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Please see me for your seating assignment.. Many of the inventions, appliances, tools, and buildings we live with today are made possible by the application.

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Presentation on theme: "Please see me for your seating assignment.. Many of the inventions, appliances, tools, and buildings we live with today are made possible by the application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please see me for your seating assignment.

2 Many of the inventions, appliances, tools, and buildings we live with today are made possible by the application of physics principles. Every time you take a step, catch a ball, open a door, whisper, or check your image in a mirror, you are unconsciously using your knowledge of Physics. What is PHYSICS?

3 You’ll need for Tablet Pencil Spiral or composition notebook for journaling. EVERYDAY…. Daily – Labs, Quizzes and WS30% Homework - 10% Major – Tests and Projects60 % GRADES

4 Let’s review the following: - Course Syllabus - Course Expectations - Grading Guidelines - Safety Agreement Now about me... My Website - My Email -

5 Sign up for Remind 101.

6 Now I’d like to learn more about you... Partner with someone at your table group that you don’t know well – Learn their name (or nickname) Favorite color and ice cream flavor What school activities they do What do they do for fun Next you will introduce your partner to the rest of the class...

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