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Bad Physics in Movies !!  Find a short clip from a movie that shows activities that are not possible from a Physics stand-point.  Clips must be appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad Physics in Movies !!  Find a short clip from a movie that shows activities that are not possible from a Physics stand-point.  Clips must be appropriate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bad Physics in Movies !!

3  Find a short clip from a movie that shows activities that are not possible from a Physics stand-point.  Clips must be appropriate for school !!  Students will create and present a multi- media presentation for the class.

4  Title page: Movie title, names, data  Statement page: Brief description of the movie scene and the Physics concept you are using to disprove the movie clip  Movie clip ◦ Link to website of scene ◦ Embedded clip

5  Estimations ◦ Explain what part of the clip you had to estimate in order to begin any calculations  Calculations ◦ Begin with a statement of the Physics concept and formulas you will be discussing ◦ Show the calculations in a clear manner  Conclusion ◦ Make a concluding statement about why the calculations proved the Physics concept

6  Errors ◦ Discuss what may cause your own calculations to be off, such as friction, how you estimated, etc.  Cite References ◦ List sources you used including textbooks, websites, and the movie itself, personal interviews  GRAPHICS - make it interesting and fun!!

7  Movie “Troy” ◦  Sin City – Strength of bone

8  Open Season ◦ C:\Documents and Settings\togden\My Documents\2007 P-O\Students Video Projects\Open Season Presentation.pptx C:\Documents and Settings\togden\My Documents\2007 P-O\Students Video Projects\Open Season Presentation.pptx  Spiderman ◦ C:\Documents and Settings\togden\My Documents\2007 P-O\Students Video Projects\SPIDERMAN.pptx C:\Documents and Settings\togden\My Documents\2007 P-O\Students Video Projects\SPIDERMAN.pptx  300 ◦ C:\Documents and Settings\togden\My Documents\2007 P-O\Students Video Projects\Chad and dean\physics-300.pptx C:\Documents and Settings\togden\My Documents\2007 P-O\Students Video Projects\Chad and dean\physics-300.pptx

9  You may need to ESTIMATE for some of the data for your calculations  If so, submit in your written calculations what has been estimated and what has been measured, or timed.  The subject must be calculable – not just look like it is impossible.

10  Things that move too fast  Untrue trajectories  Things that break Newton’s 3 rules: ◦ Acceleration is proportional to force and indirectly proportional to mass. ◦ Law of Inertia ◦ Every action has an EQUAL and opposite reaction.

11  Lack of friction, or too much friction  Objects that fall at the wrong rate/incorrect gravity values.  Collisions that do not hold to the Law of Conservation of Momentum  Motion that does not hold to the Conservation of Energy

12  An electronic copy of your presentation.  A typewritten, brief summary of why the movie clip fails the test of Physics  Neatly written calculations  Refer to the Rubric for all the details you need to cover !!!

13  By Friday, March 20 ◦ submit a written description of the chosen movie clip. ◦ Meet with me to discuss how you will work to PROVE the physics behind the scene.

14  Prepare and present  NOTE: Make sure you check your calculations early, in case you need to change your topic!

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