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Differentiated Assessment

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1 Differentiated Assessment

2 “If we are finally to connect assessment to school improvement in meaningful ways, we must come to see assessment through new eyes.” -Richard J. Stiggens

3 Synectics For example, differentiated assessment is like juggling because it seems like having many balls in the air at once. Differentiated assessment is like _____________________________ because _____________________________.

4 Essential Questions Essential Question 1: Why a differentiated classroom? Essential Question 2: How is differentiated assessment different from other assessments? Essential Question 3: What does differentiated assessment look like?

5 Essential Question 1 Why a differentiated classroom?
“Differentiated instruction is doing what’s fair for students.” -Rick Wormeli

6 100% Engagement

7 A Perfect Learning Environment
Student directed. No fear of failure. Success is attainable. Success is rewarded with more sophistication.


9 Essential Question 2 How is differentiated assessment different from other assessments? “Differentiation places particular emphasis on pre-assessment and formative assessment. -Carol Ann Thomlinson & Tonya R. Moon

10 They are each part of the puzzle.
Differentiated assessment cannot be separated from these three vital components. They are each part of the puzzle.

11 Differentiated Content
and Pre-Assessment Learning Profile: Readiness. Learning style. Interest. Purpose: “…to quickly optimize the match between learner need and teacher instruction” -Carol Tomlinson & Tonya Moon

12 What are some specific ways you use pre-assessment?

13 Match the term to the definition
Terms: Accommodations ___ Adaptation ___ Parallel Curriculum ___ Overlapping Curriculum ___ Definitions: The content remains the same, but different product outcomes are expected from each student. The content remains the same, but the process by which the students engage with the content changes. The content remains the same, but it is adjusted to fit the students’ various levels of cognitive development. The content and goals (alternative standards) may be different for different students in the class, but there is still some overlap.

14 Differentiated Process and Self-Assessment
The power of becoming skilled in self-assessment. The importance of metacognition when monitoring their progress. The motivation that can result from setting their own goals to progress in learning. “At the heart of our assessment dilemma are missed opportunities to harness the energy of students as collaborators in the assessment process.” -John B. Bond

15 Differentiated Product and Performance and Choice Assessment
Performance Assessment Choice More than one opportunity for success Assessment as a rehearsal for learning?

16 Thinking about the three aspects of a differentiated product; which aspect do you feel could optimize your own assessment practice and why?

17 Differentiated Assessment as Part of Content, Process and Product
Enables teachers to use information about students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to inform their teaching. Assessment for Learning Involves students in the learning process where they monitor their own progress, ask questions and practice skills. Assessment as Learning Assessment of Learning Teachers use evidence of student learning to assess student achievement against learning goals and standards.

18 Differentiated assessment changes the traditional model of student learning.
FOR OF Assessment Learning Figure 3.1 Traditional Assessment Pyramid Figure 3.2 Reconfigured Assessment Pyramid by Sandra Crane, July 31, 2014

19 The Bottom Line Differentiated assessment is just best practice that many of us are doing… but to impact student learning we need to be deliberate about it and apply it in systematic and purposeful ways.

20 Essential Question 3 What does differentiated assessment look like?
“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” -Maya Angelou

21 “If I were teaching you how to play golf, I would not determine whether you had met my standards by giving you a multiple-choice test. I would put you out on the golf course to "construct your own responses" in the face of real-world challenges. Similarly, in school we are ultimately less interested in how much information students can acquire than how well they can use it.” -Jon Mueller

22 Differentiated Assessments
Across the Curriculum

23 Differentiated Assessments Across the Curriculum: Math
Homework Menu Note: Your partner must be an adult or a student your age or older. ©2009 by Abbie Fox,

24 ©2009 Paul Forman
“Do we want to evaluate student problem-posing and problem-solving in mathematics? Experimental research in science? Speaking, listening, and facilitating a discussion? Doing document-based historical inquiry? Thoroughly revising a piece of imaginative writing until it "works" for the reader? Then let our assessment be built out of such exemplary intellectual challenges.” -Grant Wiggins

25 English, Science, History, etc.
Mind-Maps English, Science, History, etc.

26 Health

27 Fine Arts: Music

28 Quantum Physics

29 Deeper Thinking

30 50+Tools for Differentiating Instruction Through Social Media

31 Exit Slips and Socratic Seminars
©2011 IRA/NCTE. All rights reserved. materials may be reproduced for educational purposes.

32 For more information go to
© 2015 Utah Education Association

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