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Topic: How did Religious and Intellectual trends change the colonies in the 1700s?

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: How did Religious and Intellectual trends change the colonies in the 1700s?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: How did Religious and Intellectual trends change the colonies in the 1700s?

2 Religion in the Colonies 74% belong to an official religion Relative freedom of worship Anglican Church dominates NY and Southern Colonies Congregational Church: New England – Increasing involvement in political issues – Fear of British religious control (Bishop of America)

3 The Great Awakening 1730s-1740s A response to challenges to Puritan orthodoxy Revivalism Jonathan Edwards – “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” George Whitefield – Emotional oratory “Old” vs. “New Lights” Mass religious movement

4 Colonial Intellectual Pursuits Traditional elementary schools – Southern Education Several Colleges – From religious training to secular education – U Penn Dominance of European Arts – Charles Peale, John Copley Franklin: Poor Richard’s Almanac The Press: The Zenger Case – Freedom of press

5 Conclusion What do you think was the single most important intellectual trend that occurred in the early 1700s? Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.

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