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Learning Enrichment & Disability Services.  Introductions  Expectations  Being a Role Model  How People Learn  First Session  Tutoring Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Enrichment & Disability Services.  Introductions  Expectations  Being a Role Model  How People Learn  First Session  Tutoring Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Enrichment & Disability Services

2  Introductions  Expectations  Being a Role Model  How People Learn  First Session  Tutoring Strategies  Logistics

3 Name Class Year Major/Minor Why are you here? Course(s) you will be tutoring Previous tutoring experience

4 1. Confidentiality 2. Professional Boundaries 3. “Housekeeping” -Turn in forms on time - Keep in contact with the office 4. Reliability 5. Respect and empathy

5  Watch your email for assigned tutees after this training  Contact your tutees  Time  Date  Location

6  Dig out the old textbook  Review course material  Get paid to meet with professor  Structure your first session  Visit our office to get forms

7  Get to know your tutee  1 st Session interview  Orientation quiz  Tutee Expectations Agreement form  Record of Tutoring form

8  Discuss goals  Get a copy of syllabus  Talk about how tutees can learn from each other  Actually tutor  Plan the next meeting

9 1. Get your tutee to do the talking  Check in  Identify needs for the session  Review material from previous sessions or most recent class

10 2. Address Needs  Break task into steps  Prompt with clues, first steps, challenging, asking questions clarifying  Don’t be afraid of the awkward silence…until 10 seconds have passed  Positive affirmation!

11 3. Provide closure  Confirm understanding  Ask tutees 3 important questions  What did you learn?  What do you still need clarification on?  Is there anything you want to cover in the next session?  Suggest further resources or practice

12  Close the gap between studying and test performance  HOW? 1. Lower anxiety 2. Build confidence 3. Practice

13  Make sleep a priority  Eat well  Exercise  Take prescribed medications  Journal  Be friendly

14 Carol Dweck  Fixed Mindset  Intelligence = static  Plateau early  Growth Mindset  Intelligence = can be developed  Higher level of achievement

15 When you meet a tiger in the jungle… Barbara Fredrickson Positive emotions promote more creative and focused thinking

16  Claude Steele Claude Steele  Negative stereotypes impair performance on high-stakes tests

17  Professor or Advisor  TAs or CAs  Other Learning Enrichment and Disability Services  Writing Center  Library

18 CHALLENGES  Differences in how  Less individual attention  Learning from each other  Solidarity  We can serve more students BENEFITS

19 Encourage tutees to become a team Point out successful strategies Encourage BOTH tutees to participate actively Notice body language/facial expressions

20  Unprepared tutee  Tutee wants you to do their homework  Complaining about class/professor  Tutee calls you at 6 am  Tutee doesn’t show up

21  Pay = $7.50/hour  No more than 2 hours of tutoring in a row   Not paid if your tutee does not show   Signed Record of Tutoring form + Time Sheet = Money


23 Record of Tutoring** Time Sheet** Tutee Expectations/Agreement Form** First Session Interview** Tutoring Session Summary Sheet** Master Schedule** Syllabus **Available in the office- Please come to get these when you’re assigned tutees

24 Extra help for you! Language Learning with Professor Sylvia Lopez Strategies for Science with Professor Kevin Braun Check e-mail for further information

25  Respond to emails or phone calls ASAP (24 hours)  You will be observed  If your tutee wants more or fewer hours of tutoring, inform the office

26 Questions? Suggestions?  Joy de Leon Director of Learning Enrichment and Disability Services 2 nd floor Pearsons x: 2572  Learning Assistant Staff

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