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Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation By: Marie Stewart E-MailE-Mail WebsiteWebsite Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

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Presentation on theme: "Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation By: Marie Stewart E-MailE-Mail WebsiteWebsite Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation By: Marie Stewart E-MailE-Mail WebsiteWebsite Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. -William Butler Yeats

2 ● Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education K-5 ● Student taught at Little River Elementary School ● 1st Grade ● Taught all subjects: Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies ● Collaborating Teacher: Dana West Marie Stewart

3 3 Where The Eagles Soar

4 4 Little River Elementary ● Approximately 1250 students ●120 Teachers and Support Staff ● Grades Kindergarten through 5 th Grade ● Students Feed into Mill Creek Middle and River Ridge High School. ● The School is located off Trickum Road in Woodstock, Georgia. ● Most of the families in this community are middle to lower class families. ● Principal Mr. Kirby ● Assistant principals Ms. Ward and Ms. Philpot

5 5 Little River Elementary Demographic Data ● 62% Caucasian ● 18% Hispanic ● 9% Black ● 7% Asian ● 4% Multi-Racial ● 25% of the schools population receives free/reduced lunch

6 My First Grade Classroom 6 ● The Class is made up of 26 students. Diversity: 13 Boys and 13 Girls ● 19 Caucasian ● 3 African Americans ● 3 Multi Racial ● 1 Moroccan ● 4 Gifted students were tested with test results pending. ● 1 Speech ● 1 ESOL ● 2 EIP ● 2 Self Contained Students ● 4 RTI Students ● 1 Tier 1 ● 2 Tier 2 ● 1 Tier 3

7 Our Daily Schedule in Room 506 7 7:30-8:15 -Homeroom (announcements/morning work) 8:15-9:00- Math 9:00-9:15- Snack/Read for A.R. 9:30-9:45- Literacy Block (Phonics, Guided Reading) 10:50-11:20- Lunch 11:20-12:00- Grammar/Writing 12:00-12:12:20- Recess 12:20-12:35- Restroom/Water Break 12:35-1:20- Connections 1:20-1:30- Pack Up 1:30-2:10 Science/Social Studies 2:15- Begin Dismissal Procedures

8 My Thoughts and Feelings, Fears, Strengths and Weaknesses as I Began Candidate Teaching 8 Anxious Excited Unsure Thrilled Patience

9 DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT PSOE Proficiency 1.0: The teacher candidate uses knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to same essential content. Reflective Analysis: How did I use knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to same essential content? 9

10 1.0 Pre-Assessment Activities 10 Science Lesson Plans Language Arts Lesson Plans Pre-Assessed what students knew about penguins using a KWL chart. Students were given a pre-assessment on adjectives. I wanted to see if they could correctly locate adjectives in a sentence.

11 1.O Pre-Assessment Activities 11 I pre-assessed students on the Water cycle. Students were asked to verbally explain how the water cycle works. Students were given a pre-assessment the day before the lesson I wanted to know what they knew about Producers and consumers.

12 12 The Planning Process ● Reviewing Student Assessment Data ● Mrs. Stewart’s Lesson Plans ● Mrs. West’s Ideas, Advice, and Lesson Plans ● 1 st Grade Team Planning

13 My Lesson Plans 13 ● Science Lesson PlanScience Lesson Plan ● Language Arts Lesson PlanLanguage Arts Lesson Plan ● Social Studies Lesson PlanSocial Studies Lesson Plan

14 DOMAIN II: PROVIDING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT PSOE Proficiency 2.0: The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment. Reflective Analysis: How did I utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment? 14

15 2.0 Differentiated Instruction & Assessment 15 Social Studies ● Differentiated Assessment ● Leveled High Middle & Low Groups

16 2.0 Differentiated Instruction & Assessment 16 Flexible Grouping/Partner Work Choice Boards

17 2.0 Differentiated Instruction & Assessment 17 Math Compacting Classes ● High ● Middle High ● Middle Low ● Low Leveled Guided Reading Groups

18 DOMAIN III: IMPACTING STUDENT LEARNING Proficiency 3.0: The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction. Reflective Analysis: How did I use systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction? 18

19 3.0 Impacting Student Learning 19 Science Lesson Plan (Water Cycle) ● I used my Pre-Assessment Checklist to quickly note which children knew about the water cycle and the process.

20 3.0 Impacting Student Learning 20 KWL ● I used the KWL to find out what the students learned about penguins. Guided Reading ● Fluency Checks were given to place students in correct guided reading groups and they were monitored during guided reading lessons.

21 DOMAIN IV: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT OF DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 4.0: The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning. Reflective Analysis: How did I display a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support student’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning? How has my teaching philosophy changed during Candidate Teaching? 21

22 4.0 Professional Development Activities & Organizations 22

23 23 4.0 Teaching Philosophy 2005 ● The importance of classroom management ● Did not know the many types of assessment that could be used, formal/informal ● Not fully aware of the importance of differentiation ● Did not know how valuable organization would be for time management Now ● It was easy to see student growth using pre and post assessments ● Comfortable using differentiation and incorporating in the classroom ● Knowing your students is key to differentiation ● Being very familiar with content knowledge and helping students learn to think critically.

24 Conclusion 24 What’s Next? ● Return to Paraprofessional Position ● Take the Reading and S.S. Gace Test ● Seek a full time teaching position How Will I Continue My Professional Education? ● Masters Degree ● Gifted Endorsement ● Technology Courses ● Math Workshops

25 Reflections 25

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