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What assessment is—and isn’t Data What is happening Frequency Volume Information Does measure indicate requirements are met? Knowledge Data and information.

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Presentation on theme: "What assessment is—and isn’t Data What is happening Frequency Volume Information Does measure indicate requirements are met? Knowledge Data and information."— Presentation transcript:


2 What assessment is—and isn’t Data What is happening Frequency Volume Information Does measure indicate requirements are met? Knowledge Data and information doesn’t automatically add up to knowledge; that takes insight and understanding

3 Assessment Presentation by Dr. Tracy Pellett Executive Director of University Assessment

4 People without information cannot act. People with information cannot help but act. Ken Blanchard

5 Organizations committed to improvement assess to understand….. Ways organizations have changed. Current & future needs of constituencies. How well current practices meet needs. Gaps between results and goals. Root causes for the gaps. Types of programs needed to alleviate gaps

6 Importance of Assessment Can replace hunches with facts Can identify gaps (current to future) Helps solve problems instead of symptoms Understand impact of processes Allows targeting of services Provides information to eliminate ineffective practices Ensures best bang for the buck

7 Information and Technology Services Role Assess own processes and products in relation to division goals Assist other divisions

8 Assessment in ITS at MSU Data/Statistics Services we provide Equipment in classrooms Information Satisfaction Efficiency Effectiveness

9 Assessment in ITS at MSU Data we’re collecting Help Desk tickets MavPrint usage ACC room and computer lab usage Website visits Surveys that have been taken Customer support satisfaction Services awareness Technology access satisfaction – Networks – Labs


11 What people are telling us: students MnSCU survey, MSU population, August 2005 I am a:

12 What people are telling us: students MnSCU survey, MSU population, August 2005 What best describes your level of IT skill/ability?

13 What people are telling us: students MnSCU survey, MSU population, August 2005 Level of importance: IT staff availability Level of satisfaction: IT staff availability

14 What people are telling us: students Level of importance: IT staff knowledge and competence Level of satisfaction: IT staff knowledge and competence

15 What people are telling us: students

16 Level of importance: Timeliness of responses to my technology needs by information technology support staff. Level of satisfaction: Timeliness of responses to my technology needs by information technology support staff. Similar result for “availability of IT support” question

17 What people are telling us: students

18 Level of importance: Student access to the campus computer network Level of satisfaction: Student access to the campus computer network

19 What people are telling us: students Level of importance: My understanding of the range of IT services provided to me as a student by my campus Level of satisfaction: My understanding of the range of IT services provided to me as a student by my campus

20 What people are telling us: students I know how to report an IT problem (equipment, application software, etc.) on my campus

21 What people are telling us: students I am aware of student information security policies and responsibilities on my campus I am aware of other technology policies (computer lab, usage/downloading, etc.) policies on my campus

22 What people are telling us: students MnSCU survey, MSU population, August 2005 Desire2Learn meets my educational needs My D2L homepage is easy to access and navigate

23 What people are telling us: students Campus-provided email account

24 What people are telling us: students Campus-provided printing services

25 What people are telling us: students Campus Computer Store

26 What people are telling us: students Campus Computer Labs

27 What people are telling us: students Campus Computer Help Desk/ Customer Support

28 What people are telling us: students Wireless campus

29 What people are telling us: students Accessing computer network from campus

30 What people are telling us: students Accessing computer network from home

31 What people are telling us: students Overall, how would you rate your current satisfaction with technology services?

32 What people are telling us: students Has your satisfaction with technology services changed over the past 12 months?

33 What people are telling us: students Overall, how would you rate your current satisfaction with technology equipment?

34 What people are telling us: students Are you able to get the online information or data you need?

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