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Let’s Measure! Measurement. What are some things you measure? height weight distance speed.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Measure! Measurement. What are some things you measure? height weight distance speed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Measure! Measurement

2 What are some things you measure? height weight distance speed

3 English vs. Metric In the U.S. we use the _________ system for measurement All but 3 countries in the world use the INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS, or ___. __________, __________ & __________ ENGLISH SI U.S.A. BURMA LIBERIA

4 What we measure… ___________ _______________ LENGTH VOLUME WEIGHT/ MASS

5 English System Length- ___________________________ Length is measured in… _________, _________, ________ Amount of space between two points inchesfeetmiles

6 English system Volume- __________________________ Volume is measured in… _________, _________, ________ Amount of space an object takes up ouncescups gallons

7 English System Weight- ___________________________ Weight is measured in… _________, _________, ________ Gravity’s effect on an object’s mass ouncespoundstons

8 English relationships Length 1 foot = ___ inches 1 mile = _______ feet Volume 1 cup = __ ounces 1 gallon = ___ cups Weight 1 pound = ___ ounces 1 ton = _______ pounds 12 5,280 8 16 2,000 16

9 Why use metric? It’s easier! SI, or the _________ system, is much easier because it is based on a system of ______ Metric system uses ______ units… LENGTH  _________, m VOLUME  ________, L MASS  ________, g METRIC TENS BASE METER LITER GRAM

10 WEIGHT vs. MASS Remember… _____- is the amount of MATTER an object has _______- is ___________ effect on an objects mass ______ stays the same everywhere (Earth, moon, Mars) WEIGHT changes… if you weigh 180lbs on Earth you would only weigh 30lbs on the moon Mass Weightgravity’s MASS

11 Metric Prefixes Prefixes for _______ lengths, volumes & masses… ___________ Prefixes for _______ lengths, volumes & masses… ___________ LARGE kilo- (k) hecto- (h) Deca- (D) SMALL deci- (d) centi- (c) milli- (m)

12 Prefix + Base UnitLENGTH km= kilometer hm= hectometer Dm= Decameter m= meter dm= decimeter cm= centimeter mm= millimeter

13 Prefix + Base UnitVOLUME kL= kiloliter hL= hectoliter DL= Decaliter L= liter dL= deciliter cL= centiliter mL= milliliter

14 Prefix + Base UnitMASS kg= kilogram hg= hectogram Dg= Decagram g= gram dg= decigram cg= centigram mg= milligram

15 LENGTH Base unit- ___________ English Metric METER

16 Length When making measurements in science be sure to use the metric side of the ruler! Looking at the ruler in front of you determine which side is the metric side If the ruler doesn’t tell you which side is inches and which is centimeters… The millimeter lines are always much closer together!

17 Ruler talk The _________ lines on the ruler represent the ___________, the _______ lines represent __________. longer centimetersshorter millimeters

18 Ruler talk How many millimeters are there in 1 centimeter? _____ What is the value of each mm? ______ How long is the line below? _______ 10 3.4 cm 0.1 cm

19 Let’s Practice Use your ruler to complete the measuring worksheet. Be sure to raise your hand if you need some help!

20 Tonight’s Homework 1. Complete the prefix and base unit worksheet (don’t forget to use your notes ) 2. Study your notes for a quiz next class!

21 VOLUME Remember… Volume is the amount of _______ an object takes up The BASE UNIT is the __________ space liter, L

22 What do you measure volume with? ________________ __________________ BEAKER Erlenmeyer flask Graduated cylinder

23 BEAKERS Beakers come in all _________ There are teeny tiny ones and very large ones sizes

24 Erlenmeyer flask The ________ helps prevent liquids from ___________ out of the flask shape spilling

25 Graduated cylinder When using a graduated cylinder you always want to read from the __________ of the __________ line called the ________________ bottom curved meniscus

26 Meniscus The volume in this graduated cylinder is ________ 43 mL

27 MASS Remember… Mass is the amount of __________ an object has The BASE UNIT is the __________ matter GRAM

28 What do we use to measure mass? ________________ __________________ Electronic balance Four beam balance Triple beam balance

29 Balances Triple beam balances have ________ riders three

30 Balances Four beam balances have _______ riders four

31 Balances Electronic balances plug in to the wall and __________, then they are ready to go! calibrate

32 Don’t forget! All measurements contain a _________ and a ________ You don’t want to leave any numbers ___________ numberunit NAKED!!!

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