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Software Institute Part 1: Introduction John E. Clayton Nanjung University, Fall, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Institute Part 1: Introduction John E. Clayton Nanjung University, Fall, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Institute Part 1: Introduction John E. Clayton Nanjung University, Fall, 2004

2 I Once Lived in Greece

3 I Have Lived in 7 States

4 Mmmm…Chinese Food

5 North Carolina – Smoky Mountains

6 North Carolina – East Coast

7 North Carolina – Hattaras Light Built 1870, 208 feet high, 1,500 feet from the water's edge. 1919 - 300 feet from the water 1935 - 100 feet 1999 – Moved 3100 feet from the water

8 I Was Once Skinny

9 My Family

10 Our Home

11 Inside our Home

12 Why We Returned to China

13 Syllabus 1 9/21 Introduction; Student photos; Quick review; 2 9/28 Information cards; Paragraphs 10/05 No Class - National Day Holiday 10/12 No Class – Education Conference 3 10/19 4 10/26 5 11/02 6 11/09 7 11/16 8 11/23

14 Objective & Contacts Objective: improve your ability to speak and write in English. Focus: IT-related speaking, business writing. Downloads: Materials: Notebook for class notes. Grade: You will receive a letter grade (A, B, C, D), based on attendance, participation, and assignments.

15 Objective – to Change & Improve

16 Change is in the Air Bill's company installed a car wash system in Frederick, Md. for a gentleman. The new owner complained to Bill that he was losing significant amounts of money from his coin machines each week. He even accused Bill's employees of ripping him off. Bill couldn't believe that his people would do that. So he setup a trap for the thief. They caught the thief in the act!

17 Idioms 1. “ripping him off” – stealing from him. 2. “caught the thief in the act” – saw him doing it.

18 What the Camera Saw



21 Optical Illusion

22 Loading the Bike Loading – to put something into its place Bike- Bicycle - Motorcycle

23 Loading the Bike

24 Is Punctuation Important? Dear John: I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy--will you let me be yours? Gloria

25 Is Punctuation Important? Dear John: I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be? Yours, Gloria

26 Be Careful of Little Things A common problem -- I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Guideline -- A comma: causes the reader to pause briefly should directly follow the last character A period: causes the reader to stop should directly follow the last character

27 Be Careful of Little Things

28 A Balanced, Detailed Paragraph Riding a bicycle is preferable to driving a car. First of all, a bicycle is relatively inexpensive to buy and to maintain. While a car may cost thousands of dollars annually, a good bicycle will cost only a hundred dollars or so, and its annual maintenance cost is very small. Biking is also healthier. Not only does the biker get more physical exercise than the driver, but bicycles are nonpolluting. The consequence is a person with strong legs and a strong heart whose bicycle helps keep the environment clean. Finally, bicycling is, unlike driving, personally satisfying. Instead of being a robot inside a machine, the biker pedals along, enjoying the scenery, becoming a part of nature. In all but the most inclement weather, the bicycle is a pleasurable means of transportation. Which is the topic sentence? Which is the concluding sentence? What specific points are being made? It's relatively inexpensive It's healthier It's personally satisfying

29 Homework Assignment 1.List 5 things that really interest you. 2.Order the list, with most important item first. 3.Describe why item number one is very important to you. (think of at least three reasons why it is important) You will be asked about your list during next class, but you needn’t turn it in. Don’t loose it – you will need it later.

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