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8th Grade Pre-Algebra McDowell

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1 8th Grade Pre-Algebra McDowell
Notes 8th Grade Pre-Algebra McDowell Chapter 4

2 Exponents 9/11 Base Exponent Exponents Show repeated multiplication
The number being multiplied Exponent The number of times to multiply the base

3 Example 2 x 2 x 2 4 x 2 8

4 Example (-2)² -2 x –2 4 -2² -1 x 2² -1 x 2 x 2 -1 x 4 -4

5 Examples (12 – 3)²  (2² - 1²) (-a)³ for a = -3 5(2h² – 4)³ for h = 3

6 Number Sets 9/14 Whole Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . Natural for short
0, 1, 2, 3, Natural Numbers for short Also known as the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .

7 Numbers that can be written as fractions
Integers Positive and negative whole numbers for short . . . –2, -1, 0, 1, 2, . . . Rational Numbers Numbers that can be written as fractions for short ½, ¾, -¼, 1.6, 8, -5.92

8 You Try Copy and fill in the Venn Diagram that compares Whole Numbers, Natural Numbers, Integers, and Rational Numbers Whole #s

9 Integers greater than one with more than two positive factors
Integers greater than one with two positive factors 1 and the original number Prime Numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, . . . Composite Numbers Integers greater than one with more than two positive factors 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24,

10 Factor Trees Steps A way to factor a number into its prime factors
Is the number prime or composite? Steps If prime: you’re done If Composite: Is the number even or odd? If even: divide by 2 If odd: divide by 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 or another prime number Write down the prime factor and the new number Is the new number prime or composite?

11 Example Find the prime factors of 99 prime or composite even or odd
divide by 3 3 33 prime or composite even or odd divide by 3 3 11 prime or composite The prime factors of 99: 3, 3, 11

12 Example Find the prime factors of 12 prime or composite even or odd
divide by 2 2 6 prime or composite even or odd divide by 2 2 3 prime or composite The prime factors of 12: 2, 2, 3

13 You Try Find the prime factors of 8 2. 15 3. 82 4. 124 5. 26

14 GCF 9/15 GCF Greatest Common Factor
the largest factor two or more numbers have in common.

15 1. Find the prime factors of each number or expression
Steps to Finding GCF 2. Compare the factors 3. Pick out the prime factors that match 4. Multiply them together

16 126 150 2 63 75 2 15 21 5 3 5 3 3 7 The common factors are 2, 3 2 x 3
Find the GCF of 126 and 150 Example 126 150 2 63 75 2 15 21 5 3 5 3 3 7 The common factors are 2, 3 2 x 3 The GCF of 126 and 150 is 6

17 Example Find the GCF of 24x4 and 16x3 24xxxx 16xxx 2 12 8 2 4 6 2 2 2
The common factors are 2, 2, 2, x, x, x 2(2)(2)xxx The GCF is 8x3

18 You Try Work Book P 62 # even

19 Simplifying Fractions 9/16
Simplest form When the numerator and denominator have no common factors

20 Simplifying fractions
1. Find the GCF between the numerator and denominator 2. Divide both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by that GCF

21 Example Simplify 28 52 28s Prime factors: 2, 2, 7
Use a factor tree to find the prime factors of both numbers and then the GCF 28s Prime factors: 2, 2, 7 52s Prime factors: 2, 2, 13 GCF: 2 x 2 4 28 52  4 = 7 13

22 Example Simplify 12a5b6 18a2b8 12s Prime factors: 2, 2, 3
Use a factor tree to find the prime factors of both numbers and then the GCF 12s Prime factors: 2, 2, 3 18s Prime factors: 2, 3, 3 12 18  6 = 2aaaaabbbbbb 3aabbbbbbbb GCF: 2 x 3 6 2aaa 3bb 2a3 3b2

23 You Try Write each fraction in simplest form 27 30 15x2y 45xy3

24 Fractions that represent the same amount
Equivalent fractions Fractions that represent the same amount ½ and 2/4 are equivalent fractions

25 Making Equivalent Fractions 1. Pick a number
2. Multiply the numerator and denominator by that same number 5 8 x 3 = 15 24

26 You Try Find 3 equivalent fractions to 6 11

27 Are the Fractions equivalent? 1. Simplify each fraction 2. Compare the simplified fraction 3. If they are the same then they are equivalent

28 You try Work Book p 49 #1-17 odd

29 Least common Denominator 9/17
When fractions have the same denominator

30 Steps to Making Common Denominators 1. Find the LCM of all the denominators 2. Turn the denominator of each fraction into that LCM using multiplication Remember: what ever you multiply by on the bottom, you have to multiply by on the top!


32 Make each fraction have a common denominator 5/6, 4/9
Example Make each fraction have a common denominator 5/6, 4/9 Find the LCM of 6 and 9 Multiply to change each denominator to 18 5 x 3 6 x 3 = 15 18 4 x 2 9 x 2 = 8 18

33 What are the least common denominators? ¼ and 1/3 5/7 and 13/12
You try What are the least common denominators? ¼ and 1/3 5/7 and 13/12

34 Comparing And Ordering fractions Manipulate the fractions so each has the same denominator Compare/order the fractions using the numerators (the denominators are the same)

35 You try Order the rational numbers from least to greatest
8/15, 6/13, 5/9, 4/7 -2/3, ½, 4/7, -4/5 Graph each group of rational numbers on a number line -1 1

36 Evaluating fractions Plug and chug
Substitute in the values for the variables then chug chug chug out the answer in simplest form

37 Example Plug Chug Remember Sally Evaluate
x(xy – 8) for x = 3 and y = 9 60 Example Plug 3(3•9 – 8) 60 Chug Remember Sally 3(27 – 8) 60 3(19) 60 3 19 20

38 You try Workbook p 68 # 1-17 odd, 18

39 Exponents and Multiplication 9/18
The long way 25 • 23 (2 • 2 • 2 • 2 • 2) • (2 • 2 • 2) expand Convert back to exponential form 28

40 The short way 25 • 23 25+3 28 Same bases so we can add the exponents
Simplify 28

41 Multiplying Powers With the Same base Works for numbers and variables When same base powers are multiplied, just add the exponents Remember baseexponent

42 Examples x2x2x2 x2+2+2 x6 32y5 • 34y10 32 • 34y5y10
Associative Property 32+4y5+10 Add exponents 36y15

43 You Try x5x7 74a8 • 7a11 A Parisian mathematician, Nicolas Chuquet, who is credited with the first use exponents and with naming large numbers (billion, trillion, etc.)

44 Raising a power to a power 9/18
The long way (x2)3 x2 • x2 • x2 expand (x • x) • (x • x) • (x • x) Convert back to exponential form x6

45 The short way Multiply the exponents (x2)3 x6

46 Exponent means “out of place” in Latin
You try (x6)7 (x8)5 Exponent means “out of place” in Latin Micheal Stifel named exponents—he was German, a monk, a mathematics professor. He was once arrested for predicting the end of the world once it was proven he was wrong.

47 You try Workbook p 68 # 1-17 odd, 18

48 Exponent Rules 9/21 Exponents Rules
Everything raised to the zero power is 1(except zero) Exponents Rules x0 = 1for x  0 10980 = 1 (-23)0 = 1

49 Exponent Rules Negative exponents mean the exponential is on the wrong side of the fraction bar Make that power happy by moving it to the other side of the fraction bar x-2 = 1 x2

50 Examples Simplify 1 a3 a-3 = 1 y-5 = y5 b-10 = 2-2 22 b10

51 You Try Simplify a-12 1 x-7 3. c-10 c2d-3

52 Division and Exponents 9/21
The long way expand x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Cross out pairs 1 x3

53 The short way x6 x9 x6-9 x-3 1 x3 Subtract the exponents
Top minus bottom x6-9 Simplify x-3 Make all exponents positive 1 x3 9 is bigger than 6 so it makes sense that the x is in the denominator

54 Examples Simplify 45x4y7 9x6y3

55 You try 1. x5 x4 2. a10 a12 a2b4 8a5b2

56 Scientific Notation 9/22 Powers Of Ten Factors 10 10x10 10x10x10
Product 100 1,000 10,000 Power 101 102 103 104 # of 0s 1 2 3 4

57 Factors 1 10 10x10 10x10x10 10x10x10x10 Product 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 Power 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 # of 0s After the decimal 2 3

58 A short way to write really big or really small numbers using factors
Scientific Notation A short way to write really big or really small numbers using factors Looks like: 2.4 x 104

59 One factor will always be a power of ten: 10n
The other factor will be less than 10 but greater than one 1 < factor < 10 And will usually have a decimal

60 The first factor tells us what the number looks like
The exponent on the ten tells us how many places to move the decimal point

61 A positive exponent moves the decimal to the right
Makes the number bigger A negative exponent moves the decimal to the left Makes the number smaller

62 Move the decimal 6 hops to the right 4.6 x 106
Convert between scientific notation and expanded notation Example Move the decimal 6 hops to the right 4.6 x 106 Rewrite

63 You Try Write in expanded notation 2.3 x 10-3 5.76 x 107 Answers 0.0023 57,600,000

64 Convert between expanded notation and scientific notation
Example 13,700,000 Figure out how many hops it takes to get a factor between 1 and 10 1.3,700,000 Rewrite: the number of hops is your exponent 1.3 x 107

65 If you hop left the exponent will be positive---the number is bigger than 0
If you hop right the exponent will be negative---the number is less than zero

66 You Try Write in scientific notation 340,000,000 Answers 3.4 x 108 9.82 x 10-4

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