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Russell Peak - Georgia Tech
INCOSE IW10 Feb 5, 2010 Phoenix Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Challenge Modeling & Simulation Interoperability (MSI) Team Status Update ... with Applications to Mechatronics, Other Cyber-Physical Systems, and Beyond ... Presenter Russell Peak - Georgia Tech Other Team Leaders Chris Paredis, Leon McGinnis, Sandy Friedenthal, Roger Burkhart, Manas Bajaj v2.0 Portions are Copyright © 2010 by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia USA. All Rights Reserved. Permission to reproduce and distribute without changes for non-commercial purposes (including internal corporate usage) is hereby granted provided this notice and a proper citation are included.
Collaboration Approach Primary Current Team Leadership
Deere & Co. Roger Burkhart Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) Russell Peak, Chris Paredis, Leon McGinnis, & co. Leveraging collaborations in PSLM Center SysML Focus Area ( InterCAX Manas Bajaj Lockheed Martin Sandy Friedenthal Vendor Support Page 2
Georgia Tech Project Team Cumulative list of people involved to date [18 total]
Project Leadership [3] R Peak (MARC), C Paredis (ME), L McGinnis (ISyE) Other Researchers/Professionals [3] S Cimtalay, M Wilson, V Ustun Student Research Assistants—Graduated [5] Undergrad: B Wilson Masters: J Jobe, T Johnson, A Kerzhner PhD: M Bajaj (joined InterCAX LLC) Student Research Assistants—In-process [8] Undergrad: B Aikens, M Qin, A Scott (InterCAX intern) Masters: J Bankston, A Shah PhD: E Huang, A Kerzhner (JPL intern), K Kwon
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary Elaborations on Selected Topics Related Resources
MBSE Challenge Team Objectives Phase 1: 2007-2008
Overall Objectives Define & demonstrate capabilities for advanced modeling & simulation interoperability (MSI) Phase 1 Scope Domain: Mechatronics Capabilities: Methodologies, tools, requirements, and practical applications MSI subset: Connecting system specification & design models with multiple engineering analysis & dynamic simulation models Test & demonstrate how SysML facilitates effective MSI Note: The objectives to date are primarily based on projects in the GIT PSLM Center sponsored by industry and government—see backup slides. Page 5
The 4 Pillars of SysML Automotive Anti-Lock Braking System Example
1. Structure 2. Behavior interaction definition state machine activity/ function use 3. Requirements 4. Parametrics
Interoperability Method Objectives
Excavator Modeling & Simulation Testbed Tool Categories View
Excavator Modeling & Simulation Testbed Interoperability Patterns View (MSI Panorama per MIM 0.1)
Dec 2008: Final Phase 1 Overview Presentation
Simulation & Analysis Using SysML Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator Testbed and More Abstract This talk overviews Phase 1 experiences and lessons learned from an excavator testbed that interconnects simulation models with associated diverse system models, design models, and manufacturing models. The goal is to enable advanced model-based systems engineering (MBSE) in particular and model-based X (MBX) [1] in general. Our method employs SysML as the primary technology to achieve multi-level multi-fidelity interoperability, while at the same time leveraging conventional modeling & simulation tools including mechanical CAD, factory CAD, spreadsheets, math solvers, finite element analysis (FEA), discrete event solvers, and optimization tools. This work is sponsored by several organizations including Deere and Lockheed and is part of the Modeling & Simulation Interoperability Team [2] in the INCOSE MBSE Challenge (with applications to mechatronics as an example domain). [1] The X in MBX includes engineering (MBE), manufacturing (MBM), and potentially other scopes and contexts such as model-based enterprises (MBE). [2] Citation RS Peak, CJJ Paredis, LF McGinnis, DA Zwemer ( ) Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator Testbed and More. OMG SysML Information Days, Burlingame CA. Contact Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary
Curriculum History & Formats Offered Statistics as of Feb 2010 — www
Curriculum History & Formats Offered Statistics as of Feb 2010 — Full-semester Georgia Tech course ISYE 8813: Fall 2007, 2008, 2009 (~60 students total) Industry short courses Multiple [offerings,~students] since Aug 2008 SysML 101 [8,~160]; SysML 102 (hands-on) [6,~110] Onsite at industry locations In Atlanta at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center Collaborative development & delivery with InterCAX LLC Professional Masters course Professional Masters in Applied Systems Engineering ASE 6005 SysML course starting Summer 2010
Industry Short Course Contents (p1/2) SysML 101: Tool-Independent Concepts Focus
Industry Short Course Contents (p2/2) SysML 102: Hands-on Execution-Oriented Focus
Mobile Robot Exercise Executable SysML Activity Model [after live update]
from myro import * initialize("com29") senses() beep(1, 440) forward(1, 1) turnRight(1, .4) stop() Resulting python script
SysML Activities Exercise @ JPL Team Contest Using MyroMagic Plugin & Scribbler Rovers
Mobile Robot Exercise Executable SysML Activity Model with Sensors & Decision Nodes
guard condition (with sensor reading)
Mobile Robot Context (a cyber-physical system)
Auto-Generated Structured Python Scripts
New format generated by BuzzToys MyroMagic v0.3.1 — a MagicDraw plugin by GIT.
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary
Phase 2: Research & Development Thrusts
SysML-Modelica mapping “Model DNA” signatures parametric graph visualization, debugging, ... System-E/MCAD/CAE interoperability Design-mfg interoperability; mfg simulation Others (not shown here) Graph transformations Etc.
The following slides are excerpts from this presentation:
SysML-Modelica Transformation Specification (OMG ADTF Meeting, Long Beach, 12/9/2009) Chris Paredis Georgia Tech On behalf of the SysML-Modelica Working Group 22 22
What is Modelica? State-of-the-art Modeling Language for System Dynamics Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE) Discrete Events Formal, object-oriented language Ports represent energy flow (undirected) or signal flow (directed) Acausal, equation-based, declarative Multi-domain modeling Standardized by the Modelica Association 23 23
Modelica: Standard Library
motor torque 24
Working Group Focus and Scope
Objective: Leverage the strengths of both SysML and Modelica by integrating them to create a more expressive and formal MBSE language. Define a formal Transformation Specification: a SysML4Modelica profile and a mapping between Modelica and the profile Scope: Cover the Modelica constructs needed for the Modelica Standard Library to be used in SysML Generate corresponding SysML constructs that fit within the profiling mechanism 25 25
SysML Descriptive Model in Analysis Context
Simple Example Modelica Model SysML Descriptive Model in Analysis Context SysML4Modelica Analytical Model 26
Formal, Bidirectional Transformation
SysML4Modelica Formal, Bidirectional Transformation Modelica 27
Current Status Draft of Transformation Specification
Part I — Introduction Part II — SysML4Modelica profile Part III — Modelica meta-model Part IV — SysML-Modelica mapping, a bidirectional mapping between the SysML4Modelica profile and the Modelica meta-model Annex A – Robotic Sample Problem 28
SysML-Modelica Summary
Objective: Leverage the strengths of both SysML and Modelica by integrating them to create a more expressive and formal MBSE language. Descriptive Modeling in SysML + Formal Equation-Based Modeling for Analyses and Trade Studies in Modelica Next Steps: Open source reference implementations Submit RFC for vote at March OMG meeting id=sysml-modelica:sysml_and_modelica_integration 29
Phase 2: Research & Development Thrusts
SysML-Modelica mapping “Model DNA” signatures parametric graph visualization, debugging, ... System-E/MCAD/CAE interoperability Design-mfg interoperability; mfg simulation Etc.
“Model DNA” Signatures Using SysML Parametrics Panorama Tool by Andy Scott (Undergrad Research Asst.) and Russell Peak (Director, Modeling & Simulation Lab) a. Snowman e. Cactus Test: Match the actual model titles (below) to their “DNA signatures” with imagined titles (left). _____ 1. South Florida water mgt. (hydrology) model _____ spring physics model _____ year company financial model _____ 4. UAV road scanning system model _____ 5. Car gas mileage model _____ 6. Airframe mechanical part model _____ 7. Design verification model (automated test for two Item 6. designs) [see answers at the end of this presentation] b. Mini Snowman f. ? c. Snowflake g. Robot d. Mouse
“Object-Oriented Spreadsheet”
Satellite Tutorial Highlights: SimpleSat SysML par view and ParaMagic tool for execution “Object-Oriented Spreadsheet” plus more ...
par (SysML parametrics view)
Satellite Tutorial Highlights: SimpleSat Two views of same model: par and flattened graph par (SysML parametrics view) Model DNA signature (a.k.a. flattened graph) auto-generated from SysML model
Model DNA Signature Example Parametrics Model for an Analysis Tool Test Suite
Phase 2: Research & Development Thrusts
SysML-Modelica mapping “Model DNA” signatures parametric graph visualization, debugging, ... System-E/MCAD/CAE interoperability Design-mfg interoperability; mfg simulation Etc. See also “Elaborations on Selected Topics” after Summary
Emerging Tools: Connecting a System Model to Domain Models via SysML
Title: Composable Mission Framework for Rapid End-to-End Mission Design and Simulation Principal Investigator: Dr. Manas Bajaj, InterCAX LLC Phase 1: Jan – Jul, 2009 [NASA SBIR-08-1-S ] — NASA SBIR project Technical Abstract: The innovation proposed here is the Composable Mission Framework (CMF)—a model-based software framework that shall enable seamless continuity of mission design and simulation from early stage advanced studies to detailed mission design and development. The uniqueness of our approach lies in using an open standard for systems modeling and design (SysML) to wrap mission models including the mission development process thus providing a coherent map of mission knowledge. InterCAX's Composable Object technology provides the backend wrapping, model management, and simulation orchestration capabilities to the visual SysML-based mission model at the front end. The Composable Object technology has already demonstrated the ability to power SysML-based models with math simulation capabilities for early design stages. ParaMagic is a commercially available tool being used by early adopters of SysML at JPL. The Composable Object technology has also demonstrated the ability to associate detailed design and simulation models such as those created in CAD and FEA tools. However, a big gap exists in the SysML-based world for conceptual system design and the detailed system design-based world. If the detailed system design and simulation models could be wrapped as SysML objects and the simulations and workflows orchestrated by the Composable Object technology, it will cover the entire gamut of complex system modeling and analysis world from trade studies and optimization to project scheduling. The key objective of Phase 1 is to wrap both conceptual and detailed system design and simulation models as SysML objects which has not been done before, and to demonstrate continuity of mission concepts from simple to detailed implementation. 36
System Design & Analysis Integrating and Executing Diverse Models
Sub-system 1 Sub-system 2 Sub-system n … Comp 11 Comp1m … See also “Elaborations on Selected Topics” after Summary Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Comp 1m1 - Design Comp 1m1 – Behavior i Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) mCAD model in SysML (assembly structure, properties, constraints) eCAD model in SysML (key system-level entities and properties) FEA models in SysML (analysis conditions & results) System model in SysML External tools and models mCAD models (NX, Pro/E, CATIA,…) eCAD models (Board Station, CR5000,…) CAE models (FEA, CFD,…) Other simulation models (STK, DEVS, …) 37
Connecting system model and domain models
PCA = printed circuit assembly PCB = printed circuit board (bare substrate w/ metal traces ...) BGA = ball grid array (a type of electronic component) MCAD ECAD 38
“System Model”- “X Domain Model” Integration Ex. for X = Mechanical CAD
Systems Engineering Domain Design Domain MagicDraw SysML System Model NX MCAD Component Z CAD Model Property b1 Property b2 Property b3 Component Z CAD Design Parameter b1 Parameter b2 Parameter b3 Component Z System Model Property a1 Property a2 a2 = b1+b2 Step 1a Create a system model (e.g. with MagicDraw SysML) Step 1b Create a CAD domain model (e.g. with Siemens NX) Step 2 Import the CAD model into SysML as a CAD Model block Step 3 Connect (map) the CAD model to the system model using SysML parametrics Step 4 Control an auto-synch process: updates in CAD model ↔ updates in system model 39
Weight requirement satisfied
ParaMagic is used to execute the resulting total model. It computes system-level cost & weight from all nested subsystem-level & component-level models (originating from MCAD / ECAD /… tools), and it verifies related requirements. Weight requirement satisfied Cost requirement not satisfied 40
Phase 2: Research & Development Thrusts
SysML-Modelica mapping “Model DNA” signatures parametric graph visualization, debugging, ... System-E/MCAD/CAE interoperability Design-mfg interoperability; mfg simulation Etc.
Integrating Mfg Design and Simulation L McGinnis et al. — http://www
Excavator Modeling & Simulation Testbed Tool Categories View
Excavator Modeling & Simulation Environment Interoperability Patterns View (MSI Panorama per MIM 0.1)
Manufacturing Model Interdependencies
Detailed Process Planning
On Demand Simulation “On demand” simulation puts simulation methodology in the hands of the “problem owners”
eM-Plant Simulation
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary
Excavator Modeling & Simulation Testbed Interoperability Patterns View (MSI Panorama per MIM 0.1)
Product by InterCAX LLC
Productionizing/Deploying GIT XaiTools™ Technology for Executing SysML Parametrics Vendor SysML Tool Prototype by GIT Product by InterCAX LLC Artisan Studio Yes Yes (2009-4Q beta) EmbeddedPlus E+ SysML / RSA <tbd> No Magic MagicDraw ParaMagic™ (Jul 21, 2008 release) Telelogic/IBM Rhapsody — Melody™ (2010-1Q release) Sparx Systems Enterprise Arch. n/a XMI import/export Others <tbd> [1] Full disclosure: InterCAX LLC is a spin-off company originally created to commercialize technology from RS Peak’s GIT group. GIT has licensed technology to InterCAX and has an equity stake in the company. RS Peak is one of several business partners in InterCAX. Commercialization of the SysML/composable object aspects has been fostered by the GIT VentureLab incubator program ( via an InterCAX VentureLab project initiated October 2007.
Products & Services
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary
Broadly Applicable Technology Examples of Executable SysML Parametrics
Road scanning system using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) UAV-based missile interceptor system trade study Space systems (tutorials): orbit planning; mass/cost roll-ups Space systems (studies/pilots): FireSat (INCOSE SSWG), ... Space systems (actuals): science merit function, ... Environmentally-conscious energy systems / smart grid Manufacturing “green-ness” / sustainability assessments Regional water management systems (e.g. South Florida) ... Mechanical part design and analysis (FEA) Wind turbine supply chain management Insurance claims processing and website capacity model Financial model for small businesses Banking service levels model ~Next-generation object-oriented spreadsheets (and more)
Supply Chain Model for Global Supply Chain Management & Optimization
- Generic (shown) - Wind turbine-specifics (not shown) Sources: and Georgia Tech 55
Supply Chain Model – SysML Parametrics Connect to Optimization Models, Compute Value-at-Risk
Ex. Given 100’s of product orders and sourcing plans for the next 12 months, what percent of my business is at-risk if Supplier X does not deliver, or if Part Y becomes obsolete? 56
Broadly Applicable Technology Examples of Executable SysML Parametrics
Road scanning system using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) UAV-based missile interceptor system trade study Space systems (tutorials): orbit planning; mass/cost roll-ups Space systems (studies/pilots): FireSat (INCOSE SSWG), ... Space systems (actuals): science merit function, ... Environmentally-conscious energy systems / smart grid Manufacturing “green-ness” / sustainability assessments Regional water management systems (e.g. South Florida) ... Mechanical part design and analysis (FEA) Wind turbine supply chain management Insurance claims processing and website capacity model Financial model for small businesses Banking service levels model ~Next-generation object-oriented spreadsheets (and more)
Regional Water Mgt. System: Hydrology Model
Sources: and [SystemB_v2h_rsp.mdzip]
Regional Water Mgt. System: Hydrology Model
Model DNA signature (flattened graph “panorama” view) (auto-generated from SysML parametrics model) [SystemB_v2h.mdzip]
Broadly Applicable Technology Examples of Executable SysML Parametrics
Road scanning system using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) UAV-based missile interceptor system trade study Space systems (tutorials): orbit planning; mass/cost roll-ups Space systems (studies/pilots): FireSat (INCOSE SSWG), ... Space systems (actuals): science merit function, ... Environmentally-conscious energy systems / smart grid Manufacturing “green-ness” / sustainability assessments Regional water management systems (e.g. South Florida) ... Mechanical part design and analysis (FEA) Wind turbine supply chain management Insurance claims processing and website capacity model Financial model for small businesses Banking service levels model ~Next-generation object-oriented spreadsheets (and more)
F-86 wing section test case
Using SysML to Evaluate Sustainability Metrics (similar to Other Metrics: Design Flexibility, ...) F-86 wing section test case Rolled, Bent, Stamped Sheet Metal Less Room for Internal Parts More Manufacturing Operations Lighter Aluminum Cast and Machined Components More Room for Internal Parts Fewer Manufacturing Operations Heavier Source: Bras, Romaniw, et al. 10/2009 61 61
“Object-Oriented Spreadsheet”
F-86 Wing Section Test Case in SysML Parametrics Comparing Sustainability Metrics for Design Alternatives “Object-Oriented Spreadsheet” plus more ... Source: Bras, Romaniw, et al. 10/2009 12/21/09 62 62
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary Elaborations on Selected Topics Related Resources
Model-Based Enterprise
Modeling & Simulation Interoperability Benefits of SysML-based Approach Precision Knowledge for the Model-Based Enterprise
MBSE Challenge Team Mechatronics / Model Interoperability Open “Call for Participation”
Systems engineering drivers in commercial settings Increased system complexity Cross-disciplinary communication/coordination Enhancement possibilities based on interest Other demonstration examples and testbeds Interoperability testing between SysML tools Shared models and libraries Primary contacts Russell Peak] Sandy Friedenthal] Roger Burkhart] Page 65
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary Elaborations on Selected Topics Related Resources
Phase 2: Research & Development Thrusts
SysML-Modelica mapping “Model DNA” signatures parametric graph visualization, debugging, ... System-E/MCAD/CAE interoperability etc. Elaborated in next slides ...
System Design & Analysis Integrating and Executing Diverse Models
Sub-system 1 Sub-system 2 Sub-system n … Comp 11 Comp1m … Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Comp 1m1 - Design Comp 1m1 – Behavior i Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) mCAD model in SysML (assembly structure, properties, constraints) eCAD model in SysML (key system-level entities and properties) FEA models in SysML (analysis conditions & results) System model in SysML External tools and models mCAD models (NX, Pro/E, CATIA,…) eCAD models (Board Station, CR5000,…) CAE models (FEA, CFD,…) Other simulation models (STK, DEVS, …) 68
System model of a Mini Satellite with a electronic comp (BGA)
Author: System Engr. PCA = printed circuit assembly PCB = printed circuit board (bare substrate w/ metal traces ...) BGA = ball grid array (a type of electronic component) 69
Mini Satellite must satisfy weight and cost requirements
System Design & Analysis Integrating and Executing Diverse Models
Sub-system 1 Sub-system 2 Sub-system n … Comp 11 Comp1m … Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Comp 1m1 - Design Comp 1m1 – Behavior i Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) mCAD model in SysML (assembly structure, properties, constraints) eCAD model in SysML (key system-level entities and properties) FEA models in SysML (analysis conditions & results) System model in SysML External tools and models mCAD models (NX, Pro/E, CATIA,…) eCAD models (Board Station, CR5000,…) CAE models (FEA, CFD,…) Other simulation models (STK, DEVS, …) 71
Mechanical CAD Model of BGA (top view – mold, chip, heat sink comps)
CAD (Siemens NX) model of the BGA assembly Author: Mechanical Design Engineer 72
Mechanical CAD Model of BGA (bottom view - ~200 solder balls)
CAD (Siemens NX) model of the BGA assembly Author: Mechanical Design Engineer 73
Challenges The system engineer needs to propagate component requirements (e.g. weight, height) from the system model (SysML) to mechanical design model (NX) The CAD engineer needs to propagate component properties (NX) to system model (SysML) to verify the design in system context (repeated as the design progresses) The system engineer and mechanical engineer need to “map”/connect component properties in NX model and component properties in SysML model. 74
“System Model”- “X Domain Model” Integration Ex. for X = Mechanical CAD
Systems Engineering Domain Design Domain MagicDraw SysML System Model NX MCAD Component Z CAD Model Property b1 Property b2 Property b3 Component Z CAD Design Parameter b1 Parameter b2 Parameter b3 Component Z System Model Property a1 Property a2 a2 = b1+b2 Step 1a Create a system model (e.g. with MagicDraw SysML) Step 1b Create a CAD domain model (e.g. with Siemens NX) Step 2 Import the CAD model into SysML as a CAD Model block Step 3 Connect (map) the CAD model to the system model using SysML parametrics Step 4 Control an auto-synch process: updates in CAD model ↔ updates in system model 75
SysML model of the BGA assembly automatically generated from NX model
The mapping (non-directed connections) between the BGA component in the Mini Satellite system model (SysML) and the MCAD NX model (now exposed in SysML) can now be specified by the user ... (the starting point shown here) ... 77
The resulting system model - MCAD model connections (as specified by the user in a SysML parametrics diagram) are shown here. This parametric diagram is executable and is an integral aspect of the overall system model. 78
Weight requirement satisfied
ParaMagic is used to execute the resulting total model. It computes system-level cost & weight from all nested subsystem-level & component-level models (originating from MCAD / ECAD / ... tools), and it verifies related requirements. Weight requirement satisfied Cost requirement not satisfied 79
System Design & Analysis Integrating and Executing Diverse Models
Sub-system 1 Sub-system 2 Sub-system n … Comp 11 Comp1m … Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Comp 1m1 - Design Comp 1m1 – Behavior i Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) mCAD model in SysML (assembly structure, properties, constraints) eCAD model in SysML (key system-level entities and properties) FEA models in SysML (analysis conditions & results) System model in SysML External tools and models mCAD models (NX, Pro/E, CATIA,…) eCAD models (Board Station, CR5000,…) CAE models (FEA, CFD,…) Other simulation models (STK, DEVS, …) 80
STEP AP210 (IS0 10303-210) Design Standard for Electromechanical Products
Design Integrators (LKSoft - an InterCAX partner) ECAD Tools Board Station (Mentor Graphics) Prototyped in SBIR Phase 1 project CR5000 (Zuken) VISULA (Zuken) Allegro (Cadence) STEP AP210 model (ISO ) SysML … Enterprise Databases Part libraries Material libraries STEP AP210 Facts - O(100 man-yrs) in development concepts Edition 1 released in Edition 2 releasing soon (2010) In-production at Rockwell Collins, Boeing, NASA, … … 81
SysML Schema derived from STEP AP210 (9 high-level SE-related concepts)
AP210-based ECAD Model (I-501) (PCA with a 9-stratum PCB and 4 comps)
IDA-STEP (LKSoft) Layout of electrical features on layers 83
AP210-based ECAD Model (I-501) (PCB Stackup showing 9 stratums)
Stackup of PCB stratums 84
SysML Instance Model Auto-generated from I-501 AP210 Model
Printed Circuit Assembly 4 components Printed Circuit Board 9 PCB stratums 85
System Design & Analysis Integrating and Executing Diverse Models
Sub-system 1 Sub-system 2 Sub-system n … Comp 11 Comp1m … Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Comp 1m1 - Design Comp 1m1 – Behavior i Comp 11 – Behavior 1 Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) Mapping Relationships (Parametrics) mCAD model in SysML (assembly structure, properties, constraints) eCAD model in SysML (key system-level entities and properties) FEA models in SysML (analysis conditions & results) System model in SysML External tools and models mCAD models (NX, Pro/E, CATIA,…) eCAD models (Board Station, CR5000,…) CAE models (FEA, CFD,…) Other simulation models (STK, DEVS, …) 86
FireSat System Model (PCA and PCB components)
Printed Circuit Assembly – Testbed Model
PCA PCB Packaged components 88
Requirements, Design/CAD, and Analysis/CAE
Electronic Artifacts - PCA, PCB, Packaged parts Must satisfy requirements Analysis/CAE models defined for verifying requirements 89
PCA CAD Model in NX [~2000 bodies] (top view – 6 BGA assembly components)
PCA CAD Model in NX [~2000 bodies] (bottom view – 4 BGA assembly components)
PCA Model in SysML (schema) (auto-generated from NX CAD model)
Printed Circuit Assembly Printed Circuit Board 10 BGA assembly components ~2000 BGA solder ball features 92
PCA Model in SysML (instance) (auto-generated from NX CAD model)
Printed Circuit Assembly 10 BGA assembly components Printed Circuit Board 93
Printed Circuit Board – Behavior Models
Interfaces to External Tools/Models
Similar approaches can be used for other externally defined models, such as STK models and CAE models (e.g. finite element analysis model, CFD model, etc.) Interfaces prototyped for this SBIR Phase 1 project: MagicDraw - NX plugin (mechanical CAD tool) MagicDraw - AP210 plugin (electrical CAD standard) ABAQUS/ANSYS finite element analysis tool Existing commercial interfaces used: Matlab/Simulink, Excel, Mathematica (in ParaMagic) AP210 interfaces to major ECAD tools ( 95
Contents Phase 1 Synopsis (8/2007-7/2008)
Phase 2 Highlights (8/2008-Present) Addressing key needs per Phase 1 experiences: Education Research & Development Productionization / Commercialization Applications Summary Elaborations on Selected Topics Related Resources
SysML Parametrics—Suggested Starting Points
Introductory Papers/Tutorials Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Wilson MW, Bajaj M, Kim I (2007) Simulation-Based Design Using SysML—Part 1: A Parametrics Primer. INCOSE Intl. Symposium, San Diego. [Provides tutorial-like introduction to SysML parametrics.] Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Wilson MW, Bajaj M, Kim I (2007) Simulation-Based Design Using SysML—Part 2: Celebrating Diversity by Example. INCOSE Intl. Symposium, San Diego. [Provides tutorial-like introduction on using SysML for modeling & simulation, including the MRA method for creating parametric simulation templates that are connected to design models.] Example Applications Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Paredis CJJ, McGinnis LF (2008) Integrating Design with Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Mechatronics/Interoperability Team Status Report. Presentation to INCOSE MBSE Challenge Team, Utrecht, Holland. [Overviews modeling & simulation interoperability (MSI) methodology progress in the context of an excavator testbed.] Peak RS (2007) Leveraging Templates & Processes with SysML. Invited Presentation. Developing a Design/Simulation Framework: A Workshop with CPDA's Design and Simulation Council, Atlanta. [Includes applications to automotive steering wheel systems and FEA simulation templates.] Commercial Tools and Other Examples/Tutorials ParaMagic™ plugin for MagicDraw®. Developed by InterCAX LLC (a Georgia Tech spin-off) [1]. Available at Zwemer DA and Bajaj M (2008) SysML Parametrics and Progress Towards Multi-Solvers and Next-Generation Object-Oriented Spreadsheets. Frontiers in Design & Simulation Workshop, Georgia Tech PSLM Center, Atlanta. [Highlights techniques for executing SysML parametrics based on the ParaMagic™ plugin for MagicDraw®. Includes UAV and financial systems examples.] See slides below for additional references and resources. [1] Full disclosure: InterCAX LLC is a spin-off company originally created to commercialize technology from RS Peak’s GIT group. GIT has licensed technology to InterCAX and has an equity stake in the company. RS Peak is one of several business partners in InterCAX. Commercialization of the SysML/composable object aspects is being fostered by the GIT VentureLab incubator program ( via an InterCAX VentureLab project initiated October 2007.
MBX/SysML-Related Efforts at Georgia Tech
SysML Focus Area web page Includes links to publications, applications, projects, examples, courses, commercialization, etc. Frontiers 2008 workshop on MBSE/MBX, SysML, ... Selected projects Deere: System dynamics (fluid power, ...) Lockheed: System design & analysis integration NASA: Enabling technology (SysML, ...) NIST: Design-analysis interoperability (DAI) TRW Automotive: DAI/FEA (steering wheel systems ... )
Selected GIT MBX/SysML-Related Publications Some references are available online at See additional slides for selected abstracts. Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Paredis CJJ, McGinnis LF (2008) Integrating Design with Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Mechatronics/Interoperability Team Status Report. Presentation to INCOSE MBSE Challenge Team, Utrecht, Holland. [Overviews modeling & simulation interoperability (MSI) methodology progress in the context of an excavator testbed.] McGinnis, Leon F., "IC Factory Design: The Next Generation," e-Manufacturing Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, June 13, [Presents the concept of model-based fab design, and how SysML can enable integrated simulation.] Kwon, Ky Sang, and Leon F. McGinnis, "SysML-based Simulation Framework for Semiconductor Manufacturing," IEEE CASE Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, September 22-25, [Presents some technical details on the use of SysML to create formal generic models (user libraries) of fab structure, and how these formal models can be combined with currently available data sources to automatically generate simulation models.] Huang, Edward, Ramamurthy, Randeep, and Leon F. McGinnis, "System and Simulation Modeling Using SysML," 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC. [Presents some technical details on the use of SysML to create formal generic models (user libraries) of fab structure, and how these formal models can be combined with currently available data sources to automatically generate simulation models.] McGinnis, Leon F., Edward Huang, Ky Sang Kwon, Randeep Ramamurthy, Kan Wu, "Real CAD for Facilities," 2007 IERC, Nashville, TN. [Presents concept of using FactoryCAD as a layout authoring tool and integrating it, via SysML with eM-Plant for automated fab simulation model generation.] T.A. Johnson, J.M. Jobe, C.J.J. Paredis, and R. Burkhart "Modeling Continuous System Dynamics in SysML," in Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper no. IMECE , Seattle, WA, November 11-15, [Describes how continuous dynamics models can be represented in SysML. The approach is based on the continuous dynamics language Modelica.] T.A. Johnson, C.J.J. Paredis, and R. Burkhart "Integrating Models and Simulations of Continuous Dynamics into SysML," in Proceedings of the 6th International Modelica Conference, March 3-4, [Describes how continuous dynamics models and simulations can be used in the context of engineering systems design within SysML. The design of a car suspension modeled as a mass-spring-damper system is used as an illustration.] C.J.J. Paredis "Research in Systems Design: Designing the Design Process," IDETC/CIE 2007, Computers and Information in Engineering Conference -- Workshop on Model-Based Systems Development, Las Vegas, NV, September 4, [Presents relationship between SysML and the multi-aspect component model method.] Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Wilson MW, Bajaj M, Kim I (2007) Simulation-Based Design Using SysML—Part 1: A Parametrics Primer. INCOSE Intl. Symposium, San Diego. [Provides tutorial-like introduction to SysML parametrics.] Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Wilson MW, Bajaj M, Kim I (2007) Simulation-Based Design Using SysML—Part 2: Celebrating Diversity by Example. INCOSE Intl. Symposium, San Diego. [Provides tutorial-like introduction on using SysML for modeling & simulation, including the MRA method for creating parametric simulation templates that are connected to design models.] Peak RS (2007) Leveraging Templates & Processes with SysML. Invited Presentation. Developing a Design/Simulation Framework: A Workshop with CPDA's Design and Simulation Council, Atlanta. [Includes applications to automotive steering wheel systems and FEA simulation templates.] Bajaj M, Peak RS, Paredis CJJ (2007) Knowledge Composition for Efficient Analysis Problem Formulation, Part 1: Motivation and Requirements. DETC , Proc ASME CIE Intl Conf, Las Vegas. [Introduces the knowledge composition method (KCM), which addresses design-simulation integration for variable topology problems.] Bajaj M, Peak RS, Paredis CJJ (2007) Knowledge Composition for Efficient Analysis Problem Formulation, Part 2: Approach and Analysis Meta-Model. DETC , Proc ASME CIE Intl Conf, Las Vegas. [Elaborates on the KCM approach, including work towards next-generation analysis/simulation building blocks (ABBs/SBBs).]
Publications (cont.) Shah AA, Schaefer D, Paredis CJJ (2009) Enabling Multi-View Modeling with SysML Profiles and Model Transformations. International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Bath, UK. Kerzhner AA, Paredis CJJ (2009) Using Domain Specific Languages to Capture Design Synthesis Knowledge for Model-Based Systems Engineering. Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, DETC J.M. Jobe, T.A. Johnson and C.J.J. Paredis, “Multi-Aspect Component Models: A Framework for Model Reuse in SysML,” in Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2008, paper no. DETC2008–49339, Brooklyn, NY, 2008. W. Schamai, P. Fritzson, C. Paredis and A. Pop, "Towards Unified System Modeling and Simulation with ModelicaML: Modeling of Executable Behavior Using Graphical Notations," Proceedings of the 7th International Modelica Conference, pp , Como, Italy, September, 2009.
Integrating Design with Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Mechatronics/Interoperability Team Status Report Abstract This presentation overviews work-in-progress experiences and lessons learned from an excavator testbed that interconnects simulation models with associated diverse system models, design models, and manufacturing models. The goal is to enable advanced model-based systems engineering (MBSE) in particular and model-based X1 (MBX) in general. Our method employs SysML as the primary technology to achieve multi-level multi-fidelity interoperability, while at the same time leveraging conventional modeling & simulation tools including mechanical CAD, factory CAD, spreadsheets, math solvers, finite element analysis (FEA), discrete event solvers, and optimization tools. This work is currently sponsored by several organizations (including Deere and Lockheed) and is part of the Mechatronics & Interoperability Team in the INCOSE MBSE Challenge. Citation Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Paredis CJJ, McGinnis LF (2008) Integrating Design with Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Mechatronics/Interoperability Team Status Report. Presentation to INCOSE MBSE Challenge Team, Utrecht, Holland. [1] The X in MBX includes engineering (MBE), manufacturing (MBM), and potentially other scopes and contexts such as model-based enterprises (MBE).
Simulation-Based Design Using SysML
Part 1: A Parametrics Primer OMG SysML™ is a modeling language for specifying, analyzing, designing, and verifying complex systems. It is a general-purpose graphical modeling language with computer-sensible semantics. This Part 1 paper and its Part 2 companion show how SysML supports simulation-based design (SBD) via tutorial-like examples. Our target audience is end users wanting to learn about SysML parametrics in general and its applications to engineering design and analysis in particular. We include background on the development of SysML parametrics that may also be useful for other stakeholders (e.g, vendors and researchers). In Part 1 we walk through models of simple objects that progressively introduce SysML parametrics concepts. To enhance understanding by comparison and contrast, we present corresponding models based on composable objects (COBs). The COB knowledge representation has provided a conceptual foundation for SysML parametrics, including executability and validation. We end with sample analysis building blocks (ABBs) from mechanics of materials showing how SysML captures engineering knowledge in a reusable form. Part 2 employs these ABBs in a high diversity mechanical example that integrates computer-aided design and engineering analysis (CAD/CAE). The object and constraint graph concepts embodied in SysML parametrics and COBs provide modular analysis capabilities based on multi-directional constraints. These concepts and capabilities provide a semantically rich way to organize and reuse the complex relations and properties that characterize SBD models. Representing relations as non-causal constraints, which generally accept any valid combination of inputs and outputs, enhances modeling flexibility and expressiveness. We envision SysML becoming a unifying representation of domain-specific engineering analysis models that include fine-grain associativity with other domain- and system-level models, ultimately providing fundamental capabilities for next-generation systems lifecycle management. Part 2: Celebrating Diversity by Example These two companion papers present foundational principles of parametrics in OMG SysML™ and their application to simulation-based design. Parametrics capabilities have been included in SysML to support integrating engineering analysis with system requirements, behavior, and structure models. This Part 2 paper walks through SysML models for a benchmark tutorial on analysis templates utilizing an airframe system component called a flap linkage. This example highlights how engineering analysis models, such as stress models, are captured in SysML, and then executed by external tools including math solvers and finite element analysis solvers. We summarize the multi-representation architecture (MRA) method and how its simulation knowledge patterns support computing environments having a diversity of analysis fidelities, physical behaviors, solution methods, and CAD/CAE tools. SysML and composable object (COB) techniques described in Part 1 together provide the MRA with graphical modeling languages, executable parametrics, and reusable, modular, multi-directional capabilities. We also demonstrate additional SysML modeling concepts, including packages, building block libraries, and requirements-verification-simulation interrelationships. Results indicate that SysML offers significant promise as a unifying language for a variety of models-from top-level system models to discipline-specific leaf-level models. Citation Peak RS, Burkhart RM, Friedenthal SA, Wilson MW, Bajaj M, Kim I (2007) Simulation-Based Design Using SysML. INCOSE Intl. Symposium, San Diego. Part 1: A Parametrics Primer Part 2: Celebrating Diversity by Example
Composable Objects (COB) Requirements & Objectives
Abstract This document formulates a vision for advanced collaborative engineering environments (CEEs) to aid in the design, simulation and configuration management of complex engineering systems. Based on inputs from experienced Systems Engineers and technologists from various industries and government agencies, it identifies the current major challenges and pain points of Collaborative Engineering. Each of these challenges and pain points are mapped into desired capabilities of an envisioned CEE System that will address them. Next, we present a CEE methodology that embodies these capabilities. We overview work done to date by GIT on the composable object (COB) knowledge representation as a basis for next-generation CEE systems. This methodology leverages the multi-representation architecture (MRA) for simulation templates, the user-oriented SysML standard for system modeling, and standards like STEP AP233 (ISO ) for enhanced interoperability. Finally, we present COB representation requirements in the context of this CEE methodology. In this current project and subsequent phases we are striving to fulfill these requirements as we develop next-generation COB capabilities. Citation DR Tamburini, RS Peak, CJ Paredis, et al. (2005) Composable Objects (COB) Requirements & Objectives v1.0. Technical Report, Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Associated Project The Composable Object (COB) Knowledge Representation: Enabling Advanced Collaborative Engineering Environments (CEEs).
Leveraging Simulation Templates & Processes with SysML Applications to CAD-FEA Interoperability
Abstract SysML holds the promise of leveraging generic templates and processes across design and simulation. Russell Peak joins us to give an update on the latest efforts at Georgia Tech to apply this approach in various domains, including specific examples with a top-tier automotive supplier. Learn how you too may join this project and implement a similar effort within your own company to enhance modularity and reusability through a unified method that links diverse models. Russell will also highlight SysML’s parametrics capabilities and usage for physics-based analysis, including integrated CAD-CAE and simulation-based requirements verification. Go to for background on SysML—a graphical modeling language based on UML2 for specifying, designing, analyzing, and verifying complex systems. Speaker Biosketch Russell S. Peak focuses on knowledge representations that enable complex system interoperability and simulation automation. He originated composable objects (COBs), the multi-representation architecture (MRA) for CAD-CAE interoperability, and context-based analysis models (CBAMs)—a simulation template knowledge pattern that explicitly captures design-analysis associativity. This work has provided the conceptual foundation for SysML parametrics and its validation. He teaches this and related material, and is principal investigator on numerous research projects with sponsors including Boeing, DoD, IBM, NASA, NIST, Rockwell Collins, Shinko Electric, and TRW Automotive. Dr. Peak joined the GIT research faculty in 1996 to create and lead a design-analysis interoperability thrust area. Prior experience includes business phone design at Bell Laboratories and design-analysis integration exploration as a Visiting Researcher at Hitachi in Japan. Citation RS Peak (2007) Leveraging Simulation Templates & Processes with SysML: Applications to CAD-FEA Interoperability. Developing a Design/Simulation Framework, CPDA Workshop, Atlanta.
Managing “Model DNA” Using SysML Parametrics Panorama Tool by Andy Scott (Undergrad Research Asst.) and Russell Peak (Director, Modeling & Simulation Lab) a. Snowman e. Cactus Test: Match the actual model titles (below) to their “DNA signatures” with imagined titles (left). __g__ 1. South Florida water mgt. (hydrology) model __a__ spring physics model __e__ year company financial model __c__ 4. UAV road scanning system model __b__ 5. Car gas mileage model __d__ 6. Airframe mechanical part model __f __ 7. Design verification model (automated test for two Item 6. designs) [answers shown above] b. Mini Snowman f. ? c. Snowflake g. Robot d. Mouse
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