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The Rise of Russia and Eastern Europe. Russian Geography Developed in modern day Ukraine Developed in modern day Ukraine Political center moves to Northern.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Russia and Eastern Europe. Russian Geography Developed in modern day Ukraine Developed in modern day Ukraine Political center moves to Northern."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Russia and Eastern Europe

2 Russian Geography Developed in modern day Ukraine Developed in modern day Ukraine Political center moves to Northern area Political center moves to Northern area 3 distinct geographical regions: 3 distinct geographical regions: Northern Forests Northern Forests Southern Fertile Lands Southern Fertile Lands Southern Steppe – Grasslands Southern Steppe – Grasslands


4 Growth of Kiev Slavs settled in Russia Slavs settled in Russia Slavs absorbed the Vikings into their society Slavs absorbed the Vikings into their society Golden Age 1019-1054 under Yaroslav the Wise Golden Age 1019-1054 under Yaroslav the Wise Ends with Mongol invasions… Ends with Mongol invasions…




8 Byzantine Influence Trade relationships and economic ties develop between the two areas Trade relationships and economic ties develop between the two areas Introduction of Christianity Introduction of Christianity Princess Ogla converts to Christianity Princess Ogla converts to Christianity Grandson Vladminir spreads Christianity Grandson Vladminir spreads Christianity Mass baptisms throughout empire Mass baptisms throughout empire Brought writing and education to region Brought writing and education to region


10 Moscow Takes the Lead Located on important trade and river routes Located on important trade and river routes Russian Orthodox Church makes Moscow the spiritual capital = city becomes more powerful Russian Orthodox Church makes Moscow the spiritual capital = city becomes more powerful Princes of Moscow build power and influence Princes of Moscow build power and influence


12 Ivan the Great (Ivan III) Ruled from 1462 – 1505 Ruled from 1462 – 1505 United much of Russia and freed people from Mongols rule / taxes United much of Russia and freed people from Mongols rule / taxes Limited the boyars, or land holding nobles, power Limited the boyars, or land holding nobles, power Became the CZAR = established absolute monarchial power Became the CZAR = established absolute monarchial power


14 Ivan the Great

15 Ivan the Great Bell Tower


17 Ivan the Terrible First Czar (at age 3) and witnesses horrific acts throughout his childhood First Czar (at age 3) and witnesses horrific acts throughout his childhood Became “insane” after his first wife died Became “insane” after his first wife died

18 Ivan the Terrible Constructive Reign (1547-1560): Constructive Reign (1547-1560): Developed strong system of central government Developed strong system of central government Founded a national assembly Founded a national assembly Limited the power of the nobility, but tied serfs to the land Limited the power of the nobility, but tied serfs to the land


20 Ivan the Terrible Destructive Reign: Destructive Reign: Fits of violent rage (killed own son) Fits of violent rage (killed own son) Developed the oprichniki – agents of terror Developed the oprichniki – agents of terror Introduced absolute power to Russia, but left nation in bad shape… Introduced absolute power to Russia, but left nation in bad shape…

21 Ivan the Terrible

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