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Assistive Technology Assessment & Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology Assessment & Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology Assessment & Implementation

2 Your Hosts From Parents Helping Parents iTECH Center… Debbie Drennan– AT Specialist and *Leading Expert in the AT World Janet Nunez – AT Specialist and What If? Girl of the AT world (Special Guests: Agnes & Gladys) *Based on peer-review

3 Objectives of Presentation Attendee will learn about: The differences between consideration & assessment Best practices regarding AT assessments The elements of a quality AT assessment report Resources available to assist teams with assessment and implementation process

4 Agnes & Gladys Two mature women sit facing each other in a living room. They are wearing head scarves and gaudy jewelry. The woman on the right appears to be talking while the woman on the left holds a funnel to her ear and appears to be listening intently. A large jar of pickles can be seen on a table in the background.

5 Quick Review! IEP consideration process- –What does the law say about consideration of AT? –Can you name one framework for consideration? –Four outcomes of consideration

6 Definitions No Tech: Low Tech: Mid Tech: High Tech:

7 Consideration Steps 1.Review present levels. 2.Develop annual goals. 3.Identify tasks necessary to accomplish goals. 4.Determine the difficulty of the students tasks or barriers to success. 5.Identify appropriate supports and service, including AT.

8 Where Does the IEP Team Start? The least complex solution that will remove barriers to achievement should be a first consideration. Focus on the least restrictive solution from which meaningful benefit can be derived. 8

9 Accessible Technology Assessment: Student, Environment, Tasks and Tools (SETT) Student:School:Grade: Team participants: (names and titles) Phone Number:Case Manager:Date: School Administrator: Special Ed Cluster Supervisor: IEP Goal area being addressed: STUDENT: What are the students strengths and needs? ENVIRONMENT: Classes and situations where help is needed? TASKS: What are the tasks that the student needs to be able to accomplish to meet IEP goals? TOOLS: What AT or services will address these tasks? Trial Period recommended? No _________ Yes __________ If yes, complete and attach Trial Period Plan form.

10 Consideration Outcomes AT is not required AT is required AT is required but trials are needed to determine appropriate AT Team needs more information

11 Agnes & Gladys

12 What is the Difference between Consideration & Assessment? Consideration –Happens during IEP team meeting Assessment –May be a result of consideration –May be result of parent request

13 Why is AT Assessment Important? AT Abandonment: Matching Persons with Technology study 1999 Funding source- some require a full AT assessment

14 Assessment

15 Who Should Conduct AT Assessment? Depends on goals being addressed Funding source requirements In Education law, no specific requirements noted except that assessor must be qualified.

16 Assessment Best Practices Procedures of assessment clearly defined Team approach Student and family involvement Conducted in the students customary environment Trial-period Data-collection Recommendations based on data Reassessment as needs change Quality Indicators for AT 16

17 Assessment Goals Does the type of technology we are trying actually do what we thought it would do for the child? Which of the technology solutions tried is most effective? If AT tried includes a wide range in cost, is there data to justify the selection of one of the more expensive options? Bowser & Reed, 1998 – Education Tech Points 17

18 Accessible Technology Assessment: Student, Environment, Tasks and Tools (SETT) Student:School:Grade: Team participants: (names and titles) Phone Number:Case Manager:Date: School Administrator: Special Ed Cluster Supervisor: IEP Goal area being addressed: STUDENT: What are the students strengths and needs? ENVIRONMENT: Classes and situations where help is needed? TASKS: What are the tasks that the student needs to be able to accomplish to meet IEP goals? TOOLS: What AT or services will address these tasks? Trial Period recommended? No _________ Yes __________ If yes, complete and attach Trial Period Plan form.

19 Assessment Process Identify and define problem Gather information– (SETT process, student records, interviews, observation) Generate and prioritize AT solutions (no-tech to high- tech) Develop an AT plan Conduct AT trials and collect data Formulate report/recommendations Document in IEP 19 smentPlanner.pdf

20 Acquiring Trial Equipment Vendors AT Network: AT Device Lending Library Public Library Check within school districts/SELPA

21 Data Collection

22 Assessment Tools –WATI- –Oregon Technology Access Program –UKAT toolkit- –Don Johnston Inc.- assess writing issues ssistive_tech_assess/index.html ssistive_tech_assess/index.html –American Foundation for the Blind

23 Quick Wheel AT Planner AT Fans TAM – Technology & Media Division

24 Stages Assessment Software Assesses learners cognitive, access & language abilities Addresses alternate assessment needs

25 Compass Computer/Device access assessment tool –Assess over three input domains Pointing Text entry Switch use

26 How Do You Know It? How Can You Show It? Graph chart Created by: Penny Reed Gayl Bowser Jane Korsten

27 Trial Period Forms Accessible Technology Trial Period Plan- ent/hiat ent/hiat Choose and Trial Assistive Technology ose&TrialATPlan.pdf ose&TrialATPlan.pdf

28 Four Ways to Gather Info: Interviews Review finished products Observe students performance Video-tape student When is comes to data, generally more is better! Reed, P., Bowser, G., & Korsten, J (2002). Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative 28

29 How Will Performance Change? Quality Quantity Speed, accuracy, spontaneity, frequency, duration Collecting data on the use of any AT without adequate training is NOT useful!

30 Data Answers.. What AT is required Does the tool make a difference? Is the AT necessary for FAPE? Is AT required for equal access under 504? Must the AT be provided outside the school?

31 Assessment Report

32 Elements of a Quality Assessment Report –Background info –Reason for assessment –Process/procedure –Review of records –Interviews & Observations –Trials & data-collection –Data analysis/summary –Recommendations- features of AT tools needed

33 Outcomes From Data AT made a difference AT did not make a difference Not enough data to make a decision – more should be collected Data uncovered unexpected information. Team may need to frame new question. 33

34 What do these agencies need to see in a report? MediCal: CCS: Private Insurance: Regional Centers:

35 After the Assessment: Consider data collected from trial period or recommendations from team/formal assessment. Discuss modifications, strategies, training needs and related services. Reach consensus. Record description of AT in IEP. 35

36 Agnes & Gladys

37 Implementation

38 Develop Implementation Plan Assign responsibilities to team members Training Equipment management issues Assign timelines Record student performance Monitor plan for success Periodic review 38

39 Implementation Team Considerations Commitment to role & responsibility Training Monitoring Effectiveness Communication between team members 39

40 Acquisition Identify source of equipment and costs Order equipment Plan for training as needed Set up equipment Establish technical support system 40

41 Student Considerations Which tasks? Where? How often? Training needs? Home use? 41

42 Implementation Forms AT Implementation Form: AT_Implementation.pdf AT_Implementation.pdf Assistive Technology Implementation Plan 060807.pdf 060807.pdf

43 Periodic Review Is the AT being used? Is the AT functioning as expected? Is a change needed in the current AT plan? 43

44 Yes, these are best practices…how can they become standard?

45 Systems Change Provide staff support and training in using a consistent process to determine AT needs Provide staff training in writing AT into IEP, IFSP, 504 and transition plans Release staff to attend AT trainings and conferences Develop district budgets or locate funding to establish AT library or evaluation center

46 Were You Paying Attention? Time for a quiz! Raise your hand if you have an answer! 46

47 Resources Wisconsin AT : Oregon Technology Access Program : University of Kentucky AT Toolkit Maryland ATN AT Cycle : Quality Indicators in : National AT Research Institute

48 Parents Helping Parents & iTECH Services Trainings Techsplorations –T.I.P program (Early Start ages 0-3) Consultations AAC/Communication expertise Information and referral Toy-switch surgeon Member, AT Network of California Member, Alliance for Technology Access (855)727-5775 toll free

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