project Milestone
No Description Target Date Responsible Person 1.0 To draft proposal on concept and process flowchart 31 Aug 2007 (Completed) - 2.0 To draft MOU and verified by Legal Services Department 31 Aug 2007 (Completed) 3.0 To seek approval from VP Generation on concept and MOU Mar 2009 Aznoran To establish database May 2009 Rohaizad 4.0 To discuss and get buy in on spares management concepts with EGAT Indonesia Power Jun 2009 Team members 5.0 To sign MOU (draft copy of MOU has been distributed to attendees of HAPUA 8th. HWG1 Mtg, in Jan. 2008) Aug 2009 6.0 To confirm strategic spares to be shared/pooled Sept 2009

29 “Keeping the Lights On”
THANK YOU “Keeping the Lights On”

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