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EQUIS STUDENT SURVEY EFMD Quality Improvement System The EFMD Accreditation for International Business Schools Equis Core-Team,

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Presentation on theme: "EQUIS STUDENT SURVEY EFMD Quality Improvement System The EFMD Accreditation for International Business Schools Equis Core-Team,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQUIS STUDENT SURVEY EFMD Quality Improvement System The EFMD Accreditation for International Business Schools Equis Core-Team,

2 Welcome and Presentations  Goals of this meeting

3 Agenda Introduction to EQUIS Two institutions under one roof What are the Benefits? What could your role be? Taking the Student Survey

4 What is EQUIS? EQUIS is an international system of strategic review, quality improvement and accreditation for the assessment of high quality international business schools in widely different national contexts. Launched in 1997 by EFMD, the European Foundation for Management Development to satisfy the demand for an international accreditation scheme.

5 What is EFMD? An international not-for-profit institutional membership organisation of business schools and corporations based in Brussels, Belgium, with offices in HK and Miami. Currently with 825 members from academia, business, public service and consultancy across 82 countries. A mission to promote and enhance excellence in management education and development internationally. “Bridge” between the corporate and management education worlds.

6 What’s unique about it?  Institutional Assessment Whole School assessment Degree and non-degree programmes, including executive education  Linked to both academic and corporate needs Involves both academic and corporate stakeholders Balance between academic and professional skills Emphasis on personal development Corporate links: key criterion

7 What’s unique about it?  Importance of strategy and governance  Giving diversity a framework Commonly agreed standards + respect the diversity of national systems Considers Italian educational and cultural environment and relates it to the wider international context Full strategic review regarding a school’s future development

8 What’s unique about it?  Internationalisation as a key criterion Recognition of high international quality 10 key interrelated areas  Providing a flexible development tool Quality as an ongoing process: schools open their doors to evaluation by peers and professional stakeholders


10 What are the Benefits of EQUIS? International recognition of excellence Mechanism for International benchmarking with the best Schools Sharing of good practice and good practices amongst the EFMD network Recommendations for quality improvement and future development It is a competitive advantage receiving a degree from an EQUIS accredited institution International exchanges with accredited Universities International placements and internships

11 What organisations are applying? DBM & Luiss BS: Two institutions under one roof

12 What is the undergoing process? DBM and LUISS BUSINESS SCHOOL are undergoing a systemic review and assessment in the EQUIS Key Area. By May 5 a Self Assessment Report together with a Student Survey will be sent to EFMD. On June 23-25 a Peer Review Visit will take place. Groups of students will be invited to meet the Peer Reviewer on June 24.

13 Currently here

14 What could your role be? Answer an online Student Survey on topics relevant to Equis on march 13 or 20. Has been planned two meetings one at 2 p.m. and another at 4,30 p.m. To participate please fill the form and send an email to

15 Thank you! EQUIS Core Team:

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