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California State University STEM Conference CAL POLY- SAN LUIS OBISPO March 14, 2014 Nancy Stauch Vic Castillo, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "California State University STEM Conference CAL POLY- SAN LUIS OBISPO March 14, 2014 Nancy Stauch Vic Castillo, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 California State University STEM Conference CAL POLY- SAN LUIS OBISPO March 14, 2014 Nancy Stauch Vic Castillo, Ph.D.

2 Engineering and Undergraduate Preparation of Future Teachers – Cal Poly SLO  PSC 101 – parachutes  PSC 102 – pavers  Enhancing Learning with Computer Models  Learn By Doing Lab -- squishy circuits  PSC 103 - erosion

3 Who we are  Nancy Stauch  Teacher in residence – 10 years  Single subject placement coordinator  Science education advisor  Vic Castillo, Ph.D.  Group leader, Lawrence Livermore Lab  Computational science – 25 years  1-year sabbatical at CSU-SLO & UC Merced

4 NGSS Buddies ~a Cal Poly Collaboration

5 Chemistry, Engineering, Liberal Studies, Physics

6 Medical Mission Drop!

7 Parachute Research

8 Plan, Design, Launch!

9 Paver: Finished Product

10 Paver Density Testing

11 Paver Impact Testing

12 Comparisons and Constraints

13 Results and Recommendations

14 Enhancing Learning with Computer Models  CSU-SLO / LLNL collaboration  1-year sabbatical at CSU-SLO  Goals:  Increase computer simulation in curriculum  Expand on success of LLNL Teacher Research Academy

15 Why Computer Modeling?  Computers are getting faster and cheaper  It is an important tool for science  You can’t always do the experiment LLNL is the world leader in computational modeling and simulation

16 Modeling Tool: NetLogo  Free & Open Source  Runs on most computers  Lots of examples  Easy to use /

17 Learn By Doing Lab – Squishy Circuits  DISCERE FACIENDO: -> To learn by Doing  DISCERE FERMENTI: -> To Learn by Doughing (Squishy Circuits)

18 LBDL: Squishy Circuits Using Physical Model

19 LBDL: Squishy Circuits Using Computational Model

20 PSC 103: Erosion

21 Next Steps  Improved design  Physics/chemistry  Design of Experiments  Pre-service teachers developing computer simulations  PD for in-service teachers  Extend to other CSU’s

22 Keep in Touch  Vic Castillo   @STEMdev  Nancy Stauch 

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