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Metric Conversion, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures.

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1 Metric Conversion, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures

2 Metric Conversions MkHDBasedcmµ MegaKiloHectoDecaDeciCentiMillimicro 1,000,000 1000 1001010.10.01 0.001 0.000001 10 6 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -6

3 Base Units Grams –Mass or weight (g) Liters –Volume (L) Meter –Distance (m) Celsius –Temperature (°C)

4 Examples How many kilometers (km) is 25 meters (m)? 25.0 m = 0.025 km How many milliliters (mL) is 12 liters (L)? 12 L = 12000 mL

5 Examples How many kilograms (kg) is 650 milligrams (mg)? 650 mg = 0.00065 kg How many deciliters (dL) is 26 megaliters (ML)? 26 ML = 260,000,000 dL

6 Scientific Notation Used to simplify complex long numbers Steps in writing scientific notation 1)Move decimal point till only one whole number is to the left of the decimal point 2)Write new number followed by x 10 3)Write the number of times the decimal moved as the exponent + exponent is number >1 and – exponent is number <1 Sample: 102,000,000,000 1.02 x 10 1.02 x 10 11

7 Scientific Notation Examples To Scientific: a)0.005 = 5 x 10 -3 b)5,050 = 5.05 x 10 3 c)0.0025 = 2.5 x 10 -3 d)1,000,000 = 1 x 10 6 To Standard: a) 3.35 x 10 -1 = 0.335 b) 2.2 x 10 5 = 220,000 c) 1.2 x 10 -4 = 0.00012 d) 4 x 10 0 = 4

8 Significant Figures Use: Make calculations more precise Rules: 1) All whole numbers are significant 2) Zeros between whole numbers are significant 3) A trailing zero is significant if and only if there is a decimal point 4) Zeros before whole numbers are not significant Sig Fig Video Examples: 101 = 3 100 = 1 100. = 3 0.00243 = 3

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