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1 Case study in demand led training Timor-Leste Basic Skills Training Project.

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1 1 Case study in demand led training Timor-Leste Basic Skills Training Project

2 2 Basic skills training project funded by AusAID working with established TVET providers to train unemployed young Timorese in basic construction skills.

3 3 Project Objective Trained 350 students over the last 3 years, planning to train another 120 over the next 6 months.

4 4 Strong demand focus construction carpentry, masonry, basic electrical skills, basic metal fabrication used in construction and plumbing.

5 5 Performance target Requirement of funding: place 40 per cent of the course graduates in employment in construction industry within 6 months of graduation 4 to 6 weeks work placement compulsory

6 6 Performance target Have to develop contacts & set up a network with employers & community Have to arrange work placements for the trainees with construction employers Have to help course graduates to find jobs in the construction industry.

7 7 Rôle of Jobs finder The jobs getter needs to have the time and aptitude to know how to approach and talk with employers. Also needed is access to accurate and up-to-date information about employers The jobs getter also needs to have credibility in the eyes of the employer

8 Achievements Every 3 months the project staff do a follow up of graduates by phone call & visit to the employer to meet with the graduates. 8

9 Achievements Findings: 40% of the graduates gained employment at both local and international construction companies. 20% continue to higher level study 40% move in & out of work and do short courses e. g computers Half of the graduates in jobs are working with the same employer who gave them their work placement 9

10 Key findings Work placements are a chance for employers to ‘try before they hire’ Work discipline a major issue – eg show up at training on time Shows whether can old down a job later 10

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