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Support for Families of Schools: ensuring Consistency in Teacher Assessment.

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1 Support for Families of Schools: ensuring Consistency in Teacher Assessment

2 Key changes in the English NC Order Greater consistency between the Welsh and English Orders Corresponding numbering of Skills and Range across Key Stages 2 and 3 Language Development sections in all 3 ATs have been subsumed within Skills or Range References to Media, Drama and Moving Image have been strengthened Audience, Range and Forms are identified as being wide and flexible

3 Reading Reference to punctuation has been added In Skills, talking and writing are identified as response modes Opportunities for collaborative reading are signalled Use of ICT packages to promote information retrieval strategies and collation of information In KS2 and 3 the Range section now identifies texts,' that reflect the diversity of society in the twenty-first century’ Level descriptions at Levels 6 and 7 make reference to ‘non-literary texts’

4 Writing Reference to presentation and the use of ICT Range sections common to all key stages Reference to ‘organising writing into paragraphs,’ appears at Level 4 From Level 5 onwards references to punctuation are not itemised Reference to ‘joined writing’ is omitted. The phrase, ‘work is legible and well presented,’ appears from Level 5 onwards

5 Oracy More explicit references to the importance of providing opportunities to listen In KS2 PoS reference is made to ‘evaluate…’ and ‘develop understanding of how to improve…’ Similar requirements appear at KS3 and KS4 In the level descriptions, standard English is first referred to at Level 4

6 Expectations and progression in English End of key stage assessment: Oracy Reading Writing

7 Learner Profiles: DVD – Oracy (AT1) KS2 – levels 3,4 and 5 KS3 – levels 4, 6 and 7 Reading and Writing (AT2 and 3) KS2 – levels 3, 4 and 5 KS3 – level 5, 6 and 7

8 Key events/requirements School year 2009/2010 Key Stage 2 Schools receive second tranche of OSAMs, plus launch conferences Inclusion of Welsh Second Language in statutory end of key stage teacher assessment and reporting to parents Key Stage 3 Final phase of external moderation and verifiers’ visits, under current arrangements to support teacher assessment

9 Future Assessment Arrangements Emphasis on Teacher Assessment Support for Teacher Assessment Development through Partnership Robust National System

10 Key Stage 3 Accreditation Process rather than single event External moderation component Verification component

11 Revised Arrangements for Key Stage 3 – support for teacher assessment Transition links strengthened by KS2/KS3 cluster group moderation arrangements External moderation of departmental sample evidence Verification of school-based systems and procedures Leading to: Recognition of quality of teacher assessment via accreditation

12 External moderation and accreditation Based on central service to moderate sample evidence from all school departments Sample evidence comprises each department’s selection of learners’ work plus teachers’ commentary to identify alignment to national standards External moderation reports generated by teams of moderators, working in a central venue under the supervision of senior moderators and subject to quality assurance School visits by verifiers

13 Sample Evidence for English For each level AT1 – Oracy (secondary evidence, i.e. teacher records) –Group discussion and interaction –Individual talk or role play AT2 – Reading: –An extended response showing understanding of a literary text –An extended response showing understanding of a non-literary text AT3 – Writing: –Extended response to imaginative / personal task –Extended response to transactional task

14 Oracy Recording systems Task setting Evaluation/reflection

15 Reading Choice of texts Task setting Relevant response Literary/non-literary

16 Writing Commentary to contextualise writing Use of scaffolding Brevity of evidence Transactional writing

17 Contact details 3-14 Curriculum and Assessment Division DCELLS Welsh Assembly Government Floor 10, Southgate House Wood Street Cardiff CF10 1EW Tel:0800 083 6003 Fax: 029 2037 5496 E-mail: C&A3-14.C&

18 SWAMWAC Guidance

19 Standardisation Portfolios

20 End of key stage learner profiles

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