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Which Civil Society Organizations in Which Countries are Enjoying Policy-Making Processes and Why: Comparing 7 Countries (Japan, Korea, Germany, China,

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Presentation on theme: "Which Civil Society Organizations in Which Countries are Enjoying Policy-Making Processes and Why: Comparing 7 Countries (Japan, Korea, Germany, China,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which Civil Society Organizations in Which Countries are Enjoying Policy-Making Processes and Why: Comparing 7 Countries (Japan, Korea, Germany, China, Turkey, Russia, and the Philippines) in JIGS Surveys Yutaka Tsujinaka, J.Y. Choe, T. Ohtomo, and H. Miwa University of Tsukuba 2006

2 Introduction: Differences in SIS 2 - Enjoy? Philippine, Russia - Manage? Germany, Korea, Japan - Suffer? China, Turkey Why is SIS different? Influential Some what Not

3 Subjective influence Score (SIS) 3 Extremely influential=4, influential=3, Some what influential=2, Not influential=1, Not at all influential=0 SIS (mean): Average score by country/ by sectors When policy problems arise in the geographical areas suggested in Q6 ( 1 . Village, town or city; 2. Prefecture; 3.A collection of prefecture regions; 4. National; 5. Global ), how much influence does your organization have on such problems?

4 4 ・ Overview of CountriesSurveyed in JIGS

5 5 1. Main Characteristic of JIGS The International Survey of Civil Society and Interest Groups 1997- : Cross-culturally surveys direct the core (associations) of CS in 10 countries :Different from Non Profit Sector Project (L. Salamon) and from Social Capital Group (R. Putnam) I. Methodology & Hypotheses

6 6

7 7 - Civil society structure (sector composition) hypothesis - Resource hypothesis - Political Activism hypothesis - Administration connection hypothesis 2. Various Hypotheses

8 8 ・ Relation between factors and SIS (mean) - Analysis through Scatter Diagram (Nation Level) : linear or non-linear - Cross Tabulation Analysis (Nation Level) : χ 2 -test - Cross Tabulation Analysis (Sector Level) : χ 2 -test (Profit Sector, Non Profit Sector, Citizen Sector, Other) 3. Method of Analysis

9 9 -Philippine ・ Russia (Enjoy?) C.S . ( ≒ 50%) ・ 4 Sectors’ Proportion -Japan ・ China (Manage?) P.S . ( ≒ 40%) -Turkey (Suffer?) Other ( ≒ 60%) II. Civil Society Structure (Sector Proposition) Hypothesis -Korea ・ Germany (Manage?) N.P.S . ( ≒ 40%)

10 10 -Positive Correlation: Citizen Sector’s % & SIS (mean) -Negative Correlation: Profit Sector’s % & SIS (mean) ⇒ CSS Hypothesis is Valid ・ 4 Sectors’ Proportion & SIS (mean)

11 11 1) Trend in Year Established and SIS Ⅲ. Resource Hypothesis ・ Long History CSO J, G, K > R, C, T, PH ・ Strong SIS T, C < J, G, K < R, PH No Relations Between Year Established and SIS

12 12 ・ Profit Sector’s Year Established ・ Large Differences among Countries as well as in Development Paths ・ Developed Countries : Long History (Created before and after WWII) ・ Changed Political System & Developing Countries : Short History (since the late ’80s)

13 13 ・ Citizen Sector’s Year Established ・ Sharp Rise in the 90s : Regime Changes Vulnerability of C.S. ・ Developed Countries (U, G, J) : Established Earlier

14 14 ・ Relation between Establishment Year and SIS ・ R, G, J: Relation between Establishment Year and SIS ( level of significance ( 0.05 ) ) ・ Negative Relation: Short History ⇒ Strong SIS

15 15 2) Organizational Resources ・ No Relation between Organizational Resources and SIS ⇒ Resource Hypothesis is not Valid (Year Established and SIS, Organizational Resources and SIS)

16 16 IV. Political Activism Hypothesis ・ Relation between CSO’s Activities and SIS (mean) -Contact with Political Parties -Contact Mass Media -Support Election Campaign -Influence Budget Formation -Lobbying (general) -Policy Performance (formulation, blocking/revising)

17 17 ・ Inference: Strong Relation Between CSO’s Activities and SIS in each country and sector Sector Level Significance Japan, Germany> Turkey, Russia> Korea, China, Philippine

18 18 ・ ・ Relation between Lobbying and SIS (mean)

19 19 ・ ・ Relation between Providing Information (Mass Medias) and SIS (mean)

20 20 ・ ・ Relation between Policy Performance (Formulation) and SIS (mean)

21 21 V. Administration Connection Hypothesis ・ Institutional Relation between Administration Connection and SIS (mean) -Accrediting -Licensing -Administrative Guidance -Policy-Formation Cooperation -Opinion Exchange -Sending Advisory Board Member -Post Offering to the Ex-Bureaucrats …..

22 22 ・ Relation between Administration Connection and SIS ・ No Relation (Linearity) between the National Administration and SIS (Some Negative Relation) ・ Relation between the Local Autonomies and SIS (Weak Relation)

23 23(24) ・ Relation between Administration Connection and SIS (mean)

24 Conclusion 25 1: Civil Society Structure Hyp. is valid (C.S. proportion strongly correlates with SIS) Results of Tested Hypotheses 2: Resource Hyp. is not valid (Neither Y.E. nor Org. Res. Correlates with SIS) 3: Pol. Activism Hyp. is valid (Correlations strong in Japan & Germany) 4: Adm. Connect. Hyp. is unclear 5: “SIS” shows aggressiveness of C.S. as it affect CSO activism and performance (except Philippine)

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