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Buckinghamshire County Council G&T Updates June 2010 Tessa Ford / Cathy Tracy

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1 Buckinghamshire County Council G&T Updates June 2010 Tessa Ford / Cathy Tracy

2 Buckinghamshire County Council Ofsted Survey – Dec 2009 Gifted and Talented pupils in schools Read the Key Findings Do these find echo in your school?

3 Buckinghamshire County Council Ofsted recommendations (1): Schools should: focus on matching teaching to the individual needs of all pupils, including gifted and talented pupils elicit views from and listen more carefully to what pupils say about their learning, and act on the findings engage parents and carers more constructively by helping them to understand better the provision made for their gifted and talented children and how best they might support them

4 Buckinghamshire County Council Ofsted recommendations (2): use current funding to improve provision, especially through partnerships, collaborations and clusters of schools give lead teachers and coordinators sufficient status and responsibility to enable them to influence practice at a strategic level and explore fully the opportunities to improve provision ensure that processes for auditing and evaluating the impact of provision, including enriched curriculum activities, are sufficiently rigorous to inform planning and the improvement of teaching and learning.

5 Buckinghamshire County Council What can help? focus on matching teaching to the individual needs of all pupils, including gifted and talented pupils APP Guided group work (targeted teaching to a focus group) Pupil interviews – what do they like/ need? elicit views from and listen more carefully to what pupils say about their learning, and act on the findings

6 Buckinghamshire County Council engage parents and carers more constructively by helping them to understand better the provision made for their gifted and talented children and how best they might support them Letters home Meetings including parent / carer evenings Offer resources

7 Buckinghamshire County Council use current funding to improve provision, especially through partnerships, collaborations and clusters of schools

8 Buckinghamshire County Council give lead teachers and coordinators sufficient status and responsibility to enable them to influence practice at a strategic level and explore fully the opportunities to improve provision

9 Buckinghamshire County Council ensure that processes for auditing and evaluating the impact of provision, including enriched curriculum activities, are sufficiently rigorous to inform planning and the improvement of teaching and learning. IQS, CQS Tracking progress of G&T pupils Pupil interviews

10 Buckinghamshire County Council G&T Policy Bucksgfl/gt G&T Update (Optimus) subscription –Username –Password –Website –Bucks schools can email Cathy or Tessa for free username and password

11 Buckinghamshire County Council Bucks G&T Updates Feb 2010 YGT has gone – all resources moving to National Strategies website National Strategies

12 Buckinghamshire County Council Progression Skills

13 Buckinghamshire County Council Bucks G&T Updates Feb 2010 YGT has gone – all resources moving to National Strategies website National Strategies The National Register – Gone… but schools will have to report in some way Pupil and Parent Guarantees – Gone …. but…. Identification and IQS

14 Buckinghamshire County Council Generic Elements EntryDevelopingExemplary A- Effective teaching and learning strategies IQS Element 1 Identification The school/college has learning conditions and systems to identify gifted and talented pupils in all year groups and an agreed definition and shared understanding of the meaning of ‘gifted and talented’ within its own, local and national contexts Individual pupils are screened annually against clear criteria at school/college and subject/topic level Multiple criteria and sources of evidence are used to identify gifts and talents, including through the use of a broad range of quantitative and qualitative data An accurate record of the identified gifted and talented population is kept and updated. The record is used to identify under-achievement and exceptional achievement (both within and outside the population) and to track/review pupil progress The record is supported by a comprehensive monitoring, progress planning and reporting system which all staff regularly share and contribute to The identified gifted and talented population broadly reflects the school/college’s social and economic composition, gender and ethnicity Identification systems address issues of multiple exceptionality (pupils with specific gifts/talents and special educational needs) Identification processes are regularly reviewed and refreshed in the light of pupil performance and value- added data. The gifted and talented population is fully representative of the school/college’s population

15 Buckinghamshire County Council Bucks G&T Updates Feb 2010 YGT has gone – all resources moving to National Strategies website National Strategies The National Register – Gone… but schools will have to report in some way Pupil and Parent Guarantees – Gone …. Identification and IQS CQS

16 Buckinghamshire County Council Making good use of CQS Three Layers - How are you using them? - How are teachers/subjects using them? - Element 6 CQS and New Ofsted framework

17 Buckinghamshire County Council Bucks G&T Updates Feb 2010 YGT has gone – all resources moving to National Strategies website National Strategies The National Register – Gone… but schools will have to report in some way Pupil and Parent Guarantees – Gone …. Identification and IQS CQS Targeted Support Arrangements

18 Buckinghamshire County Council Targeted Support Arrangements £250 per FSM G&T pupil in year 9 Needs analysis toolkit - takes 15 – 20 mins to complete - suggests top ten current strengths and areas pupils may wish to work on, with practical support

19 Buckinghamshire County Council Bucks G&T Updates Feb 2010 YGT has gone – all resources moving to National Strategies website National Strategies The National Register – Gone… but schools will have to report in some way Pupil and Parent Guarantees – Gone …. Identification and IQS CQS Targeted Support Arrangements Gifted and Talented Black pupils’ achievement (

20 Buckinghamshire County Council Gifted and Talented Black pupils’ achievement Booklets sent out to all schools in Feb/March Aim to support leading teachers to improve school-wide provision for G&T Black pupils, through exploring ways to identify, support and challenge these pupils to raise their achievement and make good progress Four strands of development activity: - What is distinctive about G&T provision for Black pupils - Self-evaluation - Representation; identification and patterns of achievement - Inclusive curriculum and classroom practice

21 Buckinghamshire County Council Slides from Strand 1: The (slightly dated) view from Number 10 Poverty of aspiration is as damaging as poverty of opportunity and it is time to replace a culture of low expectations for too many with a culture of high standards for all...we should work on the principle of social justice for all, that no child should be left out or lose out, that as we raise standards we also narrow the social gap of attainment in education and that every child should be given the best chance to progress as far and as fast as they can. Gordon Brown (2007)

22 Buckinghamshire County Council The national programme for G&T education Within the national programme for gifted and talented education is a wider strategy to ensure that disadvantaged gifted and talented learners are identified and receive the challenge and support they need to overcome the obstacles they face and so reach the same level of achievement as their more advantaged peers…[this means combining] direct support for learners with action to improve the quality of personalised teaching and learning in all schools. Tim Dracup (2007)

23 Buckinghamshire County Council Race equality and achievement We need to create an educational system that sees race equality as an essential requirement of effective gifted and talented education provision; where all educators hold high expectations towards their bilingual and culturally diverse students; where schools celebrate the diversity which is their strength; where there is a requirement to be completely committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent individuals from realising their potential; where high levels of challenge are the right of all students. The REAL Project (2008)

24 Buckinghamshire County Council 2020 Vision – achievement gaps Gaps persist in part simply because they are difficult to rectify: the factors that contribute to them are complex and interrelated. These include individual attitudes, beliefs and expectations of pupils, parents and teachers. Closely linked to these are deep-seated social challenges, such as institutional racism, urban regeneration, economic development and migration. However the gaps also persist because, for too many pupils, school does not engage them or equip them with the skills they need. 2020 Vision (DfES, 2006)

25 Buckinghamshire County Council Personalisation: – understanding meaningful difference Personalising learning means, in practical terms, focusing in a more structured way on each child’s learning in order to enhance progress, achievement and participation. All children and young people have the right to receive support and challenge, tailored to their needs, interests and abilities. 2020 Vision (DfES, 2006)

26 Buckinghamshire County Council Excellence for All Downloadable from e/255788 e/255788 Mainly secondary based but easily adaptable Whole-school approach, for SLT and classroom enquiry into practice (including clear templates) Good section on Quality First Teaching – Enriching classroom experiences Appendix 6 – Developing high-level challenge, some dos and don’ts (summary document)

27 Buckinghamshire County Council Finding and exploring young children’s fascinations Strengthening the quality of gifted and talented provision in the early years Downloadable from e/348649?uc=force_deep e/348649?uc=force_deep Link between IQS and EYFS Themes and Commitments

28 Buckinghamshire County Council Eight Sections including: 1.What does it mean to be G&T in the early years 2.G&T children and creativity 3.The importance of early language and communication 4.A Unique Child 5.Positive Relationships 6.Enabling Environments 7.Learning and Development 8.Next Steps – Moving into KS1

29 Buckinghamshire County Council “Mindsets” ‘ If Billy Elliot is about one thing, it is that we are capable of making lives for ourselves which are full of joy and self- expression; while we might not all become ballet dancers, we are capable of finding moments of real profundity and creativity whatever our circumstances. But more than that, we have a duty to ourselves and each other to create a society where this possibility in al of us is nurtured and can flourish’ Lee Hall, Billy Elliot the Musical, book and lyrics

30 Buckinghamshire County Council Growth vs Fixed (Dweck, 2006) Getting it right vs having a go Creating a ‘passion for learning’ so that learners....... –Actively seek out new challenges –Welcome opportunities for intellectual development –Embrace problems and develop creative solutions –Welcome opportunities for collaborative learning

31 Buckinghamshire County Council Engaging Parents Case Study

32 Buckinghamshire County Council Enabling Contexts Practical ways to model the skills that children will need to adopt if they are to become successful lifelong learners (page 15) –Taking risks –Rising to new challenges –Being willing to share and make mistakes –Being imaginative –Being innovative –Immersion

33 Buckinghamshire County Council Resources Talk and Thought Cards Stimulating pictures with challenging, deep questions

34 Buckinghamshire County Council Dates for your Diary Repeat of Lead Teacher G&T Induction Training – Weds Nov 3 rd 2010 Whole-day Update training – Thurs February 10 th (with Lyn Bull, National Strategy Adviser for G&T, ex NAGTY)

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