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Summary of the Workshop on FPGAs for High-Energy Physics

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1 Summary of the Workshop on FPGAs for High-Energy Physics
PhD Student: Salvatore Danzeca Supervisor: Giovanni Spiezia

2 Summary Introduction Altera Arria GX Test for LHCb
Microsemi Igloo 2 for CMS HCAL Kintex 7 Mitigation techinques and general TMR Experience from using SRAM based FPGAs in the ALICE TPC Detector and Future Plans

3 130 nm dual Poly process CMOS (ProAsic3)
The eternal fight FLASH BASED FPGA 130 nm dual Poly process CMOS (ProAsic3) 65 nm process (IGLOO2) Xilinx 28 nm process high-k metal gate (HKMG) technology

4 RADWG Community Most of the project in the RADWG community use the Flash based FPGA. Better SEU immunity Easy to harden against SEU by use of GLOBAL TMR Resources available are comparable to an SRAM FPGA of 3 years ago TID limit not high as the SRAM FPGA In which case we should use SRAM FPGA?? TID is a concern Performances are a concern SEU can be tollerated

5 2x Arria GX – EP1AGX35DF780I6 (90nm)
Proton irradiation test of an Altera SRAM-based FPGA for the possible usage in the readout electronics of the LHCb experiment Presenter: Christian FAERBER 2x Arria GX – EP1AGX35DF780I6 (90nm) Application LHCb Outer Tracker detector FPGA used as TDC and Gbit/s trans Tested with 22 MeV protons

6 Results Current Stability of Implemented TDC Stability of PLL
FPGA Core current rises after 150 krad(Si) and reaches 107% after 7 Mrad(Si). FPGA I/O current starts to drop after 400 krad(Si) and reaches 94% at 7 Mrad(Si). All permanent current changes are between 5% - 20% and begin after 150 krad(Si) Stability of Implemented TDC Wrong time measurement after a TID of 400 krad(Si) Shifted time measurement after a TID of 4 Mrad Stability of PLL 3 PLL clock signals monitored 3 frequencies did not changed The phase between clk1 and clk2 shows a shift from -150° to larger values after 3 Mrad(Si) FPGA Gbit/s Transceiver Tests Loss of bit alignment: Recovered by sending next bit alignment word. Cross section: (1.3±0.5) x10-10cm²/GBit transceiver De-synchronization of transmitter and receiver: Needed reprogramming of the FPGA Cross section: (8±4) x10-11cm²/GBit transceiver FPGA configuration registers cyclic redundancy checker tool from Altera Cross section:(1.6±0.2) x10-9cm²/FPGA

7 FPGAs in the upgrade of CMS HCAL Presenter: Tullio Grassi
FPGAs both in the Front-End Electronics (FEE) mounted on the detector and in the Back-End electronics (BEE) located in the counting rooms. Existing Upgrade Expected TID on FEE 2 Gy 14 Gy (1.4 krad) Expected 1 MeV-equivalent neutron fluence on FEE 1 x 1011 / cm2 7 x 1011 / cm2 Front-End Actel antifuse (for control only) Microesemi flash-based (control and data) Back-End Xilinx and Altera Xilinx Number of FPGA types 2 (FEE) + ~8 (BEE) ~5 (FEE) + 5 (BEE) Number of developers 1 (FEE) + ~4 (BEE) ~6 (FEE) + 4 (BEE)

8 Solutions Microsemi ProASIC3L MicroSemi Igloo 2
interface the ProASIC3L to the Cern GBTX  need the ability to receive SLVS (a differential signal similar to LVDS but with smaller amplitude). ProASIC3L can receive SLVS :A Belloni et al, “Radiation tolerance of an SLVS receiver based on commercial components”, Journal of Instrumentation (JINST 2014) MicroSemi Igloo 2 On-going tests by Univ. of Minnosota with 230 MeV failure after 2x1012 protons no SEU seen on a TMR-type shift-register no SET seen PLL : observed 400 SEUs over a fluence of 1011 protons/cm2 LATEST NEWS (2014) : serializer running at 4.8 Gbps: loss-of-sync observed with cross section = 1.7 E-10 cm2. A power cycle was issued after every loss-of-sync, after that the link was working again. It was not attempt to reset (part of) the serializer.

9 Scrubbing Approaches for Kintex-7 FPGAs Presenter: Michael Wirthlin
Xilinx Kintex 7 Commercially available FPGA 28 nm, low power programmable logic High-speed serial transceivers (MGT) High density (logic and memory) Built-In Configuration Scrubbing Support for Configuration Readback and Self-Repair Auto detect and repair single-bit upsets within a frame SEU Mitigation IP for correcting multiple-bit upsets Proven mitigation techniques Single-Event Upset Mitigation (SEM) IP Configuration scrubbing Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) Fault tolerant Serial I/O State machines BRAM ECC Protection

Device configuration organized as “Frames” Smallest unit of configuration and readback Individual frames can be configured (partial reconfiguration) Individual frames can be read (readback) 101 words x 32 bits/word = 3232 bits/frame Frames organized into different “Blocks” Block 0: Logic/Routing Configuration Data (22546 frames) Block 1: BlockRAM configuration/contents (5774 frames) Frames can be “scrubbed” during device operation Writing individual configuration frames overwrites previous data Replaces “bad” data in the presence of upsets Writes “same” data when no presence of upsets Scrubbing involves continuous reading/writing of configuration data

Each Frame contains SECDED ECC Code Provides single-bit correction and double bit detection Identifies the location of the single-bit upset Identifies presence of double bit upset Double-error detection can be masked with >2 upsets in frame Entire bitstream checked with global CRC Detects failure of individual ECC words (masked ECC) Suggests full reconfiguration if global CRC error detected Internal FrameECC Block Dedicated block for ECC computation and error correction INTERNAL Scrubber EXTERNAL Scrubber must respond to >2 bit frame errors

12 Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)
TMR has lower reliability than non-redundant for long mission times Effective TMR almost always is coupled with “repair” TMR + Repair = Very Reliable!

13 Fault repair through scrubbing
Fixes the cause of the error Does NOT fix the state of the circuit State of circuit must be synchronized to working circuits

14 BYU-LANL TMR Tool BYU-LANL Triple Modular Redundancy
Developed at BYU under the support of Los Alamos National Laboratory (Cibola Flight Experiment) Used to test TMR on many designs Fault injection, Radiation testing, in Orbit Testbed for experimenting with various TMR application techniques (used for research)

15 Experience from using SRAM based FPGAs in the ALICE TPC Detector and Future Plans Presenter: Johan Alme 1000 samples/event (10bit) 4356 * 128 channels 700MByte/event 200 Hz/1kHz eventrate GByte/s (Raw) Data compression: 5-20 Gbyte/s (~x30) The RCU main FPGA sits in the datapath Data readout is handled by the Readout Node 92% CLBs 75% BRAM blocks (Remaining 25% BRAM can not be used due to the Active Partial Reconfiguration) Result: TMR or any other mitigation techniques are not applicable Solution: Reconfiguration Consists of: A radiation tolerant flash memory, a radiation tolerant flash based FPGA and the DCS board – an Embedded PC with Linux. Corrects SEUs in the configuration memory of the Xilinx Virtex-II pro vp7 Why it works: Active Partial Reconfiguration

16 Problems and solution Test carried out at the end of April
2011 Pb-Pb run: x 1024 cm-2s-1 : ~5 SEUs/h for all 216 Run 2 scenario: Peak luminosity 1 – 4 x 1027 cm-2s-1 : ~45 SEUs/h for all 216 FPGAs Solution : Upgrades the RCU –> RCU2 New «state of the art» System on Chip FPGA – Microsemi smartFusion2 Faster, bigger, better in radiation! First flashbased FPGA with SERDES Test carried out at the end of April Waiting for the results!!

17 Monitoring of Radiation Levels
On the present RCU we have the Reconfiguration Network acting as a radiation monitor Additional SRAM memory and Microsemi proASIC3 250 added to the RCU2 Cypress SRAM – same as used for the latest LHC RadMon devices

18 Clooser Look Workshop on FPGAs for High-Energy Physics, Fault-Tolerance Techniques for SRAM-Based FPGAs (Frontiers in Electronic Testing) by Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt and Ricardo Reis (May 3, 2006) Kintex 7 Article Soft Error Rate Estimations of the Kintex-7 FPGA within the ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeter, Takai Helio, What's Microsemi Done With Actel's IGLOO Product Range?


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