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Published byAndrew Patrick Modified over 9 years ago
NC DPI Information and Updates January 24, 2014
Arts Education Common Core Resources Math Course Options for 2014-15 Read to Achieve Student Achievement Summit Honors Review Implementation Questions? 2
Comprehensive Arts Education
G.S. 115-C-296 requires that pre- service elementary teachers are prepared to “integrate the arts across the curriculum”. Wide-scale education legislation signed into law by the Governor on June 26, 2012 (subsequent legislation signed in May and June 2013)
Michelle Burrows | Director A+ Schools Program tel: 919.807.6503
6 More Information and Resources
ELA LiveBinders: ELA Common Core State Standards Self Study LiveBinder: ELA Resources LiveBinder: ELA WIKI: 8
Topic: What Can Student Writing Tell You? Looking at Writing Through a New Lens Time: 9:00 - 3:30 Some districts/regions have asked for a book title that might accompany this professional development for further study. We suggest Writing for Understanding. Vermont-Collaborative/dp/1934685054 Spring ELA Region 2: February 7 Vermont-Collaborative/dp/1934685054 9 Professional Development
10 The Seven C’s of CCSSM: Professional Development for Math professional development to support secondary math teachers in implementing the NCSCOS, based on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. 2 – day institutes for Math I and II Training to be offered will take place on February 20-21 at the NC TeleCenter (Williamston) and will cover Math II. On March 10-11 the Math I Institute will be held at Johnston Workforce Development Center, Clayton DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION SUBMISSION IS 5:00 PM FEBRUARY 10, Mathematics
EOC & NC Final Exams 2013-14 Math I – EOC – all students in 1 st HS Math Math II, Math III, CC Integrated Math III 2003 AND CC Geometry 2003 AND CC Algebra II 2003 Discrete, 2003 AFM, & 2003 Pre-Calculus
2014-15 Math Courses Math I, II, III Advanced Functions and Modeling Discrete Pre-Calculus Appropriate AP/IB courses SREB College Ready Course Various Community College Math Courses
SREB Course Information Can be included (participation 2014-15) in course guides for 2014-15, but realize addendums may have to be issued for registration due to printing deadlines. Training dates and locations forthcoming for summer. Units of study available for teachers.
North Carolina Read to Achieve Developmental Screening and Kindergarten Entry Assessment (2014-2015) –5 essential domains Language and literacy, cognition and general knowledge, approaches toward learning, physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development –Early language, literacy, math within 30 days
Any of the following options may be used to satisfy the requirements of the Read to Achieve law: The Student: 1. Passes the North Carolina Grade 3 End-of-Grade English Language Arts/Reading Test. 2. Achieves a scale score of at least 442 on the NC Grade 3 Beginning-of-Grade English Language Arts/Reading Test. 3. Meets the requirements of the portfolio as defined in law. 4. Passes the state developed Read to Achieve alternative assessment. 5. Passes the State Board of Education approved LEA alternative assessment.
Beginning of Grade 3 Assessment Scale score of 442 or higher – have met the reading comprehension requirements specified in Read to Achieve These students’ proficient scores will count for performance in accountability for 2013-14; however, these students will have to take the End- of-Grade 3 English Language Arts/Reading Test at the end of the school year for inclusion in the growth analysis
Portfolio The portfolio is not required for all students –Those who have met requirements for Read to Achieve on the BOG –Those students not yet on grade-level, except as an instructional tool when utilizing the three selections identified for that purpose. –Others as determined by the individual child’s needs
Read to Achieve Alternative test There are three opportunities to administer the SBE Read to Achieve alternative test: –(1) after the end-of-grade test, –(2) after summer reading camp, and –(3) at mid-year promotion in the 3/4 transition class.
Limited English Proficient students (less than 2 yrs of ESL instruction) Students with disabilities (Extended Content Standards; NCEXTEND2) Student portfolio demonstrating proficiency Students receiving reading intervention or who have been retained more than once in grades K - 3
Student is retained after 3 rd grade 3 rd /4 th transition class (classroom designed to meet 4 th grade performance standard while continuing to remediate areas of reading deficiency) –within class Accelerated reading class (instructional supports provided to increase a student's reading level at least two grade levels) - pull out Opportunity for Mid-Year promotion by passing the Read to Achieve test of reading comprehension or Student Reading Portfolio by November 1. Proficient? Retention Label remains – intensive reading support continues and teacher begins grade 4 portfolio (school based team may consider placement options) Retention Label removed – student continues in 4 th grade curriculum with intensive reading support 4 th grade Student Portfolio is used to show proficiency and have retention label removed; and then completes 4 th grade EOG Completes 4 th grade EOG Principal Authority on Proficiency Retention/Promotion based on Principal's decision Student promoted to 5 th grade Process of Retention NO YES OR
22 gs/Attachment.aspx?S=10399&AID=20260 &MID=1138 gs/Attachment.aspx?S=10399&AID=20259 &MID=1138 22 Summer Camp Funding
Honors Implementation Wikispace http://honorsimplementation. This wiki will provide you with the following information: Honors committee members with e-mail links Honors Implementation Guide Archived webinars and content presentations of implementation guide (2012-2013 and 2013-2014) Honors Rubric and Review Checklist Portfolio Template List of course codes eligible for review, 2013-2014 A one page Quick Reference Guide
Implementation Guide The Honors Level Course Rubric and the Honors Implementation Guide will serve as a framework to guide teachers, principals, and Local Education Agencies in developing and locally reviewing honors level courses. The honors level course state level review process will occur every three years. A Cohort of 40 LEAs will participate in the process each year of the three year cycle. –2013-2014 - Cohort I –2014-2015 - Cohort II –2015-2016 - Cohort III Sampson County School Cohort I New Hanover County Schools Jones County Schools Lenoir County Public Schools Pamlico County Cohort II Greene County Wayne County Public Schools Onslow County
TIMELINE FOR HONORS COURSE REVIEW Jan Provide training to the 40 LEAs in the first cohort on how to use and upload to the system. The training window will be January 2014. January 2014 - LEAs may begin UPLOADING INFORMATION (Not Submitting final portfolios - Just Uploading files) into the online system for each Honors course that is to be reviewed by the state. Feb Notify the evaluators who will review the honors portfolios (content experts, IHE, AIG Leaders, etc.) March March 1, 2014 – LEAs may begin to SUBMIT completed portfolios for state review. March 1, 2014 – Honors Portfolio Moodle System will send reminder to the First Cohort of LEAs of the deadline to submit the LEA honors portfolio courses March 10-21, 2014 – Evaluator Training March 21, 2014 – All Honors portfolios due to the online system from the First Cohort LEAs Apr April 1 st – April 25 th - Evaluators review honors portfolios through the Moodle system April 25 th –deadline for all evaluations to be completed in the Moodle by the Evaluators May - Oct May – October, 2014 Feedback and support will be given to First Cohort LEAs in May Those portfolios with a “not met” status will correct and re-submit to the Moodle Evaluators will review the re- submitted revisions Moodle system will remain open to the First Cohort of LEAs for revisions and curriculum planning until the end of October COHORT I: Training, Submission, Review and Feedback
Upcoming Training For Honors Portfolio Managers – January 31 1:30 – 2:30 The Purpose Of This Webinar Is To… Demonstrate The Uploading Process For Honors Portfolios and Accompanying Evidences To Individuals Assigned As Honors Managers Responsible For Uploading Honors Portfolios to the NC Education Honors Portfolio Moodle
State Agency Role vs. Local Agency Role Role of the State Agency Provide a consistent framework to guide teachers and principals as they develop, implement, and review courses receiving honors weight. Align the honors rubric/criteria to the new Common Core Standards and Essential Standards. Provide detailed instructions for preparing a honors portfolio. Design an online submission system for uploading honors portfolios and evidences for state-level review. Design a system for selection and training of individuals reviewing honors portfolios at the state level. Provide feedback to LEAs submitting portfolios and to the NC State Board of Education. Role of the Local Agency Design and implement a local process used to communicate, develop, collect, review, and provide feedback for honors portfolios in the local school district. DPI will ask that each LEA in Cohort I submit an assurance statement which provides a brief narrative describing the LEA’s local honors review process. Establish local timelines for various benchmarks in the LEA honors portfolio development and review process. Determine the portfolio (per content area) which will be submitted as the example representing what a true honors course looks like for a course, in the LEA.
NC Education Moodle If you do not have a Login click this button to create one. Once you have a Login, type in your information and Login to NC Education. The NC Education site is the online platform that the agency is using for LEAs to submit their work. Each Individual Assigned To Upload MUST Have A NC Education Login. Only those individuals in Cohort I will be given assess.
Student Achievement Summit on Reading and Math 29 Who: C and I leaders and one person Where: Embassy Suites in Greensboro When:TBD due to inclement weather on January 29-30 Discussion of ways to improve student performance in ELA and Mathematics Guidance/Planning in some requested areas Opportunity to collaborate with other districts around how they are addressing some initiatives/challenges Clarity on some state initiatives
30 Questions?
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