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Chapter 9, Part II of 1984. 1. “Winston was gelatinous with fatigue.” Winston was weak like Jello; his bones were so pliant that they didn’t support him.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9, Part II of 1984. 1. “Winston was gelatinous with fatigue.” Winston was weak like Jello; his bones were so pliant that they didn’t support him."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9, Part II of 1984

2 1. “Winston was gelatinous with fatigue.” Winston was weak like Jello; his bones were so pliant that they didn’t support him.

3 2.What will happen on the last day of Hate Week? Two thousand Eurasian prisoners will be hanged!

4 3. What surprise announcement was made? The enemy is now Eastasia!

5 4. Why will Winston have to work 90 hrs./week? He will be changing lots of documents to prove that the enemy was always Eastasia.

6 5. How does Goldstein’s book get to Winston? It is passed to him inside a briefcase in a crowd. The Book

7 6. What is the book’s title? It is The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism * Oligarchical means government by the few. It is The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism * Oligarchical means government by the few.

8 7. What countries comprise the three Superpowers? Oceania: The Americas, British Isles, Australia, South Africa Eurasia: Northern Europe & Russia Eastasia: China and the countries south of China Oceania: The Americas, British Isles, Australia, South Africa Eurasia: Northern Europe & Russia Eastasia: China and the countries south of China

9 8. Truths that Winston learns in Goldstein’s book: a.Most atrocities of war are done by countries on their own civilians. b. War really involves small numbers of highly trained specialists. a.Most atrocities of war are done by countries on their own civilians. b. War really involves small numbers of highly trained specialists.

10 c.The same war is always in progress and there cannot be a winner. d. There is really nothing to fight about. c.The same war is always in progress and there cannot be a winner. d. There is really nothing to fight about.

11 e. The land between Hong Kong, Tangier, Brazzaveille, and Darwin is always in dispute because the three Superpowers want it for its cheap labor force.

12 f.Fighting among the three Superpowers is confined to just this area. g.The goal of Oceania is to use up products produced without raising the standard of living of its people. f.Fighting among the three Superpowers is confined to just this area. g.The goal of Oceania is to use up products produced without raising the standard of living of its people.

13 h.In the present time the world is actually more primitive than it was 50 years ago. i. An increase in wealth would destroy the hierarchical society. h.In the present time the world is actually more primitive than it was 50 years ago. i. An increase in wealth would destroy the hierarchical society.

14 j.War allows the production of goods that aren’t consumed, like bombs, planes, etc. k.A general state of scarcity increases the importance of small privileges and magnifies the distinction between one group and another. j.War allows the production of goods that aren’t consumed, like bombs, planes, etc. k.A general state of scarcity increases the importance of small privileges and magnifies the distinction between one group and another.

15 l.When people think they are in danger (times of war or terrorist attacks) it makes the handing over of power to a small class the natural thing to do for survival. m.War is not only good for the economy, but it satisfies a psychological need too. l.When people think they are in danger (times of war or terrorist attacks) it makes the handing over of power to a small class the natural thing to do for survival. m.War is not only good for the economy, but it satisfies a psychological need too.

16 n.Science, as we knew it in the old days, has ceased to exist. The only advancement in science is weapons. o.There are two aims of the Party: 1. Conquer the whole surface of the Earth. 2. Extinguish independent thought. n.Science, as we knew it in the old days, has ceased to exist. The only advancement in science is weapons. o.There are two aims of the Party: 1. Conquer the whole surface of the Earth. 2. Extinguish independent thought.

17 p.But, there are two problems: 1. How to discover what a person is thinking 2. How to kill millions of people without warning. p.But, there are two problems: 1. How to discover what a person is thinking 2. How to kill millions of people without warning.

18 q. Why can’t atomic bombs be dropped? The Earth would be destroyed.

19 r. What hasn’t changed in the past 30-40 years? War

20 s. Why don’t the citizens of Oceania ever have contact with foreigners? They would find out that their government had lied to them.

21 t. What is the same in all three Superpowers? The condition of life.

22 u. Explain why war is peace. In becoming continuous, war has ceased to exist. The continuity of war guarantees the permanence of the current order. There is an emotional need to believe in the ultimate victory of Big Brother. In becoming continuous, war has ceased to exist. The continuity of war guarantees the permanence of the current order. There is an emotional need to believe in the ultimate victory of Big Brother.

23 War is important for consuming the products of human labor. If the labor was used to increase the standard of living, the control of the Party over the people would decrease. War is the economic basis for a hierarchical society.

24 10. What are the three classes of people? The Middles, Highs, and Lows

25 11. What do the Middles sometimes do? They join with the Lows to overthrow the Highs.

26 12. What can’t the Lows ever do? They can never take control and their condition never changes.

27 13. Which social classes made up the Highs in the olden days? They were the Kings, priests, and leaders.

28 14. What did the Middles preach? They taught equality, freedom, and liberty.

29 15. When the Middles took control, what happened? They became corrupt and established a tyrany.

30 16. Who brought back old barbaric justice such as torture, public executions, etc? It was the new Highs.

31 17. Which social groups now make up the New Highs? The new Highs of the Inner Party include the former bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and politicians. To make it simple, it is the salaried middle class of the olden days.

32 18. What made the enforcement of complete obedience to the state possible? It was the new technology.

33 Who owns everything in Oceania? The Party owns everything.

34 20. Name the four ways that a ruling group can fall from power? Be conquered from without. Govern so the masses revolt (This is why the Party leaves Proles alone!) Allow a strong discontented middle group to come into being (This is the Outer Party.) Be conquered from without. Govern so the masses revolt (This is why the Party leaves Proles alone!) Allow a strong discontented middle group to come into being (This is the Outer Party.)

35 D. Lose self-confidence and the will to lead. (This never happens!)

36 21. What is the only danger for a group to fall from power and why? The only danger is if a new group splits off and gets educated. The first danger doesn’t exist because the Superpowers are equal. The masses can’t revolt if they aren’t aware that life can be better.

37 22. The Pyramid of Power Big Brother Inner Party- the brains of the State - 2% Outer Party - the hands of the State - 13% Proles 85% The dumb masses

38 23. Is membership in any group based on heredity? No! You can’t be born into a social class unless you are born a Prole.

39 24. How do you get placed into one of the three social groups? You take a test at age 16 to determine if you are going to be an Inner Party or Outer Party member, or a Prole.

40 25. Does Oceania have a capital city? No, there is no need for one.

41 26. What is the only concern of the Party? Total control of everyone and everything

42 27. What two things make a good Party member? First, be incapable of thinking too deeply, and second, live in a frenzy of hatred

43 28. What is Blackwhite? It is a contradiction of facts. For example, 2 + 2=3

44 29. Why is doublethink or altering the past necessary? Party members must not have a past to compare the present with Party members must believe that they are better off than their ancestors The Party must be infallible which is why facts must be altered and history rewritten. Party members must not have a past to compare the present with Party members must believe that they are better off than their ancestors The Party must be infallible which is why facts must be altered and history rewritten.

45 Why Ignorance Is Strength: There have always been three levels in any society: the High, the Middle, and the Low. No change has ever brought true human equality.

46 Collectivism doesn’t lead to socialism. Wealth belongs to the new “High Class.” Collectivism has only ensured the permanence of economic inequality. Wealth is not inherited from person to person, but is kept within the ruling group. Collectivism doesn’t lead to socialism. Wealth belongs to the new “High Class.” Collectivism has only ensured the permanence of economic inequality. Wealth is not inherited from person to person, but is kept within the ruling group.

47 Why Freedom Is Slavery The masses (Proles) are given freedom of thought because they don’t think! A Party member is not allowed the slightest deviation of thought, and there is an elaborate mental training to ensure this - doublethink. The masses (Proles) are given freedom of thought because they don’t think! A Party member is not allowed the slightest deviation of thought, and there is an elaborate mental training to ensure this - doublethink.

48 Why War Is Peace Each Superpower has within its boundaries all of the natural resources it needs. Each Superpower is unconquerable so war is on-going by each Superpower against its own citizens. This is why Oceania can change enemies at will - it’s all lies! Each Superpower has within its boundaries all of the natural resources it needs. Each Superpower is unconquerable so war is on-going by each Superpower against its own citizens. This is why Oceania can change enemies at will - it’s all lies!

49 A Quick Summary of What Winston Learns About War: The same war is always in progress and there is never a winner. There is nothing to fight about except the strip of land called Darwin which all three Superpowers want for its cheap labor force. The same war is always in progress and there is never a winner. There is nothing to fight about except the strip of land called Darwin which all three Superpowers want for its cheap labor force.

50 War involves a small number of highly trained specialists. Most atrocities of war are done by the Superpowers on their own citizens. War involves a small number of highly trained specialists. Most atrocities of war are done by the Superpowers on their own citizens.

51 Why War Is Good for the Economy: War uses up products without raising the people’s standard of living. War allows for the production of products that aren’t consumed such as bombs, planes, weapons, etc. War uses up products without raising the people’s standard of living. War allows for the production of products that aren’t consumed such as bombs, planes, weapons, etc.

52 Keeping the supply of consumer goods scarce magnifies the separation of social groups. (The “haves” and the “have-nots.”

53 The End!

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