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NuMI Near Hall Detectors: MINOS and Beyond Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab NuFact’02 London, July 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "NuMI Near Hall Detectors: MINOS and Beyond Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab NuFact’02 London, July 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 NuMI Near Hall Detectors: MINOS and Beyond Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab NuFact’02 London, July 2002

2 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 2 “Near” Detectors  Basically could be two types of “near” detectors at neutrino oscillation facilities.  The most basic is as close to an exact replica of the “far” detector as possible to reduce systematics when comparing neutrino beam characteristics far-to-near. t Since this type of near detector must reproduce the properties of a mammoth far detector, it’s capabilities to do other types of important physics as well as, possibly, detailed examination of the neutrino beam are compromised.  The second type of “near” detector comes with a physics program of its own. t It can, among many other things, help reduce the systematics errors of an oscillation experiment. t It has the power to better unravel the components of the neutrino beam used in oscillation experiments.

3 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 3 Near Detector: 980 tons Far Detector: 5400 tons Det. 2 Det. 1 MINOS Detectors

4 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 4 MINOS Detectors Det. 2 Det. 1 Near Detector: 980 tons Far Detector: 5400 tons

5 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 5 Fermilab On-site Beam and Near Detector Hall  Target-Horn Chase: 2 parabolic horns. 50 m  Decay Region: 1m radius decay pipe.675 m  Hadron Absorber: Steel with Al core 5 m  Muon range-out: dolomite (rock). 240 m  Near Detector Hall 45 m

6 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 6 MINOS Near Detector  Near Detector Hall: Length - 45m, Height - 9.6m, Width - 9.5m  Primary objective is to determine the characteristics (e.g. the  energy spectrum) and composition of the neutrino beam leaving the Fermilab site before oscillations occur.  These characteristics are then compared with what is found at the Far Detector to measure oscillation parameters.  Beam, detector and experimental environment should be as similar as possible near/far: t Similarities »Nature & thickness of absorber plates »Nature & granularity of active detector »Strength of magnetic field t Differences »Neutrino Energy Spectra - non-point source for near detector. »Neutrino Flux is significantly higher at the near detector. »Electronics

7 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 7 The Near Detector  Steel & scintillator tracking calorimeter  282 “squashed octagon” (3.8 x 4.8m) planes of steel - l = 16.6m M = 0.98 kton  153 planes of scintillator t Sampling every 2.54 cm t 4cm wide strips of scintillator t 55%/  E for hadrons (Caldet: not yet) t 23%/  E for electrons (Caldet: yes)  Forward section: 120 planes t 4/5 partially instrumented t 1/5 planes: full area coverage u Spectrometer section:162 planes t 4/5 planes not instrumented t 1/5 planes: full area coverage Coil Hole Beam Center Instrumented Region

8 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 8 MINOS Active Detector

9 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 9 Near Detector: Main Sections 60 Planes 40 Planes 20 Planes Veto Section Target Section Hadron Shower Section (Muon) Spectrometer Section Forward Section 160 Planes

10 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 10 Expected Granularity: Hadronic Events in MINOS (Caldet Data) Sample Pion Events Sample Proton Events 3.5 GeV 2 GeV 1 GeV

11 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 11 New NuMI Near Detector Beyond MINOS What could/should be assembled? The second type of Near Detector

12 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 12 Neutrino Event Energy Distributions and Statistics  Reasonably expect 2.5 x 10 20 pot per year of NuMI running.  le-configuration: Events- E peak = 3.0 GeV, = 10.2 GeV, rate = 200 K events/ton - year.  me-configuration: Events- E peak = 7.0 GeV, = 8.5 GeV, rate = 675 K events/ton - year pme rate = 540 K events/ton - year.  he-configuration: Events- E peak = 12.0 GeV, = 13.5 GeV, rate = 1575 K events/ton - year phe rate = 1210 K events/ton - year. With E-907 at Fermilab to measure particle spectra from the NuMI target, expect to know neutrino flux to ± 5%.

13 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 13 -Scattering Physics Topics with NuMI Beam Energies and Statistics  Quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and associated form-factors.  Resonance production region (very poorly studied up to now).  The intriguing region where resonance production joins deeply inelastic scattering.  Parton distribution functions (pdf), particularly in the high-x Bj region.  Leading exponential contributions of pQCD.  sin 2  W via the ratio of NC / CC as well as d  /dy from -e scattering (check the recent surprising NuTeV result).  Charm physics including the mass of the charm quark m c (improved accuracy by an order of magnitude, V cd, s(x) and, independently, s(x.).  Nuclear effects involving neutrinos. In particular are nuclear effects the same for valence and sea quarks.  Strange particle production for V us, flavor-changing neutral currents and measurements of hyperon polarization.  Spin of the strange quark through elastic scattering. Far more accurate with many fewer assumptions than charged lepton results for  s.  Nuclear physics studies with neutrinos (complementary to JLab studies in the same kinematic range). Argonne Theory Institute at the end of July solely on this topic.

14 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 14 NuMI Near Hall: Dimensions & Geometry Length: 45m - Height: 9.6m - Width: 9.5m Length Available for New Detector: 26 m Incoming angle: beam: 58 mr.

15 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 15 NuMI Beam Interacts Off-Module-Center Wonderful - inviting - spot for a new detector which could use MINOS near detector as a muon ID/spectrometer!

16 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 16 A First Significant Step... MINOS Near Scintillator Strips Planes of C, Fe, Pb

17 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 17 Detector: Conceptual Design  2m x 2 cm x 2cm scintillator (CH) strips with fiber readout.  Fiducial volume: r =.8m L = 1.5: 3 tons of scintillator  Downstream half: pure scintillator  Upstream half: scintillator plus 2 cm thick planes of C, Fe and W. t 11 planes C = 1.0 ton (+Scintillator) t 3 planes Fe =.95 ton (+MINOS) t 2 planes Pb =.90 ton  Readout: combination of VLPC and multi-anode PMT.  Use MINOS near detector as muon identifier / spectrometer.

18 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 18 Example of Event Profiles in Scintillator Detector David Potterveld - ANL CC: E = 4.04 GeV, x =.43, y =.37 “Elastic”: E = 3.3 GeV, x =.90, y =.08 CC: E = 11.51 GeV, x =..34, y =.94 NC: E = 29.3 GeV, x =..25, y =.46

19 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 19 Scintillator/Fiber R&D at Fermilab Scintillation detector work at Fermilab EM and hadronic calorimetry Shower max detectors Pre-shower detectors Photon vetos Fiber tracker Muon tracking/hodoscopes General purpose trigger hodoscopes Time-of-Flight 1 cm transverse segmentation. 1 cm base triangles – yields about 1 mm position resolution for mips From D0 pre-shower test data PolymerDopant Scintillator Cost < $ 5 / kg Continuing development of D0 VLPC readout with $750K grant. Produced D0-type arrays for detailed device analysis at low cost compared to D0 Goal: Demonstrate cost reduction at X10

20 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 20 MINOS Parasitic Running: Event Energy Distribution  MINOS oscillation experiment uses mainly le beam with shorter pme and phe runs for control and minimization of systematics.  An example of a running cycle would be: t 12 months le beam t 3 months pme beam t 1 month phe beam  Assuming 2 such cycles (3 year run) with 2.5x10 20 protons/year: 860 K events/ton. = 10.5 GeV t DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q 2 > 1.0 GeV 2 ) : 0.36 M events / ton. t Quasi elastic: 0.14 M events / ton. t Resonance + “Transition”: 0.36 M events / ton

21 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 21 Examples: Expected Statistical Errors-MINOS Parasitic Ratio Fe/C: Statistical Errors x B j MINOS 2-cycle.01 -.02 1.3 %.02 -.03 1.0.03 -.04 0.9.04 -.05 0.8.05 -.06 0.8.06 -.07 0.7

22 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 22 Prime User: he Event Energy Distribution  Run he beam configuration only! = 13.5 GeV  For example, 1 year neutrino plus 2 years anti-neutrino would yield: 1.6 M - events/ton 0.9 M - events/ton  DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q 2 > 1.0 GeV 2 ): 0.85 M events / ton 0.35 M events / ton t Shadowing region (x < 0.1): 0.3 M events/ton

23 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 23 Add a Liquid H 2 /D 2 Target H_2/D_2 Solid Scintillator MINOS Near Additional Tracking Fiducial volume: r = 80 cm. and l = 150 cm. 350 K CC events LH 2 ; 800 K CC events in LD 2 per year he- running.

24 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 24 Examples: Expected Statistical Errors - he Running High x Bj (he, 1 year, DIS): Statistical Errors x B j CHLH 2 LD 2.60 -.65 0.6 % 2 % 1.4 %.65 -.70 0.7 3 1.7.70 -.75 1.0 4 2.75 -.80 1.3 5 3.80 -.85 2 7 5.85 -.90 3 11 7.90 -.95 5 17 11.95 - 1.0 7 25 16 Ratios (he, 1 year, DIS): Statistical Errors x B j Fe/ LD 2 Fe/C.01 -.02 11%9 %.02 -.0365.03 -.044 3.04 -.053 2.05 -.062 1.7.06 -.071.7 1.4

25 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 25 Detector: Event Rates Event rates (2.5 x 10 20 protons per year) Parasitic Running Prime User Prime User (3 years) (1 year, he- ) (2 year, he - ) CH2.60 M4.80 M 2.70 M C0.85 M1.60 M 0.90 M Fe0.80 M1.55 M 0.85 M Pb0.75 M1.45 M 0.80 M LH 2 0.35 M 0.20 M LD 2 0.80 M 0.45 M

26 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 26 The Ultimate NuMI Neutrino Scattering Facility Nickolas Solomey Scintillator Strips MINOS Near H_2/D_2 Additional Scintillator Tracking Side Muon ID (Steel + Scintillator) TOF Magnet Electromagnetic Calorimeter Muon ID Steel + Scint

27 Jorge G. Morfín - NuFact02 - London, July 2002 27 Summary  Current NuMI/MINOS near detector designed to mimic far detector as closely as possible. There is a second type of near detector!  NuMI Beam is Intense: t yielding ≈ 860 K events/ton during MINOS run* t yielding ≈ 1.6 M events/ton-year in the he-mode.  NuMI Near Hall: t space for new detector(s) with w(x) ≤ 6 m, h(y) ≤ 4 m,(sum) L ≈ 25 m.  NuMI Near Hall Physics: can do much of this parasitically, need 3 years (  & ) he for full potential t cross section measurements - for own sake, oscillation systematics t spin of strange quark t strange particle production t nuclear effects t PDFs particularly high-x, study of leading exponentials of pQCD  (much improved measurement of e component of beam)  NuMI Near Hall Detector studies underway: t “solid scintillator” + planes of A: 3 - 5 ton fiducial volume - cost O($3M) t liquid H 2 / D 2 (bubble chamber): large target technically feasible - safety requirements….?

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