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PYLBO Put Your Life in Better Order. Team Milko - developer, R & D, web application Rusko - developer (DB), sales Chris - marketing, design, finances.

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Presentation on theme: "PYLBO Put Your Life in Better Order. Team Milko - developer, R & D, web application Rusko - developer (DB), sales Chris - marketing, design, finances."— Presentation transcript:

1 PYLBO Put Your Life in Better Order

2 Team Milko - developer, R & D, web application Rusko - developer (DB), sales Chris - marketing, design, finances Slav - developer (mobile application), business development Ivo - developer (architecture, services), business development Bony - analysis, business development, sales Any - developer social networks, marketing Tony - finances, system administrator

3 Company Overview PYLBO is a personal time management tool that will help you track your goals and reorganize your time to better your performance in all areas of life.

4 Market Opportunity Our life is out of balance. We don't have time for the things that really matter. Lots of personal management tools - all need heavy input from the user

5 Solution collect data about our everyday activities analyze it provide informed suggestions for time optimization and personal goals achievement.

6 How it Works? Areas of Life workleisure family relationships health Family Goal #1 Set Goals Places Calendar Task Lists Activities Smart Optimization Suggestions Analysis

7 Benefits time performance - doing more for less time measurable progress towards goals - drawing attention to goals completion minimum manual input - we track and suggest goal related activities

8 Competitive Advantages Minimized user input, utilizing GPS to track ACTIVITIES Advanced analysis and suggestion technologies, based on user history Complete time management self educating system

9 Market Strategy 31% from working people in North America have work/life balance problem 5% define and write their goals 17% - have smart phones Target - people who want to balance their life based on their life goals

10 Business Model B2C - Freemium: free – tracking activities; statistics; location aware advertisements paid - suggestions and auto schedule generation. B2B: Sell anonymous aggregated data to be used for market research.

11 Financial Projections 6 months product development + 12 months to break even = $200K smart money needed.

12 Milestones Analytics core Mobile interfaces - Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, iPhone Web Interface

13 Thank you! Questions?

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