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Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy.

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Presentation on theme: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. -Theodore Roosevelt

2 August 25, 2003 City MatCH Conference Pittsburgh, PA User-friendly website technology puts local information in the hands of many

3 Explore means for translating local data into community improvement strategies Discuss effective community collaborative process for implementing community improvement strategies despite financial constraints TFIMR Website Overview Learning Objectives:

4 The Tulsa Fetal Infant Mortality Review (TFIMR) program has been operating since 1999. Both case review and community action teams work to understand and improve local factors that contribute to poor birth outcomes and Tulsa’s high infant mortality rate. TFIMR Website Overview Brief Background

5 TFIMR’s case review process routinely identified a lack of knowledge regarding services available in the community and how to access them. Both clients and providers were unaware of many potentially helpful prevention and intervention services for pregnant and parenting families. TFIMR Website Overview Problem Identified:

6 Community action teams focused on how to address the multiple, prevalent gaps in information regarding family services in a free, easily accessible format. Website technology was explored as an inexpensive means to deliver information to any number of individuals with access to the internet. (In Tulsa, the county library system provides free access to the world wide web.) TFIMR Website Overview Solution Sought:

7 Website content became primary activity so appropriate information could be assembled. 1.Simple search criteria leading to easily understood topic headings were developed. ex: Pregnancy Resources for Expectant Parents leads to… A.I think I'm pregnant... (pregnancy testing) or B.I'm pregnant! (prenatal care sites) C.I’m trying to get pregnant (preconception care) D.I want to find out about family planning. TFIMR Website Overview development

8 Website content became primary activity so appropriate information could be assembled. 2.Local community resource directories were used as a springboard. 3.An outline of need-specific service providers’ contact information, location, eligibility criteria, fees, translation and transportation assistance in an easy to read table format was developed. (This was designed to be a portable resource list when printed.) TFIMR Website Overview development

9 Technicalities and Financial Support 4.Specific technical and financial support was identified. The cost of registering a domain name ($15-20) and maintaining a site for one year ($240) were determined. The biggest barrier was the actual professional skill and time required to create the web pages and keep the posted information current. This technical assistance was donated through our local health department. TFIMR Website Overview development

10 Technicalities and Financial Support 5.Community financial support was solicited (in conjunction with infant death prevention week activities) with the agreement that community supporters would be acknowledged on the website for a one-year period. Suggested donation was $50. (More than $900 was raised.) TFIMR Website Overview development

11 Technicalities and Financial Support 6.Three divisions (“blocks”) were made: Healthy Baby Center, Empty Arms, All About TFIMR… 7.Later additions to pages included links to other related internet resources. 8.Spanish translation and usable bilingual format was a priority and remains an ongoing challenge! TFIMR Website Overview development

12 A number of concerns were identified as we put together the website. 1.Information posted would be quickly out-of-date, inaccurate and/or difficult to revise: TFIMR made a commitment to review and update all resource material on 6 month cycle. Easy means for on-line community feedback for corrections and improvements are built in. Dreamweaver program used to develop pages is very user friendly and flexible. TFIMR Website Overview obstacles

13 A number of concerns were identified… 2.Endorsement of specific businesses or providers (and for-profit enterprises) was prohibited because we are a governmental agency. A directory of “acknowledgements of TFIMR community support” was created in place of advertising slots. TFIMR Website Overview obstacles

14 A number of concerns were identified… 3.How to navigate “conflicts of interest” among other sites listed on TFIMR website? TFIMR staff and team members maintain adherence to services that focus on issues related to infant health and family systems that promote healthy outcomes. Disclaimers regarding medical knowledge, referenced programs and resources are a part of the website. TFIMR Website Overview obstacles

15 A number of concerns were identified… 4.How to justify the initially large time investment involved in writing/editing topic introductions, verifying directory information and researching related links? Improving systems locally with better access to information would be a potential resource and money savings in the future. Providing guidance to other communities interested in developing a similar web-based resource guide would provide systems support beyond the Tulsa community. TFIMR Website Overview obstacles

16 Those Typical “Parenting Issues”: TO MARKET, TO MARKET … publicizing the website to general public and care providers. PATIENT GUIDANCE and training for clinics and social service providers re: how to maximize use of website-- especially translation functions. TRIAL BY FIRE … improving the website with feedback from users and developers. THE COLLEGE FUND ! aka sustainable funding. TFIMR Website Overview Planning Future…

17 TFIMR Website Overview TFIMR: Working towards a better understanding of how to improve community health by giving families the support they need to raise safe and healthy babies.

18 For information re: or Tulsa’s FIMR, please contact : Megan Oehlke TFIMR Systems Development Tulsa Health Dept 5051 S 129 th E Ave Tulsa OK 74134 office: (918) 595-4442 email:

19 Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. -Theodore Roosevelt

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