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E3an – the process Sean Wellington/Djamel Azzi. phase one themes  Analogue Electronics  Digital Electronics and Microprocessors  Circuit Theory  Signal.

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Presentation on theme: "E3an – the process Sean Wellington/Djamel Azzi. phase one themes  Analogue Electronics  Digital Electronics and Microprocessors  Circuit Theory  Signal."— Presentation transcript:

1 e3an – the process Sean Wellington/Djamel Azzi

2 phase one themes  Analogue Electronics  Digital Electronics and Microprocessors  Circuit Theory  Signal Processing

3 theme process  Consultants recruited from the four partner institutions  Initial meeting of theme teams  Sample questions written and circulated for comment  Consultants wrote the remainder of their allocated questions (target 300 questions per theme)  Final meeting for peer review of the entire question bank

4 briefing session  Introduction to e 3 an project, objectives, participants, timescales and deliverables  Overview of issues in student assessment  QAA outcomes-based approach  QAA Code of practice: Assessment of students  Importance of timely formative feedback  Guidelines for writing effective objective test questions  Case studies drawn from the electrical and electronic engineering curriculum

5 key curriculum areas  Theme leader and consultants met to discuss and agree:  Key curriculum areas  Indicative level  Introductory  Intermediate  Advanced  Allocation of curriculum areas/question types – equitable distribution of workload

6 writing the questions  The process should be as easy as possible for the consultants  Electronic format preferred (MS Word templates provided)  Accepted handwritten copy that could be scanned into the database  Symbols used in diagrams should comply with IEE guidelines

7 MS Word templates  Provided for:  Question Meta Data  Multiple Choice  Multiple Response  Examination  Numeric  Text  Hotspot

8 Metadata  Type of item - what sort of question  Time - expected to take in minutes  Level - Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced  Discrimination - Threshold, Good or Excellent students  Cognitive Level - Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis  Synthesis, Evaluation  Style - Formative, Summative, Formative or Summative, or Diagnostic  Theme  Subtheme  Related themes  Description - free text  Key words - free text

9 the review process  Consultants met to review all the questions produced for a particular theme:  Clarity of question and outline solution  Suitability for the allocated theme or sub- theme  Appropriate time allocation

10 experiences of phase one  Rich bank of questions produced for phase one subjects  The question review process produced very little disagreement, despite the diverse range of institutions participating in the project  Several of the project consultants began to actively embrace the use of CAA, particularly for formative assessment

11 e3an consultant’s perspective  Opportunities to  network with academics elsewhere  look at and update one’s own bank of questions  learn about different types of assessments  obtain new questions from other consultants  undertake continuous professional development  take one step towards implementing effective CAA  faster, more frequent, fairer assessment to cope with ever increasing student numbers  timely feedback to students (especially the less able ones)

12 e3an consultant’s perspective  Benefits  bank of questions that covers several topics  a little bit of money

13 phase two target themes  Power Electronics  Applied Electromagnetics  Programming for Engineers  Control Engineering  Mathematics for Engineers  Telecommunications  Data Communications  Semiconductor Physics  Computational tools

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