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PAT Initiative: Next Steps

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1 PAT Initiative: Next Steps
Ajaz S. Hussain, Ph.D. Deputy Director Office of Pharmaceutical Science, CDER, FDA

2 PAT Initiative FDA Science Board Meetings (11/01, 4/02)
Emerging Science Issues in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Current state of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing G. K. Raju (M.I.T) and Doug Dean (PriceWaterHouseCoopers) Opportunities for improvements Norman Winskill and Steve Hammond (Pfizer) New Technology - “Don’t Use” or “Don’t Tell” approach Ray Scherzer (CAMP/GlaxoSmithKline) Challenge to Phrama Industry - Quality By Design Science Board support for FDA’s proposal to facilitate innovation

3 PAT Progress Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science (PAT Subcommittee) deliberations Definitions, benefits, and scope Perceive/real regulatory “hurdles” Internal (with-in company) “hurdles” Need for across discipline communication Pharmacy+Chemistry+Engineering = Pharmaceutical Engineering Approaches for removing these “hurdles” Case studies General approaches for validation PAT Training curriculum for FDA staff

4 PAT Teams: ORA, CDER & CVM
PAT Steering Committee Doug Ellsworth, ORA/FDA Dennis Bensley, CVM/FDA Mike Olson, ORA/FDA Joe Famulare, CDER/FDA Yuan-yuan Chiu, CDER/FDA Frank Holcomb, CDER/FDA Moheb Nasr, CDER/FDA Ajaz Hussain Chair, CDER/FDA PAT Review - Inspection Team Investigators: Robert Coleman (ORA/ATL-DO) Rebecca Rodriguez (ORA/SJN-DO) Erin McCaffery (ORA/NWJ-DO) George Pyramides (PHI-DO) Compliance Officers: Albinus D’Sa (CDER) Mike Gavini (CDER) William Bargo (CVM) Reviewers: Norman Schmuff (CDER) Lorenzo Rocca (CDER) Vibhakar Shah (CDER) Rosario D’Costa (CDER) Raafat Fahmy (CVM) PAT Policy Development Team Raj Uppoor, OPS/CDER Chris Watts, OPS/CDER Huiquan Wu, OPS/CDER (Ali Afnan, OPS/CDER) PAT Training Coordinators John Simmons, Karen Bernard and Kathy Jordan

5 Why Process Analytical Technologies?
PAT provides an opportunity to move from the current “testing to document quality” paradigm to a “Continuous Quality Assurance” paradigm that can improve our ability to ensure quality was “built-in” or was “by design” - ultimate realization of the true spirit of cGMP! Greater insight and understating of processes At/On/In-line measurement of “performance” attributes Real-time or rapid feedback controls (focus on prevention) Potential for significant reduction in production and development cycle time Minimize risks of poor process quality and reduce (regulatory) concerns

6 PAT Conceptual Framework for Regulatory Policy Development
Incoming Materials. Specifications Relevant to “Process-ability” Incoming material attributes used to predict/adjust optimal processing parameters within established bounds (more flexible bounds) PAC PCCP LT CM IT Direct or inferential assessment of quality and performance (at/on-line) Control of process critical control points (PCCP). Process end point (PEPs’) range based on “performance” attributes. PEP’s Chemometrics (CM) and IT Tools for “real time” control and decisions At-line In/On-Line Process Analytical Chemistry Tools Laboratory or other tests Development/Optimization/Continuous Improvement (DOE, Evolutionary optimization, Improved efficiency) Multivariate Systems Approach Risk Classification and Mitigation Strategies

7 Product and Process Quality Knowledge: Science-Risk Based cGMP’s
Quality by Design Process Design Yes, Limited to the Experimental Design Space Maybe, Difficult to Assesses GMP/CMC FOCUS Design qualification Focused; Critical Process Control Points (PAT) Extensive; Every Step (CURRENT) DATA DERIVED FROM TRIAL-N-ERROR EXPERIMENTATION DECISIONS BASED ON UNIVARIATE APPROACH CAUSAL LINKS PREDICT PERFORMANCE MECHANISTIC UNDERSTANDING 1st Principles

8 Regulatory Framework PAT tools not a requirement Research exemption
Continuous improvement without the fear of being considered non-compliant Regulatory support and flexibility during development & implementation Eliminate the fear of delayed approval Dispute avoidance/resolution Science & Risk based regulatory approach Low risk categorization based on a higher level of process understanding

9 Strategy for Moving Forward
Scientific Workshops Several FDA co-sponsored and other workshops conducted (US and Europe) Scientific discussion and debate across disciplines (pharmacy, chemistry, chemical engineering) organizational units (development, manufacturing, quality control, and regulatory departments) General guidance on PAT to be released Training workshop Bring together different Associations (disciplines)

10 Strategy for Moving Forward
Champions to drive this initiative towards a “shared vision” or “desired state” Industry: Pfizer, GSK, BMS, Aventis, Lilly, Novartis,... Academia: MIT, Purdue, Washington, Tennessee, Michigan, Rutgers, Maryland, Minnesota, Connecticut, Puerto Rico, Duquesne.., London, Bradford, Basel,… (planned - Gifu and other universities in Japan) PAT introduced in Pharmaceutical Engineering programs at Purdue, Michigan and Rutgers (Instrument vendors - moving towards an association to address common issues)

11 Strategy: Moving forward
Improving the FDA knowledge base for technical policy development Several experts recruited Intramural research refocused to address technical needs and for in-house training Significant increase in peer reviewed contributions Learn from other industries (e.g., link with ASTM) CRADA with Pfizer developed, awaiting final FDA approval (focus on chemical imaging) Collaborate with NSF (Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research)

12 Strategy: Moving forward
PAT Initiative a part of the broader cGMP Initiative for the 21st Century (announced 12 August 2002) An example of science and risk-based systems approach to product quality regulations

13 Strategy for Moving Forward
Post approval implementation of PAT PAT-Comparability protocols proposed by several companies systems thinking, process understanding, risk mitigation strategies - Manufacturing Science PAT Review & Inspection team training and certification science and risk based review and inspection Product Specialist on inspection concept Expertise: Industrial pharmacists, chemical engineers, chemometric, process analytical chemistry

14 Move from “testing to document quality” to “quality by design”
What does this mean? Effective methods for managing/controlling (particle size) variability to provide consistent performance Establishing causal links between material attribute (particle size) variability and performance Reduce reliance on lab-based test methods Improve focus on process understanding as compared to “test” to “test” comparisons

15 Risk = ? Minimal potential -AR Change = Risk(?)
Section 116 of the Modernization Act section 506A (21 U.S.C. 356a) the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) …….potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a product as they may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the product (506A(c)(2)). Substantial Potential - PAS Moderate potential - CBE-30 Days or CBE Minimal potential -AR

16 Risk Based Review Review - minimizes intolerable risk to patient safety Process Identify risk scenarios Assess likelihood of fault condition Assess severity of impact Assign risk grade Assess probability of detecting fault condition Determine mitigation strategy

17 Quality Risk Scenarios
Risk of unacceptable quality (examples) Releasing a unacceptable quality product Inadequate controls/specifications “New” impurities Bio-in-equivalence Inadequate process validation sampling not “representative” Stability failure Poor Process quality Others

18 Risk of Bio-in-equivalence
Risk factors Manufacturing changes pre/post approval minor - moderate - major changes Poor process capability high between and within batch variability Reliance on in vitro dissolution tests single point specification - sampling - predictability Other factors deficiencies in BE study design - Type II error Bioequivalence - one of the critical links between quality and S&E

19 BCS a tool for risk management
Assessment of risk What is the risk of bio-in-equivalence between two pharmaceutical equivalent products when in vitro dissolution test comparisons are used for regulatory decisions? Likelihood of occurrence and the severity of the consequences? Regulatory Decision whether or not the risks are such that the project can be persued with or without additional arrangements to mitigate the risk Acceptability of the Decision is the decision acceptable to society?

20 Quality Risk Classification (based on SUPAC and GAMP-4)
Quality by design + Systems approach Risk Likelihood High Medium Low Level 3 Level 2 Impact on Quality Level 1

21 Quality Risk Priority Probability of Detection Medium Low High 3
Quality by design + Systems approach Probability of Detection Low Medium High High 3 Medium Risk Classification 2 1 Low

22 A Perspective on PAT: One piece of the puzzle
“Vision I can see clearly now” Quality & performance by design + Continuous “real time” monitoring of quality Specifications based on mechanistic understanding of how formulation and process factors impact product performance High efficiency and capacity utilization Science based regulatory decisions focused on product and process quality

23 PAT = Process Understanding
Intended Use 1st Principles Modeling Optimization Continuous Improvement (including CAPA) Risk based Regulatory Assessment Arden House 2004

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