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Presentation/Teen Programs Elluminate Shannon McCollum, Extension 4-H Associate Sarah Kotzian, Extension 4-H Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation/Teen Programs Elluminate Shannon McCollum, Extension 4-H Associate Sarah Kotzian, Extension 4-H Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation/Teen Programs Elluminate Shannon McCollum, Extension 4-H Associate Sarah Kotzian, Extension 4-H Assistant

2 Presentations What are they? Who does them? Why do we encourage youth to do them?

3 Specific’s of Presentations Demonstration Illustrated Talk

4 Teaching 21st Century/Life Skills Critical Thinking Learning & Thinking Skills Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Skills Collaboration Skills Information Skills Information & Media Literacy Skills Contextual Leaning Skills

5 Life Skills cont..... Communication Skills Keeping records Critical thinking Decision making Self-Discipline Self Motivation Leadership Sharing Public Speaking Wise use of Resources Planning/Organiz ation

6 Basic Organization Introduction o Attention Getter o Who are you and why are you here? o What are you going to share with us today?

7 Basic Organization cont… Body o What are you going to talk about....So what! o Why is this information important to me?

8 Basic Organization cont… Summary & Conclusion o Re-tell your information and sum it up! o Make an ending statement - connect this to your attention getter from the beginning.

9 Visuals most commonly used Posters Powerpoint - must bring all of your equipment per presenter using this visual. Slides/Interactive Screen

10 Rules & Regulations Age eligibility is established on January 1st of the current year. To participate in a Presentation competition, the youth must be nine years of age prior to January 1st of the current year and not have had his/her 19th birthday before January 1st of the current year.

11 Cont… Divisions are 9-10, 11-13, and 14-18 Cloverbuds/Primary Youth (ages 5 to 8) can participate in their club and county activity day through “Danish Competition” regulations.

12 Cont… o All Districts are being asked to provide an opportunity for a CloverBud Room where they can present in front of judges. o Everyone receives the same “recognition”.

13 Cont… Presentations are recommended to be between 5 to 12 minutes in length. Note: Category Exceptions!

14 Cont… Each county may enter two presentations per age division category. 4-H members may compete in no more than one presentation program per year at the district and state levels. "4-H Entertains" is not considered a presentation program.

15 Cont… Each county is limited to two (2) "4-H Entertains" Acts at their DAD. Not a competition – a Showcase of Talent ONLY the 9-10 district “GOLD medal winners are eligible to participate in the state competition

16 Cont… 11-13 & 14-18 level district Silver medal winners are eligible to participate in the state competition. There will be no scholarship available for Silver winners to attend Congress unless the district Gold winner decides not to participate.

17 Cont… 4-H members may continue to compete in a particular presentation category until declared state GOLD Medal winner in that age division. A GOLD medal presentation may not be presented again.

18 Cont… In all levels of the the Competitive Presentation program - a team is composed of only two individuals. If the team giving a presentation is composed of individual's in two different age divisions (9-10, 11-13, 14-18), the team must compete in the older youths age division.

19 Cont… No live animals / insects may be used in any presentation. No real OR play handguns/ firearms / Weapons are allowed to be used during presentations. o NCGS 14-269.2 Class 1 Felony o School Suspension No swords, knifes, bows & arrows, etc.

20 Cont… Food Categories o All Foods Categories will be asked to demonstrate a mastery of preparation steps. Note: each category has basic ingredient requirements. o All presenters are required to “demonstrate” However depth of knowledge is stressed not taste.

21 Cont… Only youth 15-years or older are eligible to attend the National Junior Horticulture Association Contest. o Egg Cookery o Peanut Foods o Fruits & Vegetables o Artistic Arrangement o Horticulture Production & Marketing o Landscaping

22 Cont… The same presentation may be repeated from one year to the next; however, the individual's personal development will be much greater if the presentation is revised and improved.

23 Cont… A County Winner ribbon is given to each participant. A ribbon and medal are awarded to the Gold, Silver and Bronze district winners. One presentation in each category age division will be designated as the district winner and will be eligible to compete on the state level.

24 Cont… Open Class: Only presentations that do not fit into any other subject-matter category are allowed in this area. Presentation Setup: The speaker is responsible for setting up all equipment for the presentation.

25 Cont… Interruptions: The judges will determine if the participant should begin where they left off or start anew. Note cards: The speaker is allowed to use note cards but they should be used as a tool for referencing material (the speaker should not read directly from their cards). Should be kept to a minimum

26 Cont… Youth may opt to repeat the question, paraphrase the question or include the question in their answer but this is NOT a requirement. You have given an acceptable response when you admit you are unable to answer the question.

27 Presentation Categories 4-H Awards Handbook: _NC_4-H_Awards_Handbook.pdf Presentation Categories Fact Sheet & Description Sheets ntations/index.html

28 Judging Who are the judges? Where do they come from? What are the judges told? Please talk with agents in your office who are PIC’s and offer to work with them. Score Sheets ntations/index.html ntations/index.html

29 Schedule 9:00 - 10:00 Registration 9:30 - Judges Orientation with PIC’s 10:30 - Presentations Begin 12:00 - 1:30 - Lunch 1:45 - Afternoon Awards Program Welcome - District Officers Pledges - District Officers Thought for the Day - District Officers Introduction of Guest - District Officers Greetings - arranged by host county - introduced by District Officers Special Recognition - Agent Advisors - recognize outgoing District Officers, introduce incoming District Officers. Presentation of Awards - District Officers, Liaison, DED

30 DAD Dates North Central – June 19– Granville County – Granville High School West – June 19 – EBCI Host - Cullowhee Valley High School West Central – June 20 Alleghany County – Alleghany High School Northeast – June 21 Pasquotank County - River Road Middle School Southeast – June 22 Lenoir/Jones County –Lenoir Community College South Central – June 22 – tentative – Cumberland County

31 Online Registration Online Registration for District and State Finals is a must Will be live at the end if May Registration deadline for DAD June 8th Registration deadline for State Finals – July 2nd

32 Presentation Updates for 2013 Categories have been reworked for 2013. o Reducing the number of categories to a total of 30. Cloverbud participation will be a part of all DAD’s. Outdoor Cooking – all 9-10 & 11-12 year olds must have an adult who is responsible for them at District Day and State Presentation Finals. This is starting for 2012. So please be prepared. With change in Districts for 2013 – will be looking at the daily schedule.

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